I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 157: I Am You, You Are Me

Chapter 157: I Am You, You Are Me

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Thanks to Aurus crafting a huge amount of equipment sets in order for his alliance members to survive more hits in the upcoming war, the amount of skill experience he obtained from that monotonous crafting spree was plentiful. Although the only skills that obtained this skill experience was his equipment fabrication skill and his sole FP storage skill, the fact that he could now hold hundreds of thousands of FP at once instead of holding only tens of thousands gave Aurus an edge when it came to current matter at hand.

Due to the sheer amount of FP that he had in his FP storage, when Aurus summoned out all of it, the amount of intangible energy strands surrounding his body transformed his appearance into something that looked a fluffy ball made out of multiple hairs, radiating an intense aura of energy that could be sensed quite a distance away from the main hall of the alliance.

Knowing that this intense aura of energy would possibly allow Chonk and his army to find out the general direction of the alliance, he hurriedly connected the strands he made towards the green blob of energy that was affixed to the ceiling of the main hall.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

With every point of FP that was being infused into the green blob of energy, the faint sound of wind would start to resound throughout the main hall, which might have something to do with the elemental inclination of Aurus’ Flux. Of course, due to the fact that an hour’s worth of time reduction was equivalent to 10,000 points of Aurus’ FP, it was inevitable that the numerous strands he made would be siphoned by the green blob in a matter of an instant.


“Eh?” Greeted with the sight of all of his strands visibly getting thinner and thinner as they connected to the green blob, Aurus realized that he had underestimated the speed at which the green blob of energy would absorb the energy he sent out.


Nonetheless, due to the amount of energy he had infused into the green blob, it was certain that a huge amount of time would be shaved off from the countdown timer.

‘You have successfully infused 230,000 FP into the clone, reducing the time needed for the clone to fully form by 23 hours. Time remaining: 01:03:45:27.’

Looking at the holographic screen that appeared in front of his field of vision after infusing all of his FP into the green blob, Aurus could not help but feel satisfied at the amount of time that was shaved off. He then looked at the green blob that was affixed to the ceiling of the main hall, noticing that the size of green blob had grown considerably smaller, while the silhouette of his clone’s body was becoming more and more obvious. If one looked closely, one could even see the modified drill of Aurus’ clone.

After that, a thought popped up in his mind as he asked himself, “Hmm…should I waste one of my chances to max out a skill to increase the amount of FP I can hold at maximum? With that, that would allow me to fully form this clone at the next instance my FP storage regenerates to its full capacity…”

In the end, he decided that it was not worth it, thinking that it was better for him to just use the six remaining chances on skills that would enhance his damage output or survivability rate instead of his maximum FP capacity. At this point, he had more than enough FP to last the whole war. Add in his incredible FP regeneration rate thanks to the fusion of the skills, it’s not far-fetched for someone to call Aurus an undying magic turret.

And so, relying on the incredible FP regeneration rate of his FP storage skill, it took around 15 minutes of waiting time for Aurus to turn all of his FP into threads one more time, sending it towards the green blob of energy on the ceiling of the main hall.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

And just like before, the green blob of energy ravenously devoured each and every strand of energy that Aurus sent towards its way, with the green blob surrounding Aurus’ clone gradually getting smaller and smaller with every strand absorbed. To be honest, after absorbing all of the strands Aurus sent out this time around, the green blob that covered the body of Aurus’ clone was so thin that it now looked like a protective layer covering Aurus’ clone’s body from the elements.


‘You have successfully infused 250,000 FP into the clone, reducing the time needed for the clone to fully form by 25 hours. Time remaining: 00:01:29:32.’

“Only an hour and a half remains before I can finally use the clone.” At this point in time, after finding out that an incredibly small amount of time remained before he could finally pilot the clone, Aurus could not help but radiate an intense aura of excitement and expectation, wondering how strong his clone would be.

Of course, after a few more minutes of waiting, Aurus had finally amassed enough FP for him to reduce the time remaining to nil, sending out the quaint amount of threads he had formed, when compared to the amount from before, towards the now human-shaped green blob affixed to the ceiling of the main hall.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Since only a small amount of FP was needed to finally allow the clone to fully form, it only took a small amount of time for the green blob to absorb the amount of FP that was sent out by Aurus.


Obtaining another notification from the system, Aurus hastily opened up the notification screen and looked at the last few lines of text he obtained from the system.

‘You have successfully infused 20,000 FP into the clone, reducing the time needed for the clone to fully form by 2 hours. Due to the amount of time being reduced exceeding the amount of time remaining, the system has decided to repay the extra amount of FP used to reduce time. Time remaining: 00:00:00:00.’

‘Your clone has now fully formed.’

At this point in time, the aura surrounding him was incredibly intense, its feeling akin to a tsunami of excitement and expectation. He hastily closed the notification screen that he opened, looking up at the ceiling where his clone was forming. Right now though, the green blob surrounding his clone��s body was visibly thinning to where the front side of his body was clearly seen. Of course, with nothing blocking the front, the massive drill on his clone’s body flopped about, making him slightly fear the future of this clone of his.

“If this clone of mine falls like that…” It was at that moment that the green blob on the back side of the clone’s body had now disappeared, detaching the clone from the ceiling of the main hall, allowing it to fall in a ragdoll-like state.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Hearing the sounds of wind resounding throughout Aurus’ mind, Aurus could not help but think that his clone’s senses was connected to his, making him fear the what if he had envisioned in mind even more.

“Even though I’m an Inanimate, I know very well that hitting the ground dick first is definitely going to hurt!” Aurus screamed out in his mind, hastily summoning all of the FP in his body to turn into threads as he teleported himself under the place where his clone was falling.

With every point of FP he regenerated as the clone was falling, he transformed it into threads, to which he intertwined into what seemed to be a woven mat made out of threads of FP. Although he had no clue as to whether the strands would reduce the impact of his clone’s fall, it was still better than just letting his clone fall to the ground, allowing every part on the front side of its body to collide with the ground.

Just as the clone was about half a meter away from the woven mat made out of FP, a sudden thought appeared in Aurus’ mind, instantly modifying the woven mat he was holding up to have a hole near the genital area of his clone.


Not long after, the clone had finally landed on the woven mat made out of FP, with its massive drill passing through the hole on the woven mat. Not only that, one could even see that the family jewels of the clone’s body had passed through the hole on the woven mat as well. Seeing this, Aurus could not help but let out a sigh of relief as he said, “Safe.”

With the clone now fully formed, he then manipulated the threads he went controlling in a way that flipped the clone over, allowing it to lay down on the ground on its back. At the very instant the clone’s back touched the ground, Aurus could not help but feel a biting cold on his back, even though he was a wooden sculpture.

Adding in the incident where he heard the sound of the wind even though he was not falling, Aurus was now certain that his senses were connected to the clone. If the clone felt pain, he would feel pain as well. If the clone felt pleasure, he would feel pleasure as well. With that thought in mind, he wondered how it would feel for an Inanimate to be in the epitome in the pleasure.


Of course, the system barred him from deluding himself any further, bombarding him with a lot of notifications, with almost every notification he had obtained being related to the clone one way or another.

‘Due to the user obtaining a clone, the user has obtained the active skill [Sense Sharing].’

‘Due to the user obtaining a clone, the user has obtained the active skill [Automated Clone Control].’

‘Due to the user obtaining a clone, the user has obtained the active skill [Clone Possession].’

‘Due to the user obtaining a clone, the user has obtained the active skill [Clone Hibernation].’

‘Due to the user obtaining a clone, the user has obtained the passive skill [Mental Communication].’

‘Due to the special qualities of the clone, the user and the clone has obtained the passive skill [Spirit Resonance].’

‘The system recommends the user to focus all of its efforts in nurturing the clone to its highest level, allowing the user to possibly craft another clone.’

“Eh? I can craft another clone?” Most of the notifications he had obtained were related to skills that would allow him to control the clone. So, the fact that he had obtained such a notification slightly surprised him. He thought that this would be the only clone he could craft, but it seemed that he could still craft one more clone?

“I wonder why?” Aurus could not help but ask himself, opening up his skill list to look at the [Spirit Clone] skill he obtained from Kevin. Not long after, he finally understood as to why.

“It seems that there are two levels to the [Spirit Clone] skill. The first level would allow me to craft one clone, and then the second level would allow me to craft two?” This was the conclusion he got to, but he had doubts as to whether this was true or not. Only time would tell if his conclusion was correct.

Anyways, with the feeling of touching something cold still radiating out through his back, Aurus got closer to the clone he had made and activated two of the four active skills he had obtained from the system.

“[Sense Sharing].”

“[Clone Possession].”


Not long after, as if it was done by a great entity, Aurus’ soul was split in half, turning into a soul vessel that entered his clone. Although it looked like it would hurt, in actuality, it did not hurt at all, but instead felt weird. As to why, it was because he could vividly sense the insides of both his wooden sculpture self as well as his clone.


A few seconds after that, in Aurus’ field of vision as a wooden sculpture, the right side of it had been replaced with a pitch black view, which gradually gained light as the view of the main hall from another perspective entered Aurus’ field of vision.

At this point in time, Aurus willed the other part of his vision to look at his wooden sculpture self, to which he was successful in doing so. In response, Aurus looked at his clone, which was sitting upright on the left side of his field of vision. The two of them looked at each other, knowing very well that the other being in front of them was them as well.

“I am you,” Aurus said to the clone.

“And you are me,” the clone said back to Aurus. The clone spoke in Aurus’ voice from the previous life.

“I’m going to have the remaining half of my soul stay with you,” Aurus said not long after. “Is that fine with you?”

“You’ve given birth to me, so that’s fine, Aurus,” the clone replied back.

“Anyways, what is my name?” Soon after, the clone asked Aurus. “It would be weird if you just called me clone.”

“Fair point,” Aurus replied. He pondered for a bit before giving out a name.

“How about Argentum?” Aurus responded.

“Argentum?” The clone closed his eyes for a bit, before nodding in response. “Yeah, Argentum is good. I’ll be known as Argentum then.”

“Glad to have you help me out, Argentum,” Aurus said.

“I am you anyway, it’s a given that I’d help,” Argentum laughed as he replied.

Of course, in actuality, Aurus was just talking to himself.


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