I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 190 - It's Okay To Cry

Chapter 190 – It’s Okay To Cry

"Well, with your cultivation rate, it'll still be awhile." Said Klent expressionlessly 

"Damn it Klent! Why do you have to go and kill the mood like that?"

Faced with the moaning of Lennox, Klent just shrugged his shoulders as he mounted his horse 


Whilst all this was going on, Dante could be seen blitzing across the sky

His wings flapped madly, leaving a streak of silver and red in the sky behind him.

Clay and Rebecca were both left in disbelief at the speeds Dante displayed.

Of course, Dante didn't forget to erect a barrier to block out the air resistance.

Rebecca may have been able to withstand such air resistance.

But poor Clay certainly wouldn't.

With his mortal physique, it would take mere seconds before his body was torn apart! Besides the feeling of having air slam in your face was uncomfortable one for everyone involved, regardless of your cultivation level 

"Dante what…what on earth is this?" asked Rebecca in disbelief 

"Hahaha! Don't worry, it's just a little trick of mine!"

Once Rebecca heard this, she almost felt out of the air!

Just a little trick?

He was showing speeds nearing the peak Martial Adept realm whilst being a whole major realm below that and he was calling it 'just a little trick!'

Rebecca wanted to slap him for even speaking such nonsense!

But In the end she just bottled up this frustration and watched as they soared through the sky.

"Lord Dragon son!" Shouted Clay, trying his best to speak up over the noise created by rushing air

"With the speeds you're going at, it'll only take us a few more minutes before we arrive at the village!"

Hearing this Dante nodded And began to pay attention.

Although it was okay for him to have some fun.

If would be really idiotic if his fun meant that he ended up flying  past the village he was looking for!

Fortunately for everyone, Dante was indeed paying attention, quickly soon recognised the area of the village from the surrounding descriptions.

Quickly coming to a halt Dante stopped in the sky.

"So Clay, recognise this area?"

Clay squinted as he looked down on the unfamiliar landscape.

"Lord Dragon son this place feels vaguely familiar, but I'm not quite sure. I'm not used to seeing things this way."

Dante understood immediately.

When had Clay ever been able to fly?

Before he had only been able to see the world on his two feet, It's only natural he wouldn't be able to recognise things from a bird's-eye view! 

Dante instantly looked for any landmarks and soon spotted a road down below.

Without hesitation, he dropped down, bringing Rebecca and Clay along with him.

As he dropped Clay on the floor, Dante turned to look at him and asked.

"So Clay, is it any different now?"

Hearing this question, Clay looked around before instantly exclaiming, 

"Thats it Lord Dragon Son! I know this place! This road should lead to my village!

If you keep following it my village should be the first one you come across."

Getting the confirmation he needed. Dante grabbed Clay and Rebecca, and flew straight along the path.

With his ridiculous speeds, it took merely a few seconds before Dante found himself floating in the sky above a small village.

The village he saw was a mess.

Charred, half demolished buildings could be seen everywhere, whilst the tall walls that surrounded it for protection had been completely knocked down.

Despite the displeasing sight of this place, Clay didn't have any aversion to such a scene. Instead, his eyes were filled with a sense of longing.

"Home…" muttered Clay weakly

Dante slowly lowered the group down into the centre of the village.

It wasn't long after he set foot on the floor of the village that Clay's eyes started tear up, and for the first time since he left the village, he cried 

Clay didn't cry when he was forced to run days on end into the city causing his feet to tear and bleed 

Clay didn't cry when he almost collapsed out of hunger after spending days without food .

He didn't even cry when he had almost died to the guard back in Vainwatch city.

But now Clay just couldn't help it.

Scene's he spent with his family continuously flashed in his eyes 

These scenes weren't anything extraordinary, they were just the Simple things like arguments with his parents. Or maybe the small scuffles he used to get in with the other village kids.

All of this was gone now

You had to remember Clay was just 8 years old, and although he was an 8-year-old with a will and cruelty that could impress even Dante, he was still a 8-year-old kid.

All this was simply too much for him 

Without even realising tears started to pour down his cheeks, and despite his best efforts, clay just couldn't stop the seemingly endless flood of tears.

"Pl-please Lord Dragon Son, forgive me. I don't know what has gotten into me today"

Clay knew he couldn't afford to appear weak and quickly tried to hide his tears. But instead of chastising him like he expected, Dante placed a hand on his shoulders and spoke in such a warm tone he questioned whether it was a Dragon Son 

"You know, sometimes, it's okay to cry. Displaying emotion doesn't always mean weakness." 

Clay didn't know why, but in that instant his emotions came pouring out of him 

His stream of tears turned into a  overwhelming down pour as he collapsed onto the ground.

Rage, grief, and frustration tore through his mind as he gripped the floor in frustration.

Dante watched on expressionlessly 

He knew that the best thing he could do was allow the kid to express his emotions in that instant

Sure, Dante's goal for the kid was to train him into a loyal warrior, but to do that didn't mean he had to break him.

Even if that was an effective method, Dante refused to use it


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