I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 189 - Showing Is Better Than Telling

Chapter 189 – Showing Is Better Than Telling

If before he had any naïve ideas of trying something, tonight's display had really put things into perspective for Clay

he wouldn't pose even the slightest threat to the Corpse master! so If Dante and the rest decided to give up on the mission, then everything was over!

Fortunately for Clay, the worst outcome didn't seem likely to happen

Hearing Dante's words, Rebecca just looked at Dante before she sighed

"I'll trust you in this one but if things look too dangerous I'll be pulling everyone out."

"Hahaha!" Chuckled Dante

"Of course! I wouldn't expect anything else."

"Anyway, from what just happened now it's clear to see that the guards we've been provided are just not adequate enough. From now on well form our own nightwatch taking it in rotations.

I'll be on first watch so you guys should go get some sleep.

I won't hesitate to wake you up when it's your turn whether you've gotten 3 hours of sleep or 3 minutes!"

Now that all the excitement was over, everyone headed back inside to get some sleep before they were called for their night watch duty

And so, just like that, the rest of the night passed on without any further incidents …

The next morning,

Dante could be seen meditating in his room.

He had only slept for 4 hours before using the rest of the time to cultivate.

As a cultivator his basic needs for 8 hours of sleep had vanished.

His body needed only roughly around 2 hours of sleep to function properly.

The fact that he slept for 4 hours was already treating himself!

As the rays of morning sunlight shone into his room, Dante decide it was one to get up.

After freshening up Dante headed out.

Soon Dante had made his way to the dining room to see a full course meal displayed out on The table

Besides that, everyone else was already sat at the table.

It seemed like he was the only person everyone was waiting for.


"It's about time you got here."

Dante had no response for Rebecca's words and could just awkwardly scratch his head before sitting down at the head of the table.

"So, had there been any word from the city Lord about yesterday's attack?" Asked Dante

"Nothing." Replied an angry Lennox

"His guests had just been brutally attacked and yet he still doesn't even have the courtesy to even send someone to check in the situation!

If I didn't know any better, I would suspect that he has something to do with the attack!"

"Now, it's still to early to start throwing out such damning accusations Lennox."

"It wasn't just our villa that was attacked. Other parts of the city had to suffer from the zombie incursion so its possible that he just hasn't gotten round to us yet."

"Anyway, our plans today don't have anything much to do with the city lord.

Today we will be investigating deeper into city"

As Dante said this everyone turned serious.

"To do this we will be split into two teams.

I and Rebecca will take Clay to investigate the village to see if we can find any clues

Lennox and Klent will spend time investigating the surroundings to see if they can get any more information about the bandit camp.

Is everyone clear with their tasks

"Well, there's no complaints from me " said Lennox

"Same here" added

Well then let's finish up here and then head out

After saying this, Dante and the rest chatted away on some more less important news as they finished their meal

A while later Dante and the group could be seen standing in a field of the courtyard.

"Well then guys it's time we head out." Said Dante

"Sure were all ready to go" said Klent in response

Well then, Rebecca, Clay come over here for a second.

"Come over? Dante are you forgetting, your not the only one in the Martial Journeyman realm.

Remember, I can fly as well?"

As soon as Dante heard this, a smile appeared on his face

"That's right, you guys don't know yet."

Ever since he got his new dragonified form, nobody else knew about it.

Dante was the only who knew his ridiculous speeds.

'Well, I guess showing is better than telling.'

AS Dante thought this, the surrounding air began to suddenly heat up

His muscles around his back began to twitch m abnormally

Suddenly there was a terrifying blast as a pair of burning draconic wings shot out his back

"What in the…" Lennox almost couldn't believe his eyes

A human being had just spotted wings.

And it wasn't just him , everyone worse was shocked by this scene.

But to add insult to injury, the shocks didn't end there as a soon a wave of silver energetic washed over Dante's body as suddenly another pair of wings shot out from his back.

But instead of the hellish, demonic wings from earlier

These wings flowed in a cool silver hue, giving off an almost holy aura.

"Amazing…" muttered Clay underneath his breath

With a smirk on his face Dante turned towards the crowd

"So what do you think guys? Do you like my new form?"

The others were just left speechless as they looked in the almost monstrous form of Dante.

Well then stop watching and come over.

Clay don't hesitate and ran over.

Seeing this Rebecca just shrugged as she walked over

Seeing them arrive Dante placed his hand on Clay's shoulder and wrapped his arm around Rebecca's waist.

"You guys ready."

Rebecca nodded, her face now red.

Clay also nodded his eagerness clearly visible on his face

Swing this Dante just chuckled as he turned towards Lennox and Klent

"I'll be seeing you guys later then."

Before they even had a chance to say goodbye, They heard a deafening boom as the figures of both Dante and the others vanished into the sky.

"God damm…" stuttered Lennox in amazement

"I can't wait till I'm able to fly like that." said Lennox

"Well, with your cultivation rate it'll still be awhile." Said Klent expressionlessly


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