I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 187 - An Expected Guest 2

Chapter 187 – An Expected Guest 2

His smile only widened as he calmly stretched forth his hand 


Dante simply snapped his fingers, causing a small spark to fly out.

Once this small spark hit the ground, it instantly erupted into a devastating sea of fire.

The wave of fire was unstoppable, engulfing anything in its path, and this time, the zombies couldn't just shrug off this attack.

Once touched by the flames,They instantly feel to the ground as moaned and groaned,rolling and struggling to put out the flames, but it was all pointless 

As flames from a true dragon, they were beyond anything they'd seen before, so each zombie slowly consumed by fire until all that was left behind was a pile of ashes!

For the first time, the surge of zombies froze.

Undead are no longer living.

They should fear nothing.

They fear no injuries; they fear no blades 

Even Dante's horrifying Dragon fear was useless in front of them.

But even with all this, there was one thing they still feared.


The source of life and civilisation.

A source of pure yang energy

The overwhelming yang energy contained in fire was the antithesis of the yin nature of the death attribute, making fire one of the few elements able to do great harm against undead.

In front of these Draconic flames, an innate instinct came out.

An innate fear.

Dante saw the awkward position of the zombies and couldn't resist the urge to laugh 

"Hehehe!" Laughed Dante 

"Tell me Sir Corpse Master, is this all you really have to offer? 

If so, then I must say I'm truly disappointed."


A bitter remark of irritation sounded I the air before a wave of red energy flashed over the sea of corpses sending them berserk.

These crazed zombies didn't seem to notice the wall of fire in front of them and blindly rushed forward with little regard for their own safety.

Dante watched as the zombies neared him, but just when the zombie was about to reach Dante, there was a bright flash of silver!


There was a sharp sound in the air and before the zombie was instantly cut in two halves.

each half instantly fell to the floor before being consumed by a wave of silver and red until nothing was left!

And Dante didn't stop there.

He suddenly burst into the crowd of zombies, swinging his greatsword as if it were weightless and brutally crushing all zombies that met his path.

With Such a brutal battle going on, it was impossible to not cause a commotion.

One such person who was disturbed was Clay.

As he heard the banging sand explosions, he clumsily got up and rushed towards the balcony 

To see what was going on.

As Clay arrived, he was greeted by a crazy sight.

A sea of zombies

An ocean of fire and a crazy man in the middle of it all brutally ending all zombies that entered his path.

The flames seemed to move at his will, as with a light wave of his hand, they came rushing forward to consume all in his path.

Despite the chaotic scene, Clay instantly recognised the man behind all of this,

"S-Sir Dragon Son!"

Even though Clay knew cultivators were inhuman, being simply beyond mortal constraints, he never knew the true extent of their powers before now 

"Is this… the true power of a cultivator?"

Clay was left in awe at the magical display in front of him.

One man alone had the power of an entire army. 

It was reminiscent of the myths of demons and gods that he had been told since young 

'Such power… If I could just have a fraction of that strength…

'No.' Thought Clay 

'I only need to have a fraction of that strength!'

scenes of his  village up in flames and his best friend being viciously abducted  by these very same zombies flashed in his mind.

Such things were a result of weakness.

If he was stronger, such things would never happen.

If he just had strength….

Clay looked at the powerful display of Dante and clenched his fist in frustration 

'To obtain such strength, I must follow that man in front of me!'

Suddenly, as Clay was lost in thought, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax kid, there's no need to be so tense."

"Mr Lennox?" Said Clay in surprise 

But it wasn't just Lennox,

As Clay turned back, he could see Klent and Rebecca floating down towards him from the sky.

"Are You sure you guys should just watch on?" asked Clay 

"The fight down there looks pretty vicious."

Hearing this Lennox lightly chuckled

"Trust me, if there's anyone you don't need to worry about, Dante is one of them" said Lennox 

"Besides, He already informed us all this earlier and can't you see it? That bastard…" said Lennox, his words practically dripping in jealousy 

"He's not struggling at all! He's having fun!"

Once Clay heard this, he almost couldn't believe it.

It's only once he squinted eyes that he realised what Lennox was saying was true.

As Dante was striding throughout the wave of corpses, as countless explosions of silver and red were occurring all around him.

One thing never changed.

As all this was happening, a cruel smile never once faded from his face!


Back down on the battlefield

Dante was still in the midst of the battlefield.

'Right, that's enough.' Thought Dante

He has really gotten carried away this time.

It was the first time that Dante could use his abilities since breaking into the Martial journeyman realm, so he really lost himself for a second.

Fortunately, Dante realised that he was getting a bit too excited or if he continued at that rate, it wouldn't take much longer for the villa to collapse!

'I've had my fun. It's time to end this.'

The Red dragon seemed to share his thoughts as it let off a mad roar, causing the flames to expand at an almost unbelievable rate!


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