I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 186 - An Expected Guest

Chapter 186 – An Expected Guest

The sound of flesh tearing was the last thing heard as Clark's consciousness slowly drifted off into the darkness.

Even though Clark's body stopped resisting, Dave didn't stop. 

He continued biting into Clark, gorging on him as much as possible whilst a bloody deranged smile appeared on his face.

The troublesome thing was that this was not an isolated incident.

Across the new villa given to Dante, such scenes were commonplace, as more and more guards were ambushed on the floor by the swarm of zombies.

But strangely enough, this wasn't the end of these guards.

The downed guards with chunks of flesh torn from their bodies didn't stay down.

Instead, their bodies twitched, jolting erratically before they slowly crawled up once again.

but this time, they stood not as human beings.

No, this time, they arose as undead!

A crowd of zombies had begun to form inside the villa, sweeping through the corridors and assimilating any unlucky guards into their undead legion.

Eventually, the herd of zombies had completely taken out the guards and gathered in front of the gate leading to Dante's courtyard.

The zombie corpse that we now know used to be a man called Dave walked up towards the gate.

Looking around, he confirmed that everything was in place before opening the courtyard gates.

Like a storm, countless zombies swarmed through the gate, crawling and trampling over each other in the darkness.

But this didn't last for long, for as soon as the first zombie entered the courtyard, the original dark landscape burst into life.

The torches that lined the courtyard all lit up spontaneously, illuminating the dark courtyard .

This wasn't even the most surprising thing, as a strange figure could be seen in the centre of the place.

He was sitting in a lotus position, peacefully meditating, almost as if he was oblivious to his surroundings.

His pale white hair ran down his shoulders whilst a glowing blue greatsword could be seen laying across his lap.

Seeing this sight, the zombies froze.

They could all feel something dangerous about the person in front of them .

Slowly, the figure rose up to his feet as his eyes opened, showing off a pair of burning draconic pupils.

"It's about time you arrived." said the man 

"I got bored waiting for you. You took so long, I even thought that you wouldn't be coming,"

"Sir Corpse Master." 

As Dante was speaking, a taunting smile burst onto his face.

His burning draconic eyes peered directly ahead, staring at the leading zombie.

But it didn't seem like Dante was staring at that zombie specifically.

It was more like Dante was staring through him, or more correctly, he was staring at the person controlling them!

Suddenly, an eerie, raspy voice sounded out across the courtyard.

The voice came from everywhere yet nowhere, somehow managing to encase the entire courtyard.

"So… you… you are the legendary Dragon son?" asked the voice 

Dante didn't respond and instead stared straight at the zombie, his strange smile widening even further.

"I have to say I am impressed." Continued the voice.

"Such strength yet such a young age. 

But even so, the strength you are so proud of doesn't allow for you to do as you please.

I'm warning you boy.

leave whilst you still can"

Hearing this, Dante wasn't intimidated in the slightest.

Instead, his smile contorted even further until he broke into a light chuckle 

"Sir corpse Master," said Dante 

"let me tell you a little fact a senior told me a while back.."

As Dante was speaking, the previously peaceful Spirit energy began to swirl around him, gradually forming into the hazy vision of two gigantic dragons

"Before you speak to a person and demand something.." 

As Dante was speaking, the phantoms of dragons grew larger and larger, until their size reached higher than even the courtyard walls!

"you should make sure you at least have the strength to speak first!"

As soon as Dante finished speaking, two deafening roars could he heard behind him as a truly terrifying aura spread out.

"Kekeke!" laughed the corpse Master madly 

"As expected of the dragon, son! Such a fine specimen!

Whether it's as a material or as a sacrifice, I'm sure My Lord would love to have you!!"

Eventually, the true nature of the Corpse master couldn't be concealed anymore and his madness started leaking out.

"Well, seeing as you want to talk with strength, let's do it your way then, Dragon son!" laughed the Corpse Master 

In response to the corpse Master's mad laughter, Dante responded with some laughter of his own

"Hehe! I simply wouldn't have it any other way!"

As soon as Dante finished speaking, the crowd of zombies seemed to go berserk!

Terrifying roars and groans soon sounded from their midst before they mindlessly swarmed at Dante.

The weaker ones were even trampled over by the seemingly endless wave of corpses.

yet despite being faced with the encirclement of countless corpses, Dante remained calm as his body glowing in a strange silver light.

Instantly, a humongous field of silver began to expand with him as the centre.

As all this was happening, the hazy image of the moon rose into the sky, causing the temperature of the courtyard to drop.


This simple word seemed to shake the sky, as a terrifying down pour of silver rain fell from above 

Countless silver bolts smashed into the zombies, blasting off limbs and leaving devastating scene of black and red blood .

But even with that, the swarm of approaching zombies didn't slow down.

Despite having limbs blown off or sometimes even legs, the zombies wouldn't stop.

Such mortal injuries couldn't harm them.

They just continued to maniaclly rush forward without even the slightest regard for themselves and their own safety.

The situation was looking good, but despite the poor result of his first attack, Dante wasn't fazed.

His smile only widened as he calmly stretched forth his hand 


Dante simply snapped his fingers, causing a small spark to fly out.


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