I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 169 - Debt

Chapter 169 – Debt

His form didn't look exactly human so the first thought the guards would have upon seeing him wouldn't be to rationalise with a fellow intelligent being,  but instead thinking that they had to exterminate a crazy monster!

This originally wouldn't be that much of an issue. all Dante had to do was deactivate his dragonification form and everything would be fine

But here was where another problem came in.

When Dante deactivated his dragonified form he was left standing completley butt naked!

Earlier , Dante had absent-mindedly walked into a lava pool and in doing so caused all his clothes to be burnt to ashes.

but even with all this the problem,  the real problem was that  Dante had been forced to Chuck his space ring out the lava last minute and he had caused quite the disturbance when he first used his greater Dragonification so he couldn't find his spacial Ring!

After a few minutes of unfruitful searching Dante began to sweat.

If he couldn't even find his clothes then he might have even have to walk out the formation naked! 

Dante knew that Even his reputation of the Dragon son of war wouldn't be able to save him from that humiliation 

Fortunately after almost 30 minutes of searching Dante was able to find his lost spatial ring and it was good thing he did.

Treacherous thoughts were starting to bubble in Dante's mind.

If he couldn't find his spatial ring he was prepared to go searching around for a victim to rob of their clothes!

Fortunately this didn't come to fruition as soon wore the now damaged spatial ring on his finger before bringing out his spare pair of robes.

As Dante put on his clothes he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

It seems like he won't be forced to act on the treacherous last-minute plans.

after making sure he had forgotten anything Dante slowly made his way to the teleportation centre that Department Head Vincent had hinted at…

Soon Dante could be seen walking out of a large flash of light and after shaking on the usual feeling is sickness gained from teleportation, carried on walking casually out of the building.

But before Dante could even walk a few steps he suddenly heard a loud cry behind him 


With those words, Dante also saw a crowd of soldiers appear blocking his path.

Although Dante was shocked to see the fierce reaction of the soldiers, he didn't overreact.

These soldiers knew of this identity as the Dragon son of war.

They wouldn't be so stupid as to offend someone like Dante randomly so if they were stopping then they probably had a good reason.

For a few seconds, there was just an awkward silence as the group of guards and Dante stared down each other as tensions in the room began to rise.

Eventually, an unwilling guard was forced out to go and talk to Dante.

Looking carefully, Dante could see that this was the guard who had checked his ID when he was entering the Elemental Nexus Realm for the first time.

"Greetings, Lord Dragon Son. I hope you weren't offended but the way you stopped you but this time the circumstances were really important."

Hearings this Dante just waved his hand.

"There's no need for formalities. I understand that you wouldn't do such things if the situation didn't call for it either."

Hearing this the guard let out a relieved sigh.

The worst possible outcome was that Dante responded in rage and started cursing like other young masters he had come across.

Normally young masters holding grudges wouldn't be an issues but if he managed to earn the ire of Dragon son, dealing with a low-key soldier like him would be child's play for them.

That's why the guard appreciated Dante's understanding even more.

"Lord Dragon Son, I won't waste your time any longer than it has to be and get straight to the point. 

The reason we are stopping you here today is that you are in debt Lord Dragon Son!"

"Debt??" Responded  Dante in disbelief 

"How can I be in debt. I remember paying for the full 3 days in the Elemental Nexus Realm and I am sure that I have the funds I paid at that time were accurate."

As Dante said their a weird expression appeared on the face of the guard.

"Lord Dragon Son, I think there is an error on your part because on our record it doesn't say you've spent only three days in the Elemental Nexus Realm.

Our records say the time between your entrance and exit from the Elemental Nexus Realm has in fact been 2 weeks!"

'2 weeks! I'm completely fucked!' Thought Dante 

At first, Dante thought there was a possibility of error.  but after asking the guard multiple times and his answer didn't change,  Dante realised he must have indeed spent two weeks in the Elemental Nexus Realm!

And surprisingly, when Dante thought about it, it even made a little sense.

Most of the time Dante had spent in the Elemental Nexus Realm was spent cultivating and absorbing energy in Half- asleep state so his measurement of time was significantly blurred.

But besides all this what really gave it away was his dragon souls, particularly, his silver dragon soul.

Whilst Dante was still in the Elemental Nexus Realm he had barely seen his Red dragon soul level up in the time, and that was whilst still being in a place of high fire elemental energy concentration, the ideal place to level up his Dragon soul.

So when Dante saw his Silver Dragon soul had levelled up in a place of low concentration of its desired element and all this in only 3 days.

At first, Dante had taken it as merely a pleasant surprise, but now Dante knew that he wasn't so lucky.

The only thing that allowed his dragon soul to level up was the overwhelming amount of hours he spent in the Elemental nexus realm!

Realising this, a dark expression crept onto Dante's face as he turned towards the guard 

"So sir,  How much is this supposed debt we're looking at?"

The guard just gave a light cough, as he calmly replied 

"Lord Dragon Son, the debt we're looking at is one of 1100 contribution points"

'Dear God…' thought Dante in despair 

1100 contribution points!

That sum was no joke!

This was his total earning for the next 11 months gone like that!

"Lord Dragon son normally when a person overstays their time in the Elemental Nexus realm a squadron of guards would be sent in to forcefully retrieve them." explained the guard 

"But seeing as you are a Dragon Son the rules could be slightly bent and we won't interrupt your cultivation and just put the debt on your tab."

"I hope You can understand our situation. It's not that we have something against you. The only reason we stopped you in such a manner is that we just have to do our jobs."

seeing the apologetic nature of the guard, Dante even started to feel slightly bad for him and quickly waved his hand.

"There's no need to apologise," replied Dante

"I understand you were simply doing your job" 

"I can assure you with my reputation as Dragon Son, I will surely repay my debt there's no need to worry."

Hearing this the guard in front of Dante nodded as he moved to let him past.

Dante walked outside with a calm expression on his face, it's only when he was clear from everyone's view that his expression turned ugly.

For normal Dragon sons with many years to establish themselves in the Hidden Dragon Academy such as Lloyd, paying back a debt of 1100 contribution points would simply be a breeze. 

They had many years of missions to their names which also meant they had many contribution points to their names 

But things weren't as convenient for Dante.

He had much less time to accumulate his wealth and was simply poor compared to his fellow Dragon sons and daughters.

Debt was never a nice thing to be in and even more so in the Hidden Dragon Academy.

Everything good thing in this place required contribution points.

From high-quality spirit stones to rare techniques and treasures, it all required contribution points.

Once placed in debt he wouldn't be able to buy anything and all earned contribution points would go straight into paying off his debt.


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