I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 168 - Dragonification

Chapter 168 – Dragonification

Forget about 3 days!  Dante didn't believe that 1 month would be enough to level up his dragon souls.  but here he was so with undeniable facts in front of him! 

Dante still had a sinking feeling that something was off about all this, but he decided not to think too much about it and focus on his new skills 

Like his Red Dragon soul, the silver Dragon soul's lesser dragonification had also evolved into a greater dragonification ability. 

It also had a new passive ability but seeing as he had no energy points, it was simply impossible to see its effect  so Dante  just assumed that it was something similar to what he already had 

Now that Dante had checked all of the his changes he could finally turn away from the system panel.

He could no longer resist the urge he had, the urge to try out his new abilities!

"Dragonififcation !" Cried Dante 

Instantly Dante's figure was encased in swirls of Red and silver energy as silvery-Red scales  began to pop up all over his arms and legs.

But unlike usual the scales didn't stop there and started growing up all of his body, tightly wrapping around each other to form a some kind of armour. The scales only stopped when they reached his face where instead two pairs of horns grew one a blackish- Red while the over a silvery crystal.

The transformation didn't need there however as Dante could still feel a terrifying itchy sensation on his back as the flesh on his back began to wriggle.

There was the sickening sound of tearing  flesh as suddenly, a pair of burning, Red Draconic wings burst from his back!

This painful sensation for Dante didn't end there as Dante could still feel a similar sensation coming from just below this pair of wings.

Again a similar sounded as sudddenly a new pair of wings burst from Dante's back only this time, instead of burning in a red hot fire, the wings seemed to be glowing in an almost holy silver light.

The two images brought up a heavy contrast.

But not just that the whole of Dante's image right now couldn't be described as pretty right now

At best it could be considered strangely abstract.

But strangely enough this didn't bother Dante.

Normally Dante was person that quite prided himself on his looks, so such a monstrous form would be at least a little of putting to Dante, but this time he didn't seem to care at all and the reason for this was simple.


The power Dante felt flowing through him right now could only be described as intoxicating!

It was a level of strength he had never experienced before.  It made Dante feel like he could even take on the world!

It was so bad that Dante had even begun to have some slight disdain for his previously weaker human self.

And it wasn't just Dante that was relishing the newfound power gained from this new form, both his dragon souls seem to have hit cloud nine! 

As soon as Dragonification process was complete they seemed to shudder in pleasure before releasing a deafening roar.

Dante could no longer contain his energy.

So after a few minutes spent getting used to his new pairs of wings 

Dante's figure could be seen soaring over the plains of the Elemental Nexus Realm.

At first Dante had only flew using the natural ability of flight granted to each person once they broke through into the Martial Journeyman Realm and though his speed was still decent, Dante wasn't impressed.

The speed was quite faster than that of normal people in the Martial Journeyman Realm but not to the point where it was unbelievable.

Disappointed at this rather poor performance, Dante didn't hesitate any longer and quickly unfurled his wings.

The instant Dante flapped his wings his image flickered, and almost as of by teleportation, he suddenly appeared mikes away from his current location! 

But Dante didn't stop there! Flapping his new pairs of wings Dante blitzed across the sky causing a storm of air to follow closely behind him.

The unfortunate people he passed over could only curse their luck, thinking an irresponsible Elder was raving around the sky.

Not once had it occurred that this possibly wasn't even elder and merely just a student that had just joined a few months ago!

Whilst other people were cursing and swearing, Dante was having a much better time.

A wide smile was plastered in his face as he enjoyed the feeling of his ridiculous speed.

Speed had never been a particular strong point of Dante's and he never really expected that it would be something that he could even consider as one of his hole cards,but look at Fante know.

His speed was so ridiculous that nobody in the Martial Journeyman Realm could ever hope to match it.

In fact, most of the average Martial Adept cultivators when they first broke through wouldn't be able to match it.

Dante's pure speed was already starting to near that of experts in the Martial Adept realm.

Now, this was all just based on his pure speed alone.  If Dante could somehow integrate his movment techniques into his flying, then the speeds he could reach would truly become fearsome.

It wouldn't even be ridiculous to say that his speed could even begin to near that of ta Martial Expert realm cultivator whilst still being in the Martial Journeyman Realm! 

Dante's time of manically speeding around the realm only continued for a short while before he eventually calmed down.

It was only after calming down, that Dante noticed how much of a dangerous of state he had been in 

That short period of time where he suddenly powered up was really ridiculous. Dante was almost drunk off his own power. 

Dante had never been one to take drugs in his past life or in this one, but he could only assume that that it would be a similar sensation to what he felt when he first entered his Greater dragonified form!

After coming to this worrying notification, Dante just stopped to look around.

His surroundings had changed drastically as Dante couldn't even make out how far he was from the lava lake.

Dante could just describe this place as a wasteland of frozen tundra as he peeked at a giant mountain of glisteneing ice. 

As Dante loooked towards the piece of ice, he saw a strange four winged creature looking back at him!

He even managed to spot a long, twirling serpentine tail coiling around from behind!

'Shit! is that mine' 

Now that the the trip his newfound power had caused had worn off considerably, Dante couldn't help question himself.

This strange form.

This strange state that seemingly had no time limit.

It was disturbingly comfortable.

And scarily much more comfortable than his basic human state.

Although it seemed like the dragon souls were Dante's greatest benefit, Dante had now begun to even question that.

How much was it him controlling his dragon souls vs him being controlled by his dragon souls.

Of course Dante have was certain that he was still the person in control, but he knew he could nevee we be certain when it came to abstract things such as we motions and souls.

The line between his dragon souls and himself was blurred.

The dragoon o souls were each individual souls with attributes and emotions of there own, but at the same time they were also very part much his own soul.

Aspects of his soul that he could control and manipulate aa he willed, 

Or so Dante thought. 

The recent developments had left Dante questioning a lot of things but Dante knew that this was neither the time nor place to be having an philosophical conversation with himself so he soon began to retrace his flight back towards the original lava lake…

After a quick flight, Dante was once again floating over the scene of bubbling lava.

But Dante had a problem.

If he waisted to leave he had to deactivate his dragonified form.

Despite the powerful feeling he had while he was in it Dante knew that the second he walked out looking as he did know he would instantly break out into a fight.

His form didn't look exactly human so the first thought the guards would have upon seeing him wouldn't be to rationalise with a fellow intelligent being but more of a duty to exterminate a crazy monster.


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