I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 158 - Impact

Chapter 158 – Impact

even with the Spirit Energy resistance granted by the Silver Dragon soul, letting sword energy rip through his internal body was bound to cause serious amounts of internal damage.

Suddenly Dante found himself coughing a load of blood out onto Sword Master Rho.

instead of being angry at this new development, Sword Master Rho instead just laughed.

"Dante. This is your own fault." Said Sword Master Rho.

"At this rate, your stubbornness will get you killed if you keep holding on in vain. Just how long do you actually think you can last with this amount of sword energy coursing through your body?"

But to Sword Master Rho's surprise, Dante was panicked at all.

instead, Dante just stared back at him with a pair of piercing Draconic eyes as a crazed, bloody smile crept onto his face.

"I may not be able to last forever," laughed Dante

"But I'm sure I'll be able to last long enough. Just look behind you."

Dante's words got Sword Master Rho's attention as he quickly turned around to see his falling body was merely a few meters away from the ground.

'shit!' Thought sword master Rho in panic. 

He quickly needed to come up with an idea on how to get out of this!

but unfortunately, before sword master Rho could come up with any decent ideas, things just seemed to go from bad to worse!

As he turned around, Sword Master Rho could already feel a terrifying rush of fire energy and spirit energy rush behind him as his surroundings began to heat up at an alarming rate.

looking back, he could see a devastating congregation of energy start to from around Dante's mouth.

'Damn! Is that boy really trying to kill me!' Thought Sword Master Rho in disbelief 

If he was hit with a breath attack from such close range then it was truly over. Even Sword Master Rho, in all his experience, would still be left helpless after being blasted from such close range.

And it's because of this that so he tried to resist.

Sword Master Rho squirmed and struggled with everything he had, trying his hardest to break out of Dante's grip, but Dante was just like a boa constrictor.

The more Sword Master Rho struggled, the stronger Dante's grip on him became.

It got to the point where Dante's grip was so strong that Sword Master Rho couldn't even move anymore as Dante charged up his attack.

knowing his fate was sealed, Sword Master Rho could only begin to hurl expletives as he got closer and closer to the ground

"God Fucking Damn It!" Screamed Sword Master Rho.

And that was the last sound that could be heard before Dante and Sword Master Rho hit the ground.


a terrifying Shockwave spread out as a massive dome of silver and red energy spread out from the point of impact, completely obliterating any tree or wildlife found in its path!


after the terrifying blast had finally faded, a humongous crater could be seen in the ground.

suddenly, there seemed to be a disturbance amongst the rubble as multiple rocks slowly started rolling around.


suddenly a hand burst out of the rubble, revealing a dusty and damaged figure.

This person was none other than Dante, it's just that was just that he looked very different from the Dante we usually saw.

his luxurious gold and black robes had been damaged so badly that they could barely even be called rags, whilst his handsome face was completely covered in dirt and dust.

But the damage to Dante didn't just end there as in addition to this, the usual imperious and regal dragon horns on his head had now snapped whilst his left arm was broken and bent in a strange angle showing just how terrifying that fall was.

But no matter how bad Dante's situation was, Sword Master Rho somehow managed to beat him as his state was even worse!

from the rubble below him, Dante's scaley hand pulled out what could only be described as a damaged corpse.

the arms on the body were dislocated and broken whilst the outer body was completely charred.

but surprisingly enough, the seemingly dead body still managed to have a heartbeat.

"Kill me.." groaned Sword Master Rho as he stared at Dante with an emotionless gaze.

He had really lost face today.

Although losing to a junior only a fraction of his age had really hurt his pride, at the end of the day, Sword Master Rho wasn't to hurt about it.

He still had a way out.

Although it would be a major inconvenience for him if Klent was to die here, it still wouldn't be the end of the world.

A man as old and experienced as Sword Master Rho wouldn't be as foolish as to put all his eggs in one basket.

He still had backup plans and despite the fact that these plans may cause him to have to wait a few more centuries before his goals could truly be accomplished.

At the end of the day, he would still live, and that's what's important.

  besides, after what Sword Master Rho saw living in the soul of that kid he wanted to get as far away from that monster as quick as possible.

During the last moments of the battle, Sword Master Rho had been desperate enough to try and enter the kid's mental space, and what he had seen shocked him.

Besides the two Martial Spirits, he already knew that Dante had he saw something else.

5 Entities

That monstrous kid was somehow sealing away 5 strange entities in his mind!

And these weren't any old measly souls. From their aura alone, Sword Master Rho knew that any one of them could give him a run for his money, even back in his prime.

Strangely enough, the thought that these could actually be Martial Spirits instead of actual strange entities never occurred to Sword Master Rho and the reason for this was quite simple.


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