I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 157 - Crazy Man!

Chapter 157 – Crazy Man!

Below the floating Sword Master, Dante was still lurking in the Sea of Flames.

As he was preparing to deal with Sword Master Rho, Dante suddenly felt a horrifying aura briefly in the sky. Although it quickly disappeared, Dante was still slightly shaken.

That aura made him experience an emotion he had barely ever felt since coming into this world


The fear of complete annihilation.

Dante didn't know what caused that aura but for a second, his dragon souls were screaming for him to escape. 

Now, if a creature as prideful as a dragon could be made to feel like running, then it only showed what terrifying power could have possibly been unleashed.

Despite the aura now having completely faded, Dante knew he couldn't allow for sword master Rho to continue what he was doing.

whatever that old ghost was doing was clearly dangerous and Dante wouldn't be able to forgive himself if him hiding in the Sea of fire was what slowed Sword Master Rho to power up so easily!

In the raging flames, Dante slowly raised his Moonlight sword.

As all this was happening the silver image of a moon started to coalesce in the sky.

At first it was illusory.

  slowly flickering and fading in and out of existence until it fully coalesced in the air.

Eventually creating the illustration that there were actually two moons in the night sky!

With newly formed moon hanging in the sky above, Dante swiftly brought down his sword 

"Lunar Sword technique,

Setting Full Moon!"

Dantes created moon shook crazily, as it rapidly descended towards Sword Master Rhowho was floating in the sky.

but as if that wasn't enough a pillar of silver and red Dragon breath, blasted straight into the sky, speeding towards Sword Master Rho.

The unsuspecting Sword Master Rho was now being attacked from both above and below!

But despite being faced with attacks from all angles, Sword Master Rho wasn't even slightly panicked by them.

In fact, he even sneered at them!

"Is that all you have boy?" Stated Sword Master Rho with a plain expression on his face.

"Even with only a fraction of my sword domain, this still isn't enough for you to deal with me!"

Just as Sword Master Rho was about to be hit by both of Dante's attacks, he casually swung his sword in a circular motion, cleanly slashing both above and below him.

As Sword Master Rho cut through Dante's attacks, All that could be seen was a bright line of golden energy before a blinding blast of Red, silver and gold shook the sky.

As the smoke started clearing up, Sword Master Rho could still be seen still floating up in the sky over the destroyed forest as if nothing had even happened in the first place.

but before Sword Master Rho could even fully take in the destruction he had caused he suddenly felt a scaly claw on his shoulder 

Shocked by this, Sword Master Rho turned his head only to see a crazed pair of Draconic eyes staring at him.

'Shit!' thought Sword Master Rho in panic 

'How the fuck did he even get here!'

But as if things weren't already bad enough for Sword Master Rho, he suddenly found his body start to fall through the sky at ever-increasing speeds!

"Boy! what the hell are you doing!" Roared Sword Master Rho.

As sword Master Rho's body was falling, Dante slowly wrapped himself around him, holding him in a tight unbreakable lock, unbothered by the terrifying speeds at which they were hurtling towards the ground.

"Hahaha!" Laughed Dante

"Sword Master Rho, why are you so panicked? Just relax things will be over soon" 

"You crazy little shit!" Cursed Sword Master Rho.

In Sword Master Rho's mind, Dante had already gone mad!

If they carried on falling at the speeds they were at right now they were going to hit the ground with a terrifying impact. And with Dante locked around him there was no possible way for either of them to protect themselves.

Cultivator or not, before you ascended to immortality you could still always be killed and fall like this still had enough force to send any Martial Journeyman realm cultivator to go meet their maker!

That's why Sword Master Rho couldn't understand the madness Dante was trying to pull off right now.

If they both fell then Dante wouldn't be able to protect himself either, they would both fall to their doom!

But what Sword Master Rho failed to take into account was that Dante wasn't any old regular Martial Journeyman Cultivator.

his passive <Draconian Might> granted him a mind-boggling 300% increase in all basic physical attributes, so when stacked with the other 300% he got from his other dragon soul, it increased to 600%! 

With such a disgusting reinforcement Of his physical attributes, Dante was confident that his physique would allow him to walk off the damage front of this impact.

Struggling with Dante in the air, Sword Master Rho managed to free his sword arm, and without hesitation plunged into Dante's waist.


a sickening sound could be heard as Sword Master Rho's golden sword pierced Flesh, Causing Dante to let a wail of pain.

But to Sword Master Rho's horror, the sword attack hadn't had the effect he wanted.

Instead of freeing himself, the attack had only caused Dante to tighten it to the point he could start to feel his bones creak under the pressure.

"Damn it boy! You forced Me!" Roared Sword Master Rho 

His hand started flashing in a golden light as Sword Master Rho twisted the sword in Dante's body.

Instantly Dante could feel something wrong.

sharp prick like pains could be felt from the wound spreading throughout his body.

on closer inspection, Dante quickly recognised the pains as raging currents of sword energy.

Countless strands of sword energy were coursing through Dante's body!

even with the Spirit Energy resistance granted by the Silver Dragon soul, letting sword energy rip through his internal body was bound to cause serious amounts of internal damage.


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