I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 151 - Children Of Heaven

"So, it seems like you have a problem with me?" Asked Dante in an ice cold voice

Faced with Dante's overwhelming aura and confrontational tone, Klent didn't even flinch.

"So?" Asked Klent

"Am I not allowed to dislike you?"

"Don't tell me that, just because you are a Dragon Son, you expect everyone has to like?" 

But when faced with Klent's question, Dante didn't even bother to respond. Instead, he just stood there as he put on an irritating fake smile.

But for Klent, this response just seemed to irk him on even further

"This is the problem with you Dante. You're always staying silent when it truly matters and trying to withhold information from the rest of us. It's as if you're trying your hardest just to stay aloof. It's almost as if you think you're better than the rest of us!"

And You've always been that way Dante, even back at the Kinsman Clan you were no different."

But surprisingly, when Dante heard Klent's words he didn't burst out in rage the way everyone had been expecting from the prideful Dragon Son.

Faced with Klent's outburst, Dante just slightly approached Klent as he spoke in a slightly lower tone so fewer people could hear.

"Now Klent, Don't you think what you're saying is a little hypocritical?" Said Dante 

"After all, Aren't you the one with a few little secrets of your own?

Take that sword by your waist for example, I'm sure you wouldn't even be the same Klent today if it wasn't for-"

Dante didn't even get finish his sentence before he sensed himself being viciously attacked.

As soon as he mentioned the sword, the aura around Klent swiftly changed.

If before Klent could be described as slightly annoyed, The Klent right now could only be said to be out for blood!

His sword burst into a flash of white light as his eyes chilled into the cold gaze of a killer.

Without even thinking, Klent swung out his sword straight for Dante's neck!


Before Klent's sword could make contact with Dante, Dante's trusty moonlight sword was already there to block the blow.

Instead of being angry at Klent's attack, Dante just sneered at him as he spoke.

"Now, now Klent." Scolded Dante

"I may have struck a nerve but there's no need to resort to violence."

But if Dante was being honest, he knew what he said was just a load of crap.

In fact, the only reason he was able to block the attack so easily was because this was the exact reaction from Klent he had been expecting in the first place!

Dante had basically just told Klent that he knew of his biggest secret, one so important that Klent hadn't even told his closest kin.

To put it into perspective, it was like a random person coming up to Dante and to starting to talk to him about his system and Dragon souls, of course Dante would be surprised and retaliate!

So it was no surprise that Klent had reacted in a similar fashion.

Tensions in the air seemed to rise as Klent's murderous glare was met with Dante's nonchalant smirk.

But before the situation between them could escalate any further, there was a loud rumble of thunder.

For some unknown reason, the sky seemed to turn darker as a terrifying bolt of lightning tore through the clouds.

Before anyone could seem to understand the current strange situation, droplets of rain started falling from the sky, which in turn quickly changed into a large downpour .

The attention of the students was soon quickly grabbed away from Dante and Klent, and instead moved to the strange events happening in the sky.

But for Dante and Klent, their attention wasn't moved in the slightest by the scene in the sky.

But it wasn't that they weren't attracted by the strange phenomena, on the contrary, it was actually because of the strange phenomena happening right in front of their eyes that they refused to move as what they saw next could only be said 100 times more strange than any weird things happening in the sky.

As Dante and Klent were staring each other down, a slight golden hue started to form around the both of them. 

At first, the could only be said to be a light flicker that flashed occasionally, not all that different to a small firefly dancing in the night.

But gradually, the light around the two of them started getting brighter and brighter whilst the hue around them also got larger and larger, until it had formed into a large circular halo behind their backs that burned so bright that even the two of them were struggling to look at it.

But the strange thing was that even with such a dazzling halo behind both Klent and Dante, nobody else seemed to take interest.

All the people were still absorbed in watching the lightning and thunder in the sky, almost as if they couldn't see it.

It appeared that only Dante and Klent could see the strange phenomenon happening behind each of them.

Everyone else was simply oblivious!

"Child of Heaven..." muttered Dante and Klent in unison.

It was at the moment of saying these words that a stream of unknown knowledge started to pour into the minds of both Dante and Klent.

After recovering from the pain of having a load of knowledge crammed into their minds. Dante and Klent soon recovered, before smiling at each other.

But this wasn't a warm smile. Instead, it was a cold and cruel one!

After coming to terms with the knowledge they gained, everything had started to make more sense.

The recent agitation, the intense dislike of each other that almost bordered hatred. It was all down to this title they had received. or more correctly, the title that they had been born with!

Children of heaven.

These were a group of people that were known by many different titles 

Heavens chosen,

sons of fate,

children of luck,

These were just some of the things they could be called by people around them. But one thing that never changed was the thing that these titles meant.

To be a child of heaven is to be someone chosen by the heavens themselves.

Top grade talent, mysterious special physiques, sealed forbidden treasures. These things would be granted to the chosen children of heaven in abundance. 

But while life as a child of heaven may seem amazing and glamorous, it was far from just sunshine and rainbows

In life, nothing was ever free.

All benefits had a price to pay and just because the benefits were granted by the heavens themselves didn't mean that this rule would be any different.

Everything the heavens did had a purpose, and creating the Children of Heaven also had a similar purpose 

Although the Children of Heaven didn't know what their purpose was or even what time their purpose will come. What they did know, however, was that when the time of their purpose came, there was never meant to be so many of them alive.

The Children of heaven had been granted some of the strongest advantages and benefits to ever exist in this world, so of course the Heavens would be expecting ts chosen children to be just that,

The absolute strongest.

Even the creation of the Children of Heaven was made with creating the strongest warrior in Mind

The children of heaven would be forced to compete against each other in brutal fights to the death until only the strongest among them remained.

However these fights were not without purpose as every time the children of heaven killed one another, the murderer would be blessed with many benefits.

Their talent would increase and become even more unbelievable, their physiques would mutate and become even stronger with many more other benefits included it was almost impossible for the Heavens children to not fight amongst each other.

besides, if the temptation of the heavens benefits was not enough to get them to fight with, then their innate dislike for reach other would.

for some strange reason, Dante and Klent didn't have the typical reaction between meeting their fellow children of Heaven. 

For some strange reason, they seemed to not dislike each other upon contact.. In fact, up until now, the relationship between Dante and Klent could actually have been said to be quite good.


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