I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 150 - The Features Of A General

But even with the helmet on, Dante could still see the student below sneering at him.

"Yeah, you heard me right!" Said the student 

"As the heart of the formation, it's your job to keep the formation from failing, yet you've not even managed to pull off a successful formation once!

So much for The Dragon Son of War, you really are just an over-hyped flop!"

To be fair to Dante, the student's opinion of him really was quite harsh.

Dante was actually doing well for how little experience he had. The ability constantly to fix the slightest problems in spirit arrays and battle formations is only held by the most talented generals of the kingdom.

Most generals have an excellent squadron of perfectly trained soldiers

that rarely ever break concentration, so it would be simply unfair to judge Dante based on his performance with this group of students.

After all, even though Dante was touted as one of the best talents in the history of the Hidden Dragon Academy, this was only in terms of raw cultivation talent and combat prowess.

When it came to intricate procedures like forming spirit arrays, Dante's talent could simply put, only be called slightly above average.

If not then why wasn't he even offered high positions not the departments like the Department of Alchemy or the Department of Weapons and arrays?

These sort of things simply weren't Dante's speciality.

But even despite knowing these facts, that didn't mean these words didn't affect Dante.

As soon as the words left the students mouth, Dante's eyes quickly flickered into a pair of emotionless serpentine slits.

The only strange thing was that Dante felt something off about the situation.

usually, Dante never got this heated over someone else's comments about him.

But strangely enough, this time Dante felt an unnatural level of animosity towards the person in front of him.

It was as if there was some outside force that was slightly stimulating his anger towards this person before him.

But even with this thought in the back of his mind, Dante didn't really care!

His unnatural anger at the person in front of him combined with the stinging pain from the constantly shattering spirit array had really put him on edge, and this students words were really the last straw.

Dante was fully pissed off and flashed out his hand, reaching forward to teach this annoying kid a lesson!'

but before Dante's hand could make contact with the person in front, Dante could only see a bright, flashing, golden light

before Dante could even think, he felt himself hit by a powerful force as his body was sent flying through the air

'Huh? What even happened?' Thought Dante.

Suddenly Dante's thoughts were interrupted as he felt himself come crashing back down towards the ground!


Dante's body slammed into the ground with dizzying speeds, causing a large crater to form in the ground around the collision site.

Slowly, an extremely pissed off Dante eventually crawled out the ground, his eyes practically red with rage whilst his moonlight sword was already drawn, ready for combat.

but as Dante was ready to charge down the student in a brutal retaliation, he looked up to see Mr Kriel standing next to the student with his body shining in a soft golden glow.

As Mr Kriel stood there, he looked down at Dante with an extremely cold gaze.

Mr Kriel usually had a cold look on his face, but this time you could tell things were different.

There was a dark and furious aura brewing around him, allowing you to easily tell that this time, Mr Kriel was genuinely infuriated.

"As the Dragon Son of War, you even resorted to violence with your very own soldiers!"

"Dante, today you really have embarrassed your title as Dragon Son!"

but Dante was never one to apologise when he thought he did nothing wrong, so in his anger, he quickly replied to Mr Kriel.

"The title of Dragon Son doesn't mean I have to calmly take insults. Just because I'm a dragon son doesn't mean I would turn the other cheek when someone slapped me in the face!"

"Any other Dragon son might not have to, but you certainly do!" Said Mr Kriel

"Not just you, but everyone here needs to learn how to do it. We're not training you to be any old warriors, we're training you to be soldiers! We're training you to be generals!"

"A general should know how to control his emotions. A slight moment of emotion for a general could end up costing thousands of lives!

Pride, rage, arrogance! 

These are all luxuries that a good general just can't afford to have! If the Random insults to your pride can be enough for you to lose your cool and retaliate, maybe you were not meant for my department of war in the first place!" Said Mr Kriel 

"Besides, do you really think what he said was wrong?"

"He was absolutely correct! The strength of your spirit array was nothing short of a joke and your management of your soldiers was even worse."

but before the student that had started this in the first place could even let out a light chuckle, there was a burst of golden light as he was sent flying as well.

"And you!" Roared Mr Kriel as he turned toward the student.

"When on earth did you ever think it was your place to start criticising others!

The performance made by the rest of the students in the formation was nothing short of woeful! 

While Dante may have been at fault for not keeping the Spirit array from falling apart, you guys are just as responsible for making the spirit array unstable in the first place!"

eventually, even Mr Kriel couldn't take it anymore as he flew into the sky.

"Today the class has disappointed me. It's clear that none of you are ready to be placed in a real battle formation.

Class is dismissed and we won't be having another lesson on battle formations until I'm sure you are capable!"

After Mr Kriel said this, he didn't waste any more time there and quickly flee away from his students filled with disappointment.

As soon as Mr Kriel left, the students broke into low mutterings amongst themselves

Dante wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

instead, Dante walked up towards the person who started this in the first place.

Seeing Dante's terrible mood, no other student was stupid enough to aggravate him and simply moved out his way.

As Dante came closer to the armoured person, he saw him simply sitting on the floor, seemingly thinking to himself.

But as Dante was approaching him, he saw the person remove his helmet, letting Dante have a clear look at his face.

"Klent." Muttered Dante in disbelief 

surprisingly, the person who criticised Dante so brutally and insulted him was actually one of the people he was supposedly close to.

But if Dante was being honest, he wasn't even as surprised as he felt he should be.

in a strange way it actually made more sense to Dante.

You see, ever since Dante discovered the treasure and secret that Klent was carrying, for some reason, Klent's presence slowly became more and more unpleasant.

It was a strange feeling that Dante himself couldn't even explain. it was like something had changed, almost as if something had activated inside of him, slowly twisting his opinion of Klent to one of dislike. 

And the strange thing is, that Dante was almost sure that this feeling wasn't one he was feeling alone. He was almost 100% sure that this feeling was one that went both ways.

But even with all this, not much had changed for Dante.

Dante was never one to beat around the bush and knowing the identity of the person hadn't changed what happened to him. So with a calm yet cold aura around him, Dante went up to Klent to confront him.

As Klent saw Dante approach him, he slowly rose to his feet, seemingly unaffected by the blow from Mr Kriel as his gaze still just as sharp as ever.

Dante only stopped when he was only a few feet away from Klent as he spoke,

"So, it seems like you have a problem with me?" Asked Dante in a ice cold voice

Faced with Dante's overwhelming aura and confrontational tone, Klent didn't even flinch.


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