I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 144 - The First Battle Formation!

If news of him questioning the loyalty of a legend like Hendrix was to get out, his public image would definitely take a hit, especially amongst the military, which practically revered Hendrix.

But instead of taking this step to pressure Lloyd more like everyone had expected, Hendrix soon retracted his aura as he said,

"but I guess if I can't convince you of my loyalty, then the only choice this old man has left is to beg."


There was a loud thud as Hendrix fell to his knees.

Hendrix didn't seem to be bothered by kneeling in front of the king and, without hesitation, turned towards the king as he begged,

"My king, my only request is that you allow the engagement between my granddaughter and the Dragon son. It's her only wish!"

It was a truly pitiful sight to behold.

The old man Hendrix, with his frail aura, seemed to be struggling as he kneeled before the king.

His old body seemed to be shaking, as if even the slightest breeze would be enough to knock the poor old man over.

While this sight was truly pitiful, the people who knew about Hendrix didn't feel pity for Him at all!

In fact, all the people who knew were shocked by Hendrix's shamelessness!

Don't let the pitiful appearance of Hendrix fool you.

This old man was still a Martial Expert cultivator and one of the strongest beings in the kingdom!

Although he was old, He would be able to kneel for hours in the freezing tundra without even slightly shaking, much less the warm Court room!

But even if everyone else knew Hendrix was faking it, this didn't mean that the people could just sit by and do nothing.

No matter how shameless he was, this man was still a living legend of the Vaenam Kingdom!

If the people found out that such an old veteran of the Kingdom was forced to kneel the Royal court, there would be an unprecedented outcry!

The people would simply gloss over the fact that Hendrix was actually a martial expert cultivator. For them, the royal courts had bullied a frail old veteran into kneeling on the floor!

seeing the poor sight of Minister Hendrix, King Raiden as he spoke 

"Minister Hendrix, there's no need to kneel, please stand."

but Minster Hendrix's next word shocked everybody watching.

"My king, please forgive this old man, but I must remain kneeling"

"My Lord, this is the wish of my precious granddaughter. I've already failed her mother when it came to the affairs of love. I refuse to allow such things to happen again!"

As soon as Minster Hendrix said this, a sharp look flashed across King Raiden's face.

But soon the sharp look twisted into one of fluctuating emotions before, eventually, King Raiden could only let out a sigh as he looked down at Minister Hendrix.

"Rise Hendrix. if the marriage is what you desire then it may go ahead."

Hendrix slowly climbed to his feet and quickly thanked the king 

"Thank you my Lord! Your grace will never be forgotten-"

but before Hendrix could even begin speaking for long, King Raiden cut him off 

"3 times Hendrix" said King Raiden 

"On 3 separate occasions have you saved me from death"

"And it's because of this, that I have owed you three separate favours. Hendrix, you have already used the other two favours so if you want this marriage to go ahead, then you will be using the last favour. 

So will ask again Hendrix, are you okay with this?"

As King Raiden asked this question, his emotionless violet eyes peered straight at Hendrix

Hendrix didn't even wait a second before he quickly replied.

"Of course!" Replied Hendrix

"To fulfill this wish for my granddaughter then it is definitely worth it!"

"Very well then." Said King Raiden 

"From this day, the debt between me and you has been repayed. I will know longer owe you anything."

Hearing this Hendrix quickly bowed in appreciation,

"Thank you for your kindness my Lord!"

in face of Hendrix's thanks, King Raiden merley nodded in acknowledgment before turning to the rest of the courts.

"Today has been an eventful day, I am no longer in the mood to discuss any further matters. Court dismissed!"

As he said this King Raiden didn't wait for anyone and started leaving the courts.

watching As King Raiden Hendrix couldn't help but break out in a sly smirk.

'hahah! Finally the last piece of the puzzle in place. The plan can finally start!'


regardles of the crazy happenings, Dante was currently sat in his class room.

He didn't know that his name had single handle caused chaos in the royal courts.

Dante was sitting in the class waiting for Mr Kriel.

The only annoying thing for Dante was that every so often he could hear his name being brought up along with that of Princess Levina as people staring straight at him in curiosity.

Allthough Dante was doing a pretty good job ignoring these idiots the constant talking and muttering of his name was starting to get on his nerves.

"I know I've asked you this already" said Lennox

"But is I really possible that nothing is going on between you and the princess, I mean the rumours do say..."

Before Lennox could even finish speaking he received the cold glare of Dante.

"Alright, alright man. There's no need to be angry, sheesh!"

before Lennox could continue complaining, the classroom instantly went silent as Mr Kriel soon walked in.

"Good Morning class." Greeted Mr Kriel in his usual stoic voice.

"as I said last lesson today is the day of youre first practical lesson of the year.

And for today we'll be starting off the year with a bang!" Said Mr Kriel as a rare smile appeared on his face.

"Today our class will be learning our first battle formation!"


as soon as Mr Kriel finished his sentence, the class burst into a storm of chatter and rightfully so.

Most classes don't even start learning their first formation unless they've at least covered some more basic knowledge , and that usually takes the average class about 2 months into the year.

Yet their class was much different.

They had already moved on to learning their fist formation on just one lesson after the first day!

"Now calm down," said Mr Kriel.

"Your class is very different from the others. All of you here are by the most talented batch of this year's cohort in the Department of war so this makes things easier.

besides, there's specific orders from above to go as faster than usual with you guys, so I hope you're ready."

as soon as Mr Kriel said that he was receiving orders above, the image of Vincent with a ridiculous smile on his face popped into Dante's head.

'Damn!' Thought Dante in surprise

'He said there was a surprise waiting for me, but I really wasn't expecting all this!'

But Dante didn't get to think long before his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Mr Kriel.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go get changed into your battle armour!"

With Mr Kriel's instructions, the Classroom seemed to descend into chaos as all the students rapidly rushed out of the room, all eager to get there first battle formation Experience!


A few minutes later, the full class of students was lined up outside in wide training field.

the students were all dressed up in the Maroon coloured plate armour signature of the Department of War.

As the Dragon Son, Dante was not spared of any uniform requirements and was similarly dressed In the clunky plate maroon armour like the rest of his peers.

It's just that as the Dragon Son of War, Dante's armour was slightly different to completely plain armour of the others. His armour had a blood-red eastern dragon coiling around it, that seemed to be roaring ferociously, almost as if it was signifying his glorious position of Dragon Son to the world.

standing in front of the neatly lined group students, Mr Kriel gave a nod of approval before he started speaking.

"today you will be learning the basics of your first ever battle formation"

although they had already heard it before, the crowd of students still couldn't help but react when they were being told they were about to experience a legendary battle formation!


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