I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 143 - Court Meeting

King Raiden slowly made his way up a short flight of stairs up onto his throne, which was in a slightly elevated position that allowed him to watch over the court.

After sitting in his chair, King Raiden waved his hand as he spoke.

"You may be seated."

with those words, the crowd of ministers gave a light bow before going back to take their seats.

The King was finally here!

The Royal court had begun!

After being dismissed by the king, Hendrix had only sat down for a few seconds before he suddenly heard a familiar, annoying ring out through the courts.

"My king, I know it may be unpleasant to start the court meeting with such displeasing news, but this matter is something urgent and something I think needs to be addressed."

The man who was speaking was none other than one of Hendrix's biggest rivals from the opposing faction of civil officials.

He was the Minister Galant, the Minister of the Right.

As the minister of the Right, he was also one of the big players when it came to court politics and because of this, he and Hendrix have butted heads here in the royal courts on more than one occasion.

So it didn't come as a surprise to Hendrix didn't even have to think to know where Galant was going with this.

"My Lord," said Minister Galant

"This servant is aware of some strong rumours circulating through the capital. Princess Levina and The New Dragon Son of War are soon to be engaged.

If this rumour is true, then this servant only fears about the dangers that linking two such powerful members of the kingdom's military could hold for the safety of the Kingdom. My Lord, such power is not just a threat to the national security, but it's a threat to the very foundations of the Kingdom!"

Hearing this news, there was barely any change in the King's eyes as if he was already aware of this fact in the first place. 

But even so, the Kings still seemed to play along with Minister Galant and turned to Hendrix as he asked, 

"Hendrix, you've heard what Galant has said. What do you have to say to yourself?"

slowly, Hendrix rose to his feet as he replied, 

"My Lord, this servant can offer no excuses. The rumours circulating in the capital are true." 

As soon as Hendrix said this, small mutterings of disapproval could be heard breaking out all over the court.

Hendrix wasn't fazed by this and payed little attention to these mutterings and continued speaking.

"But my king, I can assure you that this matter has nothing to do with me. Even if I wanted to stop this engagement, there's nothing I could do as this matter is already out of my hands."

hearing this, King Raiden couldn't help but raise his eyebrow.

"Out of your hands? " asked King Raiden in interest

"Please, explain to me what you mean by this Hendrix"

"Of course, my Lord." Said Hendrix hurriedly

"The reason I say this matter is out of my hand is because I really had little say in the decision whether or not this engagement goes ahead.

You see, the truth is all these plans for the engagement and marriage are all the doings of Princess Levina. 

When she first saw the Dragon Son of War at the annual welcoming ceremony, I can only describe what happened to her as love at first sight!

It was ever since then, that we have tried to arrange a meeting with Dragon Son to see how he feels.

But surprisingly, after only a few meetings, I found that the deep feelings of love appear between them appear to be mutual. So my Lord, this is what I mean when I say the decision really is out of my hand, even if I wanted to stop the engagement."

After Hendrix finished speaking, the crowd of the court was left silent. 

Was Hendrix actually expecting them to believe this nonsense?

Everyone here had already heard the rumours about the Princess's twisted personality, yet somehow they were supposed to believe that the mad woman Levina, the one who's mind is so twisted it one earned her the title of 'The broken doll of the royal family', had somehow fallen in love at first sight?


What Hendrix had said just now was just a pile of crap and everyone here knew it.

The only problem was that even if everyone here knew what Hendrix was saying is bullshit, there was just no way to prove it false.

At the end of the day, without evidence it would simply be a match of your word against Hendrix's. and for a man with such a distinguished reputation like Minister Hendrix, it would be a hard task to try and win against.

But even with all these facts, it didn't mean that everybody would just sit there and accept this bullshit.

just because it would be hard to win against Hendrix does not mean that it's impossible.

People are still going to try, and who better else to try than Hendrix's long time enemy in Minister Galant.

As soon as Hendrix finished his statement, Minister Galant rose up in disbelief as he shouted.

"Love at first sight? Hendrix, please. We are not fools here, we know the kind of person Princess Levina is. You surely can't expect us to actually believe she fell in love at first sight?"

Faced with Galant's allegations, instead of arguing with him, Hendrix only sneered in his direction.

"Oh really?" asked Minister Hendrix

 "What would an old dog like you even know about love in the first place? Aren't you the man who's already on your 7th marriage?"

hearing Hendrix's speak, an ugly expression quickly broke onto Galant's face 

"Even if what's between them may not be love at first sight, I don't think someone with a marriage record as bad as yours is even qualified to speak right now!"

After successfully dealing with Galant, Hendrix thought he had successfully dealt with the last hurdle towards that was preventing the marriage from going through. 

But just as Hendrix relaxed, he suddenly heard someone else speaking to the king.

"But Royal Father, I don't doubt the love between my sister and the Dragon Son of War, the only thing is that I fear for the potential dangers this can bring for the kingdom."

looking over Hendrix saw that the person speaking was Prince Lloyd. 

 'tch that little bastard must be up to something again' thought Hendrix 

"I'm not doubting the loyalty of anyone to the kingdom," added Lloyd

"it's just that that the hearts of Men are always unpredictable and the saying goes prevention is always better than cure. Both the Minster of War and Dragon Son of War being one from one family is just too risky. If either one was to have any strange ideas, the consequences could be potentially damning for the kingdom!"

Lloyd had just dropped a lethal accusation But before anyone could react, Hendrix's cold voice rang out right throughout the court.

"Are you seriously doubting my loyalty to the Kingdom?"

"I have been serving this kingdom for longer than you've even been alive!"

as Hendrix spoke, the aura in the room seemed to change as the cruel and bloody aura of the battlefield burst from his body engulfing the whole court room.

"When the enemy kingdoms plotted and simultaneously attacked our borders, it was I along with 10,000 men that rode constantly for 5 days without rest and eventually won the war."

When the northern front was breached by one of the worst beast tides in the Kingdom's history, it was I and 1000 men who held the line long enough for reenforcement's to arrive. In that bloody fight only me along with 50 other soldiers ended up surviving, yet here you are, a little boy who knows nothing about my sacrifices, questioning my loyalty to the Kingdom!"

Faced with Hendrix's furious aura even Lloyd had to retreat.

This time Lloyd knew he had messed up, to question the loyalty of a legend of the kingdom like Hendrix Invidus was never a good choice

He was too flustered by the news of Dante and Levina's marriage that it actually led to him making a mistake.

If news of him questioning the loyalty of a legend like Hendrix was to get out, his public image would definitely take a hit, especially amongst the military which practically revered Hendrix.


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