I have Nine Lives

Chapter 126: A cat in the bag

Chapter 126: A cat in the bag

Migdal started to recollect all of the information he had of Felix before sharing it with the Foxes' leader.

The sultry voice sounded quite interested in Felix's accomplishments that the mole-people had dug up, even though they didn't know about the rabbit's fight because it was tightly holden under wraps by the rabbit emperor, the moles still dug out quite a lot of information about him and his abilities.

Felix had been through quite a lot of battles on the upper parts of the continent and it was impossible for all of them to not be recorded in some type of way, and the moles had their ways in getting information along with their abilities to create traps, they were the surveillance and recognizance troops of the resistance along with a few sprinkles of logistics mixed in.

They were the best at what they were doing and the information that they were currently giving to the leader was 100% accurate.

The female voice came out of the pebble-sized communication stone as Migdal finished his report:

"Are you sure you got the right information? I can't believe one person could do so many things!"

"It's true your majesty, I have witnessed some of those feats myself and I think he has some rather important information that could be of use to us, he is one of the main fighters of the invaders and he should have access to top-ranked secret information."

"Ok I will be waiting for you to send him here, I can't wait to get my hands on him."

The sultry voice stopped as the connection cut off, they have finished their conversation and Felix was currently being hauled to a wood plank.

The plank had some wheels strapped at the bottom and the moles started to push it after they tied Felix to it properly.

While they had gotten quite a lot of special traps and unique contraptions from the humans they hadn't acquired any transportation objects as they were too expensive even for the rich Sparron continent, at least the prices they asked for were too outrageous to the point that they had been declined even though they did have the things they asked for, the price was just too big for the taste of the inhabitants and it wouldn't be different from being enslaved.

Felix's consciousness was fuzzy as he felt his surroundings move but he couldn't even crane his neck to look around, he just felt as if he was drifting by a lonely boat on a stormy ocean.

Things were strange in this half-conscious state, he could see things that he didn't see before, his senses were both muffled and sharper than they were in his conscious state, he could even somehow taste the colors that surrounded him.

It was quite a bizarre adventure for the little feline.

Felix could feel his surroundings move at a slow speed every time the moles moved the plank with him on top of it even though he was unconscious so even though he didn't know where he was he still got a feeling for it, it was somewhat strange as if he could know where he was and not at the same time.

The moles took turns to push him as he was rather heavy for the little beings, at least it would be like that until they met with the welcoming party of the foxes that would take him away from their hands.

Felix could even hear them talking:

"Damn this guy is rather heavy for his small size, he is only as tall as us!"

"We aren't really the strongest, to begin with, but he seems rather heavy than normal."

"You are just a bunch of sissies, he isn't that heavy you are just too weak!"

"Hey we aren't cut for this job, to begin with, we are only doing it for the extra cash!"

"Then stop bitching and continue your work!"

Their vocabulary was getting rather colorful to the point Felix didn't even want to hear them anymore, the mole people were sophisticated on the surface but uncouth under their facade.

He would have sighed if he could, he was getting really bothered by being lugged around like he was a sack of potatoes and he was also getting rather tired of it.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't feel his body, it was a different experience than the one where his soul left his body, he was sure his soul was still in his body, while the soul was active the body was unresponsive.

He didn't know what the moles did to his body but he didn't like it at all, he was sure that the chains that tied him weren't strong enough to stop his overly strong body so the moment he hit the ground he must have been injected with something that weakened him and another dose put his body to sleep.

The thing was, how much time would it take for that substance to leave his body, or how could he expel it by himself?

These were questions that he didn't really have answers to, but he could experiment.

Even though his body was unresponsive at the moment he could slowly move it, as time passed from the moment he became half-unconscious his control over his body was slowly coming back, but then he heard something that made him realize that what he thought was true:

"Hey guys, I think the effect of the experimental catnip is wearing off, how much time did chief Migdal say that it lasts?"

"Hmm, around 5 hours per dose and he took 2 doses when he fell in our village, not even 3 hours passed yet and you think that he needs more? You do know that we need him alive right?"

"I'm not sure, I think I saw his tail move..."

"Are you sure you saw his tail move? We have an exact amount of medicine that we need to inject in him, what if we use it now and he still wakes up later and we don't have anything to sedate him with?"

"Well uh... are we close to the foxes' party yet? It won't be our responsibility anymore after we exchange with them."

"We are almost there, just wait a little bit more you sissy pants, I can't believe you are so scared."

"Hey you haven't been there when he unleashed himself on those troops, he is a monster! He was severing heads like he doesn't have an iota of empathy like he didn't know these people had families of their own, he is a cold-blooded killer!"

"Oh come on, this little fluffy guy is a cold-blooded killer? Don't you think you are exaggerating a bit?"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, let's continue!"

Felix felt his body jolt as he continued to attempt to regain control over with, however, the jolt didn't come from his attempt but the fact that the plank had hit a pothole.

However that jolt was the thing that Felix's body needed the most as he could feel his soul slowly getting control over it, his paws started to shake as he slowly started to move his body, his strength returned to 100% as he unleashed his full power cracking his bindings and breaking them!

He got up from the plank as glared at the small people surrounding him only to feel something get injected into his back his body slowly started to go limp again as he turned to look who stabbed him in the back, it was a muscular mole with no shirt and scars all over his upper body, he had an eye patch over his left eye and a small mustache, he had an empty syringe in his small but muscular hands as he glared at Felix:

"It seems it was the right choice to listen to that sissy, you really are something special huh? Being able to shrug off 10 hours of medicine in 3 hours, but this time I guess that tripling the dose won't kill you with such a strong constitution right?"

Felix struggled to try to remain awake as he used his paw to hit his chest trying to expunge the liquid that entered his veins and was slowly dissolving into his bloodstream.

"Stop struggling, this is the best serum that the human tribe had created against the feline kind, it works on you, the lions, the tigers you name a feline and it will put it down accordingly to the amount used, you shall go into the foxes' hands either if you want it or not!"

Felix didn't want to go through a similar experience as he already had Shima's actions imprinted on him, he struggled to the best of his ability but the serum was just too tough to deal with, it seemed that while they couldn't find the secrets of his body, the experiments that were done of him weren't for nothing as they created this serum...

Felix's body flopped back onto the plank as it returned to its original state, he couldn't move at all anymore and his attempts at flushing out the serum from his system didn't work, he gritted his teeth in his half-unconscious state as he became angered to a high degree, he couldn't believe he ended up in the same situation as before even though he knew killing intent detection!

Unless... the little muscle mole guy knew killing intent masking? It seemed he made a mistake as he didn't account for all of his surroundings before making his revenge...

Suddenly he could feel his body stopping as they reached a certain place where he sensed more people approaching his unconscious body, he could feel that they were stronger than the moles and also way taller... it seemed the foxes had arrived at the pick-up spot at the same time the moles did...


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