I have Nine Lives

Chapter 127: Interrogation attempts

Chapter 127: Interrogation attempts

Felix felt that he was currently being picked up as he didn't feel the plank roughness on his back, two delicate hands scooped him up before throwing him inside a burlap sack!

The sack felt rough on Felix's skin and he felt really uncomfortable even though it was a similar experience back to the time when he went with Landers to visit the humans.

However, even though he was in a sack he could still hear clearly what was happening outside due to his body's advanced hearing, they thought that Felix was unconscious so their guards were rather down making them talk about things that they wouldn't naturally talk about about if Felix was awake.

"Her majesty seemed quite interested in this one, I wonder why?"

"It's not our job to think about her majesty's interests but act upon them."

"Stop being such a spoilsport I just wondered what made this little cat special."

"Stop wondering and let's go, the moles did say that he is rather resistant to the serum so we must make haste!"

Then sounds of running were heard as the trio that put him in the sack quickly made their way from the meeting point and went towards the base of the foxes.

The base was quite far away from the meeting point so they had to stop a few times to recover their stamina.

The moment they stopped for a short while Felix's body started to twitch as the serum was getting expunged from his body by his strong anti-corps, the serum wasn't poison and it didn't do any damage to his body thus his anti-corps didn't know what to do at first but they were slowly getting used to it and the effectiveness of the serum was getting lower and lower.

The third injection wouldn't even affect him anymore.

Felix somewhat realized that and he knew that he needed a plan to escape, doing the same thing as before wasn't the smartest thing as he already experienced what would happen if he went in without a plan.

He needed something to escape but he wasn't sure what he could use, fortunately, they didn't touch his special bag nor any of his belongings but he wasn't sure how much time it will be before they were taken from him, anyway he didn't really have anything useful in the bag but he had grown attached to it.

Felix sighed as he felt they stopped once again, the voices continued to talk:

"Just a few more hundreds of kilometers and we are there I heard that the leader had already prepared a room for this little guy before we left, she said that she will oversee the interrogation process personally!"

"It isn't surprising, her majesty really hates the fact that the invaders desecrate our surroundings, she wouldn't mind as much to lower herself to the level of the invaders but we got the news that the invaders had started to cut down the sacred trees!"

"Yes, that preposterous..."

Besides some new information, Felix found out that these people liked to chat a lot about miscellaneous things that he just tuned off because they weren't of any use to him in his current situation.

He wanted to know if he was going to be alone or what type of interrogation would their leader do on him so he could prepare himself.

If he could find the enemy's hideout and then escape he would be able to help the Lion army attack the resistance at its core.

To deter the bandits one needed to strike at the bandit chief!

Felix knew that in this situation the best way to do that was endure the torture that was going to be inflicted on him, escape and then expose the location, even though he was in the burlap sack and half-conscious he could still somewhat recognize the path they had taken and run it back in his mind to remember it properly if he got to take at least one look at it, which he could do so after he escaped.

He could feel that the trio had rested well enough as they started to move again, they quickly approached the headquarters of the foxes at last, even though Felix felt that a long time passed only 20 or so hours passed in reality.

The trio easily slipped into the headquarters as they were high-ranked personnel and made their way to the special room that the queen had assigned for this mission.

Then they unceremoniously dropped Felix on a cold steel table before using some manacles to tie him to it.

They took another syringe from their pockets before inserting it into Felix's leg making his soul quickly fuse right back with his body turning off the half-unconscious state he was in.

Felix already knew where they were so he only took a glance around before glaring at his captors, the trio were all-male fox-people with fox ears and tails but they wore cloaks that covered their whole bodies besides their heads as they already took their hoods off.

They grinned at Felix in a chesire way that somewhat resembled his own grin:

"It seems the sleeping beauty had finally woke up, pay attention cause our queen has decided to grace you with her presence!"

A sultry voice could be heard coming from everywhere at the same time after the man that said that finished his sentence:

"Oho? What had the cat got for us?"

A beautiful female fox appeared from nowhere, she had silver-colored hair and ears, her grey eyes peered deeply into Felix's own, she had a small impish grin on her face as she looked at him and she wore a beautiful green battle-dress that would help her camouflage along with military boots to complement her looks.

The way she looked into Felix's eyes was rather creepy as he felt his head getting dizzy, but it wasn't because of her beauty.

He could sense that she was trying to transmit her soul wavelength into his to extract information from him, however, Felix's soul had been tempered multiple times so her attempt at charming him didn't work at all.

Seeing that her first method didn't work didn't discourage the fox-woman at all, she gave out another impish smile as she said:

"Your name's Felix, right? I have heard so many things about you and considering what I felt right now it seems that most of them must be true."

No weakling would be able to endure her methods of interrogation, even the weakest ones, and from the contact that she made with her soul shield she immediately understood that she would need her best techniques to get into Felix's soul and make him spill his guts.

Seeing that Felix wouldn't talk at all made her put her hand on his tummy which triggered a negative reaction from him as he was ready to bite her hand off, he didn't like to be touched there especially by strangers.

"A sensitive spot isn't it?"

The fox woman touched his tummy a few times as she smiled seeing how he wanted to rip off the manacles and bite her hand off but he was unable to, yet.

"Oh stop being such a drama queen little guy, why don't you tell me what you know and I might be able to let you leave?"

Of course, she was lying after Felix told her what she wanted to know she would explode his soul and cut off the connection between him and his god making him unrevivable.

Felix was an immense threat to the resistance and with him gone their winning odds would increase immensely.

However the more she tried the more she realized that she actually couldn't do anything to Felix!

She tried all of her advanced soul techniques only to realize that Felix's soul was both flexible and strong at the same time meaning that all of her attempts ended up in failure.

She became frustrated as she tried all of her techniques regardless of ranking but all of them were useless!

She put her hand on his tummy as he wanted to try some type of physical torture if the psychological one didn't work due to his strong soul but she realized that his body was also extremely hard!

She frowned as she punched him in the tummy only to hear a sickening crunch from her knuckles as they broke into pieces and she almost shouted out in pain, seeing the unsavory expression on their leader's face made the trio back off a little as one of them said:

"Should we try some torture tools?"

"Yeah your majesty, I don't think it would be wise to torture him with our bare hands I..."

The man immediately shut up as he saw the blood dripping from the woman's knuckles.

"Bring out the torture tools!"

"Of course your majesty!"

The trio immediately disappeared and came back soon after with a tray full of saws, chains, ropes, and different other assortments of items that were created to inflict as much pain as possible.

'Her majesty' immediately went ahead and took a sharp saw from the tray before immediately getting at work trying to saw Felix's paws off only to realize that the saw was slowly getting its teeth broken as it made contact with Felix's fur alone, it didn't even reach his skin!

The woman threw away the saw in anger making it clatter on the floor below, she angry bellowed to her subordinates:

"Get me something sharper!"

She glared at Felix who was smirking at her with the same attitude she smirked at him the moment they first met eyes, it was obvious that no matter what she did she wouldn't be able to hurt him.

And he was also getting his way around these manacles that were tying him to the table, sooner or later he would escape!


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