I Have A Sword

Chapter 698: Where Is The God Clan?

As Ye Guan watched the lady in the plain skirt and the man in white approaching, he was taken aback. They had actually arrived.

Ye Guan found it quite unexpected.

Seeing the lady in the plain skirt, Erya pouted and then promptly returned to the tiny pagoda with Little White.

At that moment, everyone in the area was observing the lady in the plain skirt and the man in white. Clearly, they were the individuals behind Ye Guan.

Many individuals in the vicinity furrowed their brows because they realized they had never encountered these two before.

Beside Madam Chu, the young man in white cast a puzzled glance at her. After staring at the lady in the plain skirt and the man for a while, Madam Chu shook her head. "I have never seen them before."

The young man in white frowned slightly. If they were extraordinary elites, it was unlikely that his grandmother hadn't seen them before...

Madam Chu gazed at the distant figures of the two, her brows deeply furrowed. She couldn't sense any aura emanating from them at all.

How could this be? Madam Chu was astonished.

Meanwhile, Zhen Tian and the other strong members of the Zhen Clan were also observing the lady in the plain skirt and the man in white. They were undoubtedly anxious. After all, the God Clan had summoned the soul of their ancestor.

If these two individuals in front of them hadn't attained ninety percent divinity or were at the half-step realm... they had no chance.

Were these two at ninety percent divinity?

Zhen Tian and the others were puzzled because they couldn't sense any aura emanating from the two figures in front of them.

Shen Qi also stared intently at the lady in the plain skirt and the man who had appeared, refusing to believe that they could have reached ninety percent divinity!

Ninety percent divinity? Over all these years, only the First God had achieved that, and the First God was from the God Clan!How could anyone outside possibly have attained ninety percent divinity?Absolutely impossible!

After reconfirming this in his heart once again, Shen Qi gradually calmed down, a cold smile appearing on his face.

Below, Ye Guan gazed at the man in white before him. He remained silent for a while before saying, "Father."

The man in white before him was indeed his father. In terms of appearance, they were exactly the same, without any changes.

Upon hearing Ye Guan's words, the Sword Master burst into laughter. "You're calling me father?"

"Is there a problem?"

The Sword Master turned to the lady in the plain skirt beside him, and she calmly said, "There's nothing wrong with acknowledging a son."

For a moment, both father and son were speechless.

Ye Guan glanced at his father. His father was still his father, but it seemed there was a problem with his memory.

While the Sword Master observed Ye Guan, he wasn't particularly surprised by Ye Guan addressing him as "Father." He wasn't foolish, after following Ye Guan for so long, he had some inkling of what was going on. Moreover, the resemblance between this young man and himself was uncanny.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed in the void above. All eyes turned upward to the ancestral god of the God Clan, Shen Hao, descending slowly. Though he didn't intentionally exude his power, everyone felt a chilling sense of oppression, as if they were being suffocated.

Half-step to ninety percent divinity! It was a barrier that ordinary individuals couldn't surpass.

Zhen Tian's expression became incredibly complex. Despite being at eighty percent divinity himself, he now realized the vast difference separating him from ninety percent divinity. In front of ninety percent divinity, eighty percent seemed truly insignificant.

Zhen Tian shifted his gaze to the lady in the plain skirt and her companion, knowing that the fate of the Zhen Clan hinged upon these two figures.

Shen Hao stared at the lady in the plain skirt and the Sword Master. He sensed something amiss and furrowed his brows.

Ignoring Shen Hao's gaze, the lady in the plain skirt addressed Ye Guan beside her. "Whether you call someone or not shouldn't weigh so heavily on your mind. Just go with your instincts, understand?"

"What do you mean by 'going with my instincts'?"

"Simply do as you please."

Ye Guan smiled wryly, "But I don't have that kind of strength."

The lady in the plain skirt nodded slightly. "Then set your sights a little lower. If you want to call someone, do it. If you don't, then don't. That's within your capabilities."

Seeing Ye Guan's hesitation, the lady in the plain skirt continued, "Understand your heart, tame your heart, and follow your heart."

Ye Guan looked at her quizzically. "Heart?"

The lady in the plain skirt nodded subtly. "Don't be too calculated in everything. Take yourself, for example. You're afraid to call someone, but why worry so much about others' opinions? Living according to others' standards is foolish, you know?"

"I understand."

"Just do what your heart desires."

"I get it now."

However, the lady in the plain skirt smiled knowingly and remarked, "You don't quite get it."

This caught Ye Guan off guard.

But the lady in the plain skirt didn't elaborate. How many people in this world could truly followed their hearts?

Understanding the heart, taming the heart, and following the heart. These three states were not ranked in terms of superiority; each was its own independent realm.

At best, Ye Guan could only claim to have a rudimentary understanding of his heart.

Of course, she didn't expect Ye Guan to immediately reach the state of following his heart. She was merely guiding him on the path he should take in the future.

Just a nudge in the right direction.

At that moment, Shen Qi from the God Clan interjected, "Are we done with the chit-chat?"

The lady in the plain skirt turned to face Shen Qi, who stared at her intently and asked, "Are you the guardian behind Ye Guan?"

With a slight nod, the lady in the plain skirt confirmed, "Yes."

Shen Qi sneered, "Then let's see if you can actually keep him safe."

“Is he your backer?” The lady in the plain skirt extended a finger to Shen Hao in the distance.

Without waiting for a response from Shen Qi, the lady in the plain skirt dotted her finger lightly.


Amidst the collective gaze of everyone present, Shen Hao's expression underwent a sudden and drastic change. Without hesitation, he bent his knees and knelt down. As his knees touched the ground, the fabric of spacetime collapsed in an instant.

A petrified silence gripped the entire area.

Did he just kneel? Baffled expressions mirrored the disbelief that filled the air.

Shen Qi, especially, wore an expression of incredulity, his mind struggled to comprehend what he was witnessing.

Meanwhile, Madam Chu's hands clenched tightly as she trembled, her gaze fixed on the lady in the plain skirt in the distance.

Zhen Tian and the other members of the Zhen Clan, initially shocked, now wore expressions of elation. Ye Guan’s backing was this powerful?

They hadn't anticipated such strength from the figure behind Ye Guan. It was beyond belief!

Even Shen Hao, now kneeling, appeared bewildered. How could I be rendered powerless? Despite his attempts to resist using his own power, he found himself utterly helpless against the overwhelming force bearing down on him. Shen Hao was at a loss.

But the most stunned of all was Shen Qi. Seeing his own ancestor kneeling, he knew it was doom for the God Clan.

The Titan Demon King and the others from the Ancient Wilderness stood frozen in shock. They hadn't imagined that the lady in the plain skirt would possess such terrifying power. Considering Shen Hao was a half-step to ninety percent divinity, the fact that he couldn't even make a move was unfathomable. Was it possible...?

Titan Demon King and the rest from the Ancient Wilderness paled instantly.

Suddenly, Shen Hao looked up at the lady in the plain skirt, his expression filled with disbelief. "Who are you?"

Ignoring him, she turned to Ye Guan. "Young one, where is the God Clan? Give Auntie a direction."

The query left everyone perplexed. What did she want?

Ye Guan glanced at Zhen Tian, who hastily gestured to the right. "It's a million miles in that direction, to the God Clan..."

With a nod, the lady pointed, and in an instant, a sword flew forth. Confusion reigned among the onlookers.

In the Realm of the Gods, a single sword descended.


The strike caused the entire realm to crumble into ashes.

At present, there was a moment of confusion before people sensed something. Shen Qi’s face contorted with horror as he stared at the lady in the plain skirt. "You... you..."

Sensing a shift, Zhen Tian turned to the lady, his expression filled with dread. Could she have single-handedly wiped out the God Clan with that strike?

Ninety percent divinity! Damn! This was the mark of a true elite at ninety percent divinity!

The God Clan had a powerful protective array, but it was destroyed before it could even activate.This was unbelievable!

Only an elite at ninety percent divinity could have such overwhelming strength. The Zhen Clan's gamble had paid off!

Zhen Tian looked at Ye Guan, excitement all over his face. They needed to hurry up and arrange the wedding between Ye Guan and Nanxue.

The news of the God Clan's destruction spread quickly. The cultivators of the God Clan still present here collapsed in despair, their faces ashen. True despair gripped them.

Shen Qi, their leader, fell to the ground, unable to comprehend the loss of the God Clan's millennia-old legacy, now gone. And it happened under his watch! How could he face the ancestors and descendants of the God Clan?

Shen Qi suddenly burst into manic laughter, his face twisted as he looked at Ye Guan. "Ninety percent divinity! Ha... ninety percent divinity... Ye Guan, why didn't you tell me earlier that you had a ninety percent divinity elite behind you? Why didn't you say it sooner?"

Ye Guan frowned. At that moment, Zhen Tian called out from afar, "Didn't I tell you? The problem is, you didn't believe me!"

Shen Qi fell silent, then started laughing foolishly. Indeed, Zhen Tian had mentioned it before, but had he believed it then? No, he hadn't. How could there be another ninety percent divinity elite in this world? It seemed impossible. Yet, the reality before him confirmed it. He had lost the bet, and lost it thoroughly.

On the other side, the two Demon Kings of the Ancient Wilderness, including Titan Demon King, were terrified. An entire clan obliterated with a single sword strike! Was this lady in the plain skirt truly a ninety percent divinity elite?

At that moment, the lady in the plain skirt slowly turned her gaze towards the two Demon Kings. "The Ancient Wilderness... no need to point it out. I know where it is."

With that, she raised her fingers, and the Path Sword flew out from her fingertips.

But just then, an ancient aura spread through the heavens and earth, followed by an ancient voice resonating, "Your honor, could you perhaps show mercy?"

Hearing this, Titan Demon King was overjoyed. The Demon God!

However, the lady in the plain skirt replied calmly, "You overestimate yourself."

With those words, she brought her fingers down and the Path Sword shot forward.


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