I Have A Sword

Chapter 697: You Can Ask For Help Occassionally

Chapter 697: You Can Ask For Help Occassionally

Confronted with the two Demon Kings, Ye Guan didn't underestimate them. He swiftly drew forth the Qingxuan Sword. Not stopping there, he merged with Ao Qianqian and his aura instantly reached its peak.

With a resolute stomp, Ye Guan transformed into a streak of sword light and charged forth. The blade flashed.


A thunderous eruption echoed, and the Torrent Demon King was hurled backward. Halting, his right arm broke apart and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Witnessing this, The Torrent Demon King was speechless. "You..."

Madam Chu furrowed her brows, her gaze fixed on Ye Guan's Qingxuan Sword. She was dumbstruck. One strike had shattered the Demon King's fleshy body. What divine item was that?

A demonic beast’s best weapon lay in its fleshy body. Yet, before Ye Guan, it crumbled to naught.

Madam Chu sighed. "The Ancient Wilderness is done for."

In the distance, The Torrent Demon King still reeled. If he had not retreated in the nick of time, he would have been killed by that strike just now.

What sword was that? He eyed Ye Guan's sword with dread.

The other Demon King dared not move. Yet, Ye Guan calmly shut his eyes. He tried to imbue the Qingxuan Sword with the spacetime energy. The instant he tried, his heart leapt and he stopped experimenting. The Qingxuan Sword could absorb an endless amount of the special spacetime energy. Father, you are good!

If the Qingxuan Sword could endlessly absorb the spacetime energy, his Phantom Edge...

He dared not ponder further, absorbing too much risked overpowering his own fleshy body.

He couldn't simply swing and invite mutual destruction, could he? Ye Guan brushed aside such thoughts, a smirk gracing his lips. “Take another strike!” He challenged the Torrent Demon King.

In a flash, he vanished, leaving the Torrent Demon King visibly shaken. He reverted to his original form, not daring to underestimate Ye Guan.


Amidst astonished onlookers, the Torrent Demon King was flung away and his fleshy body ruptured as he hurtled away.

A single stroke was all it took.

As the scene unfolded before her, the other female Demon King was left speechless. That single strike shattered the Torrent Demon King's body... And not only that, when the Torrent Demon King came to a halt, his very soul seemed to fade away. It was a swift, merciless execution!

The female Demon King gaped in shock, her mind reeling at the sight. This level of power was simply staggering.

Meanwhile, the still-breathing Torrent Demon King wore an expression of disbelief as he gazed at Ye Guan's Qingxuan Sword in the distance. "Your sword..."

Yet, Ye Guan calmly closed his eyes as he felt the power that surged through him. He realized that when the Qingxuan Sword absorbed the special spacetime energy limitlessly, he felt invincible once more.

Of course, he was rational about it this time. He knew this power came from the fusion of the sword with the spacetime energy, not from within himself. Still, the sensation was undeniably thrilling, dangerously captivating.

Without a second thought, Ye Guan slowly opened his eyes, fixing his gaze on the distant Torrent Demon King. Just as the Torrent Demon King was about to speak, Ye Guan vanished.

Swish! The Torrent Demon King was instantly killed and his belongings seized by Ye Guan.

On the sidelines, the female Demon King stared daggers at Ye Guan. "Are you truly ready to defy the Ancient Wilderness to the very end?"

"Foolish!" Madam Chu sneered inwardly. "This lady truly is stupid. Despite the circumstances, she spouts such nonsense, trying to wield the Ancient Wilderness as leverage... how utterly ludicrous. This young man clearly does not fear the Ancient Wilderness at all."

In the distance, Ye Guan cast a fleeting glance at the female Demon King before disappearing once more.

Swish! A sword materialized, hurtling toward the female Demon King. She recoiled in terror, realizing she couldn't confront Ye Guan head-on, she retreated hastily.

Swish! Ye Guan's strike missed its mark, his brow furrowing as he stared at the distant female Demon King. "You aren’t going to fight?"

If she refused to fight, there was nothing he could do. After all, he couldn't match her speed and the Qingxuan Sword could do nothing. The female Demon King remained silent, knowing she stood no chance at this moment.

With that sword in hand, Ye Guan was practically invincible. Perhaps only an eighty-percent divine elite could challenge him. In other words, Ye Guan was currently unbeatable within the seventy-percent divine tier.

Seeing the female Demon King's silence, Ye Guan shook his head. "How dull."

He then glanced up at the starry sky, where Erya was still locked in battle with the Titan Demon King. They hadn't finished?

Ye Guan frowned. Just then, the void shattered, and the Titan Demon King descended from the rift.

Defeated? Erya also appeared by Ye Guan's side, casting a silent glance at him.

Ye Guan blinked, feeling an urge to spar with Erya. He admitted he was feeling a bit proud now, but he was genuinely confident. At this moment, he truly felt invincible.

The Qingxuan Sword can absorb spacetime energy indefinitely. Even Erya... probably couldn't withstand it, right?

As if reading Ye Guan's thoughts, Erya licked her hawthorn candy and proposed, "You want to spar?”

Ye Guan nodded. "Sure. But... let's keep it friendly."

"I'll let you strike first!"

"Uh... isn't that a bit risky?"

Erya pointed to her own head. "Here, aim for this."

Ye Guan hesitated, then replied, "I'm really powerful now... and you..."

Erya shot him a glare, a hint of annoyance in her eyes. "Then why waste time? Just do it already!"

Suddenly, Ye Guan's sword struck Erya's head.

Boom! In an instant, a terrifying force sent Ye Guan flying. He soared thousands of meters away before finally coming to a stop, his hand trembling slightly as he clutched the Qingxuan Sword. His whole body felt numb.

In contrast, Erya remained entirely unscathed.

Ye Guan was stunned. Was Erya' body just too resilient?

From afar, Erya looked calmly at Ye Guan. "Now it's my turn."

With that, she clenched her tiny fist.

Seeing this, Ye Guan hastily surrendered. "I give up! I give up!"

He didn't dare to take Erya' punch head-on. It might cost him his life.

Seeing Ye Guan's surrender, Erya rolled her eyes. "I won't kill you. What are you so afraid of?"

Ye Guan: "..."

Meanwhile, onlookers shook their heads in disbelief. These two clearly had no regard for the Ancient Wilderness or the God Clan.

No longer engaging with Erya, Ye Guan looked toward the Titan Demon King in the distance. Though the Titan Demon King hadn't died yet, he was heavily wounded by Erya.

Seeing this, Ye Guan glanced at Erya, feeling a sense of shock. Just how strong was she?

The Titan Demon King, his gaze fixed on Erya licking her hawthorn candy, also wore a look of disbelief. He hadn't expected to be defeated so swiftly. He had been utterly overwhelmed in every aspect—speed, strength, and physical defense.

Turning to the female Demon King beside him, The Titan Demon King said, "Inform Lady Demon Moon."

He knew he wasn't capable of handling this matter anymore.

But the female Demon King's expression darkened. "I can't reach her."

The Titan Demon King furrowed his brow. "You can't reach her?"

The female Demon King nodded. Ever since the Torrent Demon King was slain, she had been attempting to contact Demon Moon, only to find herself unable to reach her at all.

It was as if Demon Moon had vanished into thin air.

The Titan Demon King's expression grew grim. "How is that possible..."

He attempted to contact Demon Moon using his own methods, but there was no response whatsoever.

Deep in thought, the Titan Demon King frowned deeply.

At this moment, Ye Guan suddenly spoke up. "Are you trying to call someone?"

The Titan Demon King looked at Ye Guan but said nothing.

Ye Guan was about to reply when a voice echoed from the void. "Ye Guan!"

Ye Guan slowly raised his head. The speaker was none other than Shen Qi.

"It's time to end this." Shen Qi fixed his gaze on Ye Guan.

With that, he opened his palm, and a token rose into the air. As it reached a certain height, it burst into flames. Within the flames, a figure slowly materialized, emitting a terrifying aura that enveloped everyone present.

Madam Chu's expression grew serious as she muttered, "Ancestor of the God Clan, Shen Hao...”

This phantom was a half-step to ninety percent divinity.

Though only a phantom, its aura was already crushing everyone on the scene.

For those at eighty percent divinity, a half-step to ninety-percent divinity was an insurmountable barrier.

Shen Qi stared down at Ye Guan, his eyes almost manic. "Ye Guan, don't you have a ninety-percent divinity elite behind you? Come on, bring them out!"

Ye Guan furrowed his brow but remained silent.

Just then, a somewhat familiar female voice sounded in his ear. "It's okay to ask for help occasionally."

Hearing this voice, Ye Guan was momentarily stunned.

He turned to look, and not far away, two figures approached—one male and one female.

The speaker was the lady in a plain skirt.


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