I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 313 313: Protect The Array (part 1)

Chapter 313 313: Protect The Array (part 1)

Meanwhile, at the rear of the demon horde, beyond the chaotic frontline, Xal'Thar, Vexoria, and Cryonex, three prominent demons, assessed the situation. Their demonic essence resonated with malevolence as they gazed upon the intricate arrays that enveloped Jowood City, their expressions revealing a mix of curiosity and disdain.

Vexoria, a demon with a disdainful gaze, voiced her disgust, "What the hell is that array? This is the first time I've seen such a disgusting arrangement of symbols and energies."

Cryonex, his icy presence accentuating his words, remarked, "Yeah, it's like stitching different kinds of array together. These humans are truly desperate, resorting to such chaotic methods."

Xal'Thar, a more pragmatic demon, observed with a hint of approval, "It's not bad. The array, although ugly, seems effective enough to impede our half-demons. It's time to make the lesser demons join the assault."

As they conversed, their dialogue echoed with a chilling resonance, reflecting the disdain demons harbored for the makeshift human defense. The demonic trio continued their analysis, their otherworldly eyes fixed on the arrays that shimmered with latent power.

Vexoria, her serpentine features contorted with distaste, continued, "Humans and their feeble attempts at manipulating the arcane. It's almost amusing."

Cryonex, the embodiment of frigid cruelty, added, "Desperation breeds unconventional methods. Their pitiful array won't save them from the impending darkness."

Xal'Thar said. "Regardless of our opinions, the array demands attention. Let us test its resilience and witness the fruits of their desperation."

As the demonic trio observed, Cambion's distant command echoed through the demonic ranks, directing the invasion of the east territory. The demons prepared to unleash their malevolent might upon Jowood City, ignorant of the array's unorthodox design and the determination that fueled its creation.

Back to the humans, the commander, a peak Core Formation Cultivator, felt the ominous arrival of more demons. The atmosphere crackled with dark energy as the lesser demons, unbeknownst to the defenders, joined the demonic assault. The commander's experienced gaze discerned a significant difference in this new wave of adversaries – these demons were more refined, their cultivation levels posing a greater threat.

His weathered face tightened with concern as he observed the incoming forces. The lowest cultivation among the lesser demons was in the Golden Core Realm, a formidable challenge for the defenders. Even more concerning was the presence of Core Formation Realm demons, a level of power that outnumbered the Core Formation cultivators on the human side.

A seasoned cultivator, overhearing the commander's muttered realization, turned to his comrade and whispered, "Did you see that? There are a lot of new strong demons that arrive. We'll need every bit of skill to counter this."

His comrade, glancing toward the incoming lesser demons, replied with a grim expression, "Golden Core and Core Formation demons? This is going to be tough. We have only ten Core Formation cultivators on our side."

The commander, his voice resonating with urgency, addressed the defenders, "Prepare yourselves! The demons have unleashed powerful demons. Golden Core and Core Formation demons approach. Focus on coordination and stay within the array. We must withstand this onslaught!"

The defenders, adjusting their stances and readying their weapons, exchanged determined nods. The city walls became a tableau of vigilant warriors, each prepared to face an adversary of unprecedented strength.

As the lesser demons closed in, the arrayed defenses absorbed their initial onslaught. The commander, his eyes reflecting the weight of responsibility, unleashed his cultivation prowess, leading the charge against the formidable adversaries. His qi surged, creating a protective barrier that complemented the array's defenses.

A seasoned cultivator, witnessing the commander's display of power, murmured to his comrade, "The commander isn't holding back. He knows the gravity of this situation. We follow his lead."

The defenders, guided by the commander's strategic brilliance, unleashed a barrage of attacks. Elemental spells, precision strikes, and focused qi assaults targeted the approaching lesser demons. The array, although facing a formidable challenge, hummed with resilient energy, pushing back against the demonic tide.

On the city walls, cultivators engaged in intense combat, their movements a harmonious dance of skill and determination. The commander's voice cut through the chaotic symphony of battle, "Hold the line! We can overcome this. Trust in the array!"

Amidst the demonic horde, the highest-cultivated demon issued a resolute command, his voice cutting through the chaotic atmosphere. "All demons of Core Formation, follow me!" With a powerful leap, he ascended into the air, a dark aura surrounding him. Responding to his call, fifty Core Formation demons soared to join him, their sinister presence intensifying as they prepared to attack the array.

The news reached the commander, and he swiftly gathered the ten Core Formation cultivators. In a hushed dialogue, one cultivator voiced concern, "Commander, facing fifty Core Formation demons head-on seems perilous. Are we certain about this?"

The commander, his gaze unwavering, replied, "We won't engage them directly. Our goal is to intercept their attacks before they reach the array. We can't let them breach our defenses. We can only trust Master Wei Li will succeed."

The cultivators exchanged determined glances, their resolve strengthened by the commander's confidence. As the Core Formation demons descended with malevolent intent, the ten cultivators positioned themselves strategically within the protective bounds of the array.

The commander's voice resonated across the defenders, "Prepare for the incoming assault! Focus on interception, not direct confrontation. We must buy time."

The Core Formation demons, a relentless force of darkness, descended upon Jowood City with eerie precision. Their leader, a malevolent figure with an aura of authority, surveyed the arrayed defenses and bellowed, "Attack the array! Crush their feeble attempts to resist!"

With a calculated ferocity, the Core Formation demons unleashed a barrage of dark energy, casting spells and launching attacks toward the array. The atmosphere crackled with malevolence as the defenders within the array braced themselves for the impending onslaught.

The commander, flanked by the ten Core Formation cultivators, maintained a vigilant stance. His eyes locked onto the approaching demons as he issued orders, "Intercept their attacks! We can't let them breach the array's defenses." The cultivators nodded, their determination shining through the anticipation.

As the Core Formation demons closed in, the defenders within the array retaliated with a barrage of counterattacks. Elemental spells collided in a chaotic display of power, each clash resonating with the struggle between light and darkness. The commander, his movements swift and precise, deflected demonic projectiles with calculated efficiency.

A seasoned cultivator, channeling his qi, unleashed a powerful wave of energy that disrupted an incoming demon's spell. "Hold the line! We can't let them weaken the array," he shouted, rallying his fellow defenders.

The demonic assault intensified, the air thick with the clash of energies. The commander's voice echoed, "Maintain the interception! We don't engage in direct combat. Trust in the array's resilience!"

One of the Core Formation demons, recognizing the defenders' strategy, growled, "They're trying to outlast us. Push harder! Break their feeble resistance." The demons, undeterred, redoubled their efforts, determined to shatter the city's defenses.

Within the array, the cultivators displayed remarkable teamwork, their movements synchronized to counter each demonic assault. A skilled cultivator, his weapon infused with elemental power, deflected a Core Formation demon's attack and shouted, "We've got this! Hold steady!"


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