I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 312 312: Activate The Array

Chapter 312 312: Activate The Array

Just as the intricate dance of arrays reached a crescendo within the chamber, a distant echo reverberated through Jowood City. The second alarm, sharper and more urgent than the first, pierced through the air, signaling the arrival of the demonic horde. The sound reached the secluded array room, snapping the focus of Wei Lin and the array masters.

Zephyr, his gaze narrowing with concern, questioned, "Another alarm? Does it mean the demons are already at our doorstep?"

Wei Lin, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, halted the delicate interweaving of energies. He raised his head, a somber expression replacing the concentration that had defined his features. "The demons are already here. We can't delay any longer."

Zephyr, his gaze shifting from the arrays to the troubled visage of Wei Lin, voiced a note of caution, "Are you certain about this, Wei Lin? Activating the arrays now might disrupt the connection process, and make it hard to connect them."

Wei Lin, his eyes reflecting the weight of responsibility, nodded solemnly. "I'm sure. If we don't activate the array, this city won't withstand the demons. An hour is all they need to reduce Jowood City to ruins. The first defense is a testament to their relentless advance."

Acknowledging the urgency in Wei Lin's voice, Zephyr shared a knowing look with the three five-star array masters. The gravity of the situation hung in the air, and the decision to activate the arrays before their complete connection was a calculated risk.

"Very well," Zephyr conceded, "let's activate the arrays. We trust in your judgment, Wei Lin."

As they prepared to initiate the arrays, a surge of determination filled the room. Wei Lin, despite the looming threat, exuded a quiet confidence. The interconnected arrays, though not fully unified, pulsed with latent power, a testament to the progress made in their connection.

With a synchronized motion, the array masters, led by Wei Lin and supported by Zephyr, infused qi into the intricate patterns. The arrays responded, glowing with newfound vigor as they awakened to the impending challenge. The room became a symphony of ethereal lights and mystical energies, each array contributing its unique resonance to the collective defense.

As the activation spread through Jowood City, the residents felt a surge of energy. The bustling streets, once filled with tension, now held a glimmer of hope. Cultivators and soldiers, sensing the strengthening defenses, exchanged determined glances.

In the midst of this unfolding spectacle, Wei Lin addressed the array masters, "This is a temporary measure. Once the arrays are fully connected, our defense will reach its peak. For now, we hold the line."

The three five-star array masters, their initial skepticism replaced by a growing confidence in Wei Lin's approach, nodded in agreement. Zephyr, observing the unfolding scene, couldn't help but admire the resilience of Jowood City's defenders.

As the city braced itself for the imminent clash with the demonic forces, the interconnected arrays stood as a testament to the unorthodox alliance forged in the face of desperation. The fate of Jowood City now rested on the shoulders of its defenders, array masters and cultivators united in a common purpose. The demons approached, and the arrayed symphony resonated, echoing a defiant melody against the encroaching darkness.


Amid the luminous display of the activated arrays, the atmosphere in Jowood City grew tense. On the city walls, cultivators and soldiers alike observed the unfolding scene with a mix of hope and trepidation. A seasoned commander, a peak Core Formation Cultivator who had chosen seclusion in his later years, emerged from the shadows to lead the defense.

Descending from the sky with an air of ancient authority, the commander's presence sent ripples through the gathered forces. His eyes, weathered by the passage of time, scanned the assembled defenders. His voice, a resonant echo that carried the weight of experience, broke through the anticipation.

"The array is up. Everyone, go to your positions," he commanded, his gaze piercing through the crowd. "The array will hold against these demons. All you need to do is use long-range attacks. Preserve your qi, and we shall prevail."

As the cultivators and soldiers dispersed, assuming their designated positions along the fortified walls and elevated towers, murmurs of determination filled the air. A young cultivator, gripping his weapon with newfound resolve, spoke to his comrade, "This is it. The demons won't breach our defenses, not with the array in place."

His companion, a seasoned warrior with battle-hardened eyes, responded, "Stay vigilant. The commander knows what he's doing. We just need to trust the array and strike from a distance."

On the city walls, archers, and cultivators prepared for the imminent clash. The array, a luminescent shield of intertwined energies, hummed with mystical vibrations. The commander, his aura projecting a stoic determination, surveyed the battlefield with a sense of responsibility that transcended personal seclusion.

The distant roars of the demonic horde became audible, signaling their relentless advance. The commander, his voice cutting through the anticipation, declared, "Hold your positions, you can attack in the inside of the array. Focus on precision, and we will repel this darkness."

As the first wave of demons emerged on the horizon, the defenders unleashed a barrage of long-range assaults. Arrows, elemental spells, and qi-infused projectiles soared through the air, converging on the demonic onslaught. The array, a shimmering barrier, absorbed the initial impact, giving the defenders a crucial advantage.

A skilled archer, her eyes locked onto the demonic forces, whispered to herself, "Steady... aim for their weak points." With a swift release, her arrow found its mark, disrupting the advance of a demonic creature.

The commander, standing resolute at the forefront, observed the coordinated efforts of the defenders. His eyes flickered with a blend of satisfaction and concern. "Hold the line," he urged, his voice carrying across the battlefield.

The defenders, inspired by the commander's unwavering resolve, continued their precise assaults. The array, pulsating with the collective energy of cultivators, stood as a formidable defense against the encroaching darkness.

In the heart of the chaos, Wei Lin, having temporarily halted his connection efforts, observed the defense in a special item. His eyes reflected a mix of relief and anticipation, knowing that the array, though not fully connected, was fulfilling its intended purpose.


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