I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 31 31. Monster

"Look what we have here. How did you two losers get here?"

Suddenly a third voice came interrupting the quarrel between Heera and Nikita.

This voice belonged to a very beautiful little girl, Which had both a loving and yet ferocious aura. 

She held a longbow in her hand, Which was making her look comical as that bow was even bigger than her in height as that bow made for an adult man. Her knee-length blond hair too was open like others but unlike the plain hairs of Nikita and Heera,  Her hair was decorated with various colorful, exotics, and fragrant flowers.

'Of course, she also finds this place.'

On a high tree branch, Karna looked at another arriving person. He also knew her too. 

She is Priya, Who again lives just a few minute's walk away from his house.

Her family was a little weird. Not only did they work as a blacksmith and make weapons but they also sold various exotic flowers. This is quite a contrary business. On the one hand, they sell symbols of love, While others sell the tools of war.

Though Karna thinks it's quite weird, weapons made by their family are very good. So good in fact that most of the kingdom in this Aryavart (Land of Aryans) buys their Weapons. 

Their flower business was also not lacking, Her family also is the biggest flower exporter in this Aryavart. Which put their family in the top 1 position among the richest families in this Hastinapur kingdom after the royal family.

"Hey, You two go away. Karna had promised me first that he would help me in trimming the flowers."

Priya came to Nikita and Heera and announced raising her nose high, She at this moment totally giving an aura of the second rich generation princess.

"Not going to happen, '' We all agreed. Anyone who finds Karna first will be the one Karna spends the day with, So those promises don't count."

"Yeah, Get in line Priya, and follow the rules or get lost."

Nikita and Heera worked for once as one to fight their common enemy.

After all, they felt an immense threat from Priya, Because she belonged to an upper-class caste of Shatriya (Warrior class) as her family was not only rich but also belonged to a royal lineage. 

Although they are not worse than her in looks, when it comes to money and status, she has long surpassed them. Only the fourth member of their "group" might be able to match her.

"You- "

Priya was baffled. No one dares to talk to her like this, and she as a royal lady was taught to behave like a lady, So she didn't even have any vocabulary for their rough words.

"Say your price, How many silver coins do you want to back off? 10, 50, or 100? I can pay for it."

Well since she didn't know how to speak like them, Then she decided to use her advantage, Money. 

Since childhood, whenever she was in trouble, money always helped her. Though she didn't use money as a bribe to tempt Karna, She did use flowers and various weapons. After all, They were also her advantages after money.

"Hum, Just that much? Did you know that each day our store's profit is 1 gold coin? You do understand, with that much money, you can buy a quite good house in a big kingdom like this one."

"Yes, My family too earns a profit of 1 to 2 gold coins a day. So your money offense will not work on us."

Both Nikita and Heera talked back. Priya did offer them a generous amount of money. With 100 silver coins, You are able to buy 10 bags of wheat. A normal worker needs to do hard labor for a month to earn 10 silver coins. 

But the point is that they do not lack much money, So even if Priya's offer was generous they outright denied it.

'*Sigh* They are at it again.'

Karna looked at the trio from the tree. This is their usual daily practice, When all four of them come together they all are at each other's throats. He tried countless times to make peace between them but for some reason, they refused to be friends with each other, and because he was their common friend, They wanted him to play with them alone. Seeing the situation Karna knows no matter what happens he will not make decisions on this because no matter how he scheduled his day, He will going to hurt someone.

So he came up with the plan that each morning he will hide, And the first one to find him will be the one he spends his day playing with.

He came up with this plan, So that even if they were fighting at least they will talk to each other. Which was the first step of friendship, And it turns out this plan was working slowly but surely. After all, if it was before they didn't even want to share each other's air space.

"Wait! We three are here, So where is the fourth one? Didn't she always the first to find his location?"

Suddenly Supriya realized they were missing one member of their "team". She didn't care about her offer being rejected, It's not the first time they did it. She still offers money just because it's become kinda like a ritual to them. It's hard to break daily habits.

"Yes, I just realized, That monster is not here, isn't she the first person who always finds his spot?"

"Maybe, She lost her way or wasn't able to find his spot this time?"

"Don't be stupid, Heera. That monster is always the first one to find his place. So she is definitely hiding somewhere nearby."

The trio couldn't help but to think of the "monster" in their mouths. No matter where Karna hides she is always somehow able to deduce the approximate vicinity of his hiding place. So it's strange that she was not here.

"Look, They are talking about you, Meghana."

Karna on top of a tree branch helplessly turned his head and teasingly said to another beautiful girl sitting in front of him.I think you should take a look at

She at this moment, cupping her face while trying to hold back her smile, Which makes her look extremely cute.

Her long cloud of silky smooth long hair was open in the air. To show her marital status, Open hair means single or unmarried, While braided hair means married, That's why all if not most unmarried women have open hair.

"Hehe...Look at those fools, Karna. They couldn't even figure out this simple thing that in this whole place, this is the most ideal place to hide."

Meghana seated on a tree branch just diagonal to him, Her bell-like crisp laughter rang in the tree leaves. 

She also has the potential to let kingdoms fight just based on her beauty. 

"It's not good to call them fools, Meghana."

Karna sighed, When he climbed up to be on the safe side, He found her sitting high there, Looking at him with a joke in her eyes. She claimed to be here even before.

"Why not? Don't you hear it just now? They are calling me a monster. Have you ever seen a cute monster like me, Huh? That means they are not only fools but they are also liars." 

Meghana puffed her cheeks like a squirrel to show her dissatisfaction with Karna. 

"You all are calling each other names, Forget about that, Tell me how do you know i will be here?"

Karna didn't argue with her, All four have a different name for each other. This situation seems bad but at least they acknowledge other's presence unlike before. 

"Well, I deduced that you will be here, Since all your "secret" place were found by us except this one. As for why I am on a tree? Because this is the best position to hide in this place. You will have the advantage of height for surveillance and leaves provide a very good cover, That's why I was sure you will be here."

Meghana laughed and said to Karna, Her total analysis of the situation. No wonder others call her a monster. Her intelligence is quite formidable.

"Meghana with your deductions ability, You should stop weaving clothes and become a detective."

Karna praised her wholeheartedly. Though he purposefully didn't find the impossible place to hide because this was just a game but he does try to make it hard for them, So they have to work together but it turns out this evil genius was one step ahead of him.

"Detective? What is that? Anyway if I stop weaving clothes, Who do you think will make clothes for you huh?"

Sometimes even with her intelligence she isn't able to understand what Karna says from time to time. But that's what makes her more interested in talking to him because unlike others she can talk to him without having to lower her intelligence.

Her family owns a very big and popular garments business. They mostly make clothes for the royals like kings, queens, princes, and princesses. But there is also another branch that makes clothes for nobles and even for commoners. So her family pretty much rules the garment industry in Aryavart (The land of Aryan).

Logically seeing their business they should belong to Vaishya (Business class) caste but the anomaly is that she belonged to Bhraman (Priesthood class) caste. This happened because her ancestors were Bhraman but in her generation, they changed it to start a business.

"Yeah yeah, Thank you for your service, my lady. Let's go and tell them you found me first."

Karna can't argue with her logic. All his clothes were made by her personally, Which was the best of the best products of their store. He really wasn't able to find a second one like hers. 

As for the cost of his clothes taken care of by the queen- No the empress Gandhari herself. When 7 years ago she saw how breathtaking he was looking in royal attire, She announced that all his attire will be royal grade and all costs of it will be covered by her personally. 

The explanation given to other royals for this act is that Karna also has a kingdom and will be a future king, So this treatment is the default treatment for the crown prince. As for resistance to her decision? No one dares. Virtues women like her hold too much of good Karma, So much so that, She even has the power to curse gods with it not to mention those royals are mere mortal humans. 

So all royals mostly didn't want to get on her wrong side. Unless her decision touches their interests, Only then do they gather enough courage to oppose her.

"Okay, But after that, we have to go to our store, I have new designs ready in my mind."

Meghana said and directly jumped down from this 100 meters high tree and landed on ground scratch free.

Karna was not surprised seeing this at all, People in this time had way too strong bodies than normal, Height like this which was fatal to the people in his time was nothing of a threat to them. 

People in this time are also too tall, Even if they are just seven years old, The girls here are at least 5ft tall, And he himself as a demi-god is 6.5ft tall. His mother Radha has a 7ft stature and his father Adiratha 8ft. This can prove that they have very strong physiques.

'Even if I saw it countless times, I still can't get used to it.'

Karna said to himself and he too jumped down from the tree.

(A/N : I am still sick. This was a half written chapter, So I decided to complete it. sorry once again, I will try regular updates as soon as I recover, Estimate 3 to 4 days.

Well, there's not much to say, Now that I introduce these 4 girls, Now I have to introduce the 4th one. 

Does anyone have any idea, Who that might be? 

Also, I have to include the sons and daughter of Gandhari.

Please give power stones and leave a review. The same old rule: each century power stones will get one extra chapter added to next week's quota. (I will try to fit all chapters in that week if not, They will surely be updated in a further week.

Thank you for reading and have a good day😁.)


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