I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 30 30. Rules Of Karna

Time is like the flow of a mighty river. It will not stop for someone. Even for our protagonist Karna.

Time showed its speed and what it felt like just a blink of an eye, 7 years passed. Now our Karna is no longer an infant but a young handsome curious 7 years old toddler.

At this moment, He was hiding on a tree top and writing something on a piece of paper.

"Okay, First rule: Stay away from the blue guys."

Karna first wrote these words at the top of his list in very large big letters. He did not know much about the Mahabharta but he knew one thing and that is to stay away from anyone skinned blue.

"Second rule will be, Stay away from any woman named Draupadi."

He then wrote his second rule, He didn't know who Darupadi is but he knew that name and had a feeling she was from an enemy camp, So he decided to stay away from her. After all he can't take any chances in this unknown world of gods.

"Third rule will be, Never lie to my guru (Teacher)."

He reads about how Karna got cursed for lying to his teacher, So he makes sure that he will not lie to his teacher. 

If he couldn't able to find a teacher, Who can teach him, Then he decided he will go to his celestial father and ask him to find someone to teach him. After all it's way better to ask hlep from your father then to risk getting cursed, He has to use all the advantages if time ask for it.

"Fourth rule will be, Find a teacher who hates blue guys, So he can give something to use for my protection from them or use against them."

After all there will always be someone who hates other person, No matter how good they are. So Karna came to the conclusion that no one knows someone's weakness better than their enemies, So he decided to go and also learn from his enemies enemy. Though he has no plan to go against blue guy but he need insurance against him just in case. After all even if he didn't want anything to do with them, He can't be sure that they will not do anything against him.

"Fifth rule will be, Always learn something from everyone and never belittle them."

Karna in his past life never got an opportunity to go to school and to learn, So he decided to learn anything he can in this life. No matter what it is as long as someone is willing to teach him, He will learn from them.

No matter if it is simple cooking, knitting or horse riding. If he has an opportunity, He should learn it.

"Sixth rule will be, Never forget my roots no matter how big i become in future."

As he knows, arrogance is the one which became the fatal weakness to many strong people, So his rule was to never become arrogant and never forget his roots. As though those streets were cruel and cold but even they taught him a few important life lessons.

"Seventh rule will be, Find as many as powerful allies as a backup plan."

Those streets teach Karna one of the most important lessons, Although you always try to have peace but never forget to be prepared for war. 

So he decided to find as many powerful warriors just in case. He did have some powerful people in his mind, Who could stand with him and go against his enemies if time calls for it.

"Eight rules will be... Beware of a woman and never bluntly reject their approach."

As Karna grew up, His charm also drastically started to become evident. Currently, In Anga city, he is known as the most handsome child and was popular for it. 

His charm was not a problem, When he was little, People were only attracted to him by pure emotions of appreciating the beauty of a child but as he grew older those emotions would turn into lust. 

He already heard too many stories about, What happens when you bluntly reject a woman, Especially those celestial ones. They don't take rejection lighty and directly curse peoples, His own celestial brother Shani God of Justice was the victim of it, So he had to make a pact to himself to beware of a woman plus his own system warned him about them.

"Ninth rule will be... Always check if the system skills exp critical strike function are locked and try to find system parts as soon as possible, Especially the second one of the protection."

Karna knows that he didn't have a complete system yet, Because of that there is a limit of 24 hours on the skill experiencing critical strike. This means he only receives a critical strike for only 24 hours, After that he will only receive experience without a critical strike on it. 

So if he wastes his 24 hours now, He will regret it when he goes to learn from the teachers. That's why he locked this function Unless he finds some capable person to learn from, He chose to lock this function.

"The tenth rule will be, Have as much fun as I can, Live life to the fullest."

This is his final rule, This was also his last wish in his previous life. He wasn't able to enjoy the blessing of a life because he was too busy trying to survive but now that he didn't have to worry about food and shelter, So he wanted to enjoy life as much as he could.

"Now that these rules are settled, So how can I escape from them?"

Karna wrote his last rule and burned that paper to ashes. He just wrote these rules again to remind him, He always did that in his free time or When he was hiding.

As for who he was hiding from? Let's find out.

"Karna came out quickly to play, Look I brought your favorite sweets."

A young 6 or 7-year-old girl was running around the vicinity, Always turning her head left and right cutely as if she was searching for someone. 

Even if she was still a child her beauty was becoming prominent, Her dark black waist hair was swinging in the air as she was looking around with an annoying frown on her delicate face. You can tell when she grows up, She will have calamity-level beauty that can even start a war between a kingdoms for her.

She at this moment, holding a plate filled with a favorite sweets of Karna, Trying to tempt him to come out of her hiding spot.

'How could she find me here? This was my secret place.'

Karna high of the tree branch saw the arrival of unwelcomed guests. She was one of a person he was hiding from.I think you should take a look at

This girl's name is Nikita, She lived just quite a few minutes away from his house. Her family owns a quite large business of selling board games and toys throughout the Aryavart (Land of Aryans), 

Making her family very rich but thankfully her family does not strongly believe in a lower and higher caste system, So Nikita is often found him to play board games with her. 

It's been 5 years since that she often came to him to play, But not even once in these 5 years was he able to beat her in it. Though sometimes because of luck he came close to winning it but at the last moment victory fell to her side as she is very skilled in those games.

"What are you doing? We agreed that no one will use spacial things to find him."

Suddenly, Another little girl came near her holding a ball of fluff, A whitish gray small puppy in her arms.

At this moment, She was standing in front of Nikita, Looming over her figure as she was a head and a half taller than Nikita.

At this moment, She was very unhappy as she shook her head in dissatisfaction with her void-like buttocks-length open hair also swinging with it. She was also have a capital of being calamity-level beauty, When she grew up.

"What do you mean? I can't use sweets to tempt him to come out but you can use your dog to sniff him out? Don't you see how unfair that is Heera?"

Nikita didn't back down and pointed out that Heera was using her dog to find Karna, Which was also against the rule they made.

"How many times do I have to say this? This is not a dog but a wolf. Look, he is a wolf."

Heera, annoyed hearing this question again, held the puppy in front of Nikita's face and asked her to take a look.


As she held him in front of Nikita, That puppy recognized her and called out.

"*Pfft* He just Barks, He is a dog Heera."

Nikita said, barely holding her smile back.

"No No, He woofs because he is a wolf. There is a difference Nikita."

Heera is adamant that her puppy was a wolf, not a dog and give her explanation of barking of her puppy.

"Forget it, I can't waste my time on a stupid person like you, I have to find Karna and beat him in the games again." 

Nikita doesn't care about Heera's belief, They had this argument countless times before but the result was always that Heera refused to accept that Her puppy is a dog, not a wolf.

"Yeah, I have to find him before those two also show up and ruin my day with Karna. We planned to go on the river shore and debate about the philosophy of life."

Heera said to Nikita very proudly. Her family owns a business of things needed in final ritual rites of a dead, from essential oils, special woods to ghee (clarified butter). No matter how rare things are as long as they are used in the last rites of the dead, Their family has it. 

'Why is that damn dog also here.'

Karna once again stupefied seeing the arrival of Heera. 

Though her family business is also big and has branches in other kingdoms but because of the kind of job they do, They also identified as a  Shudra (Working class) low-born caste. They too live just a little distance away from Karna's house.

Because they belonged to the same caste, people didn't care much about them playing together. So Karna and Heera often go to the river soar and talk about life.

Karna lived a very terrible life in a previous birth, Plus he who experienced death and reincarnation has many things to share, Heera too have many theories about life and death because of the subject of their businesses. 

So these two often spend hours talking about philosophies of life and spend their time in either debating each other or creating new theories about the meaning of life on river shore.

As for why Karna hated that dog? Because that dog maybe has one of the best smellings senses. No matter where did he hide that dog was able to sniff him out, Fortunately, today's wind is blowing opposite of them or he long since found by them.

Still, to be on a safe side, He claimed even more higher on the tree.

"Look waht we have here. What you two losers are doing here?"

Suddenly a third voice came interrupting the quarrel between Heera and Nikita.

(A/N : Guts story will start to pick up its pace but it will not be too fast either. So don't worry about it.

Does anyone have any idea who these two or say three women are here? If not, don't worry, time will tell.

Also, this week will go to add 3 extra chapters. Because the power stones crossed 300 in the week, Thank you so much for that.

Please give power stones and leave a review. The same old rule: each century power stones will get one extra chapter added to next week's quota.

Thank you for reading and have a good day😁.)


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