I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 176 174. Shock

Chapter 176 174. Shock

'*Sigh* Sadly I can't make a move on him or I would offend the big guy up there.'

Karna badly wanted to pull something to take care of Narada as Karna know how dangerous this man could be.

This is a man who made a fool of a wise and intelligent man like Ravana, Same guy also convinced the Kansa to kill literal new born babies, So this guy is danger no matter how one look at him.

But Karna can't touch Narada at all. How can one be hurt a person whose father is the god of creation and lord is the god of preservation? It can't be possible unless other party also have the same level of support.

Sadly for Karna he didn't have that extent of support yet, He knew how good Lord Vishnu is towards his devotees and mankind, If he felt others were threatened by his power then Karna didn't have anywhere to cry.

Even if Lord Vishnu can't able to kill him thanks to his protection, But they can always put him in the place where he can be an ethereal prisoner till the end of time from which even his current protection can't protect Karna.

'Huh?! What those two were doing there?'

Karna decides to distract himself from the concern of Narada, Yeah he knows how deadly it is to not put control on Narada but he can't do anything about it, he just has to pray that his luck would last little more and things would take care of themselves.

Though Karna thinks this is a fool's dream as he is cursed by the black luck, Who knows why how he survived all this time with that less luck but he knows it would not last that long, so he has to be prepared for the counter-attack in the time he has.

So when he decided to go and take care of the army standing on the border of Hastinapur changed his thought when he sensed that both of his new friends were standing under the tree.

"Ganga Mata, I had to leave for a few moments, I would be right back."

Karna then remembered his words and then also remembered how obedient Eklavaya is to his Guru, He in epic cut his thumb off to a guy he idolised as Guru, So it was not hard to imagine what he would do when he got command from his actual Guru.

Karna looked at his remaining timing which was 25 seconds, So there was no time to explain to Ganga, so he just said the words before using his Star-child body power and travelled through the space vanishing from her arms.

"Wait!? What!? Karna!! Wher- huh!?? How?"

Ganga didn't hear what Karna said all her attention was on not letting Karna not let go out of her sight, but then he cuddled vanished along with vanished the warmth that was giving her solace.

She panicked thinking as she saw before was nothing but an illusion, A quite advance illusion because there is no away anyone can sneak past from her senses much less just a child.

But before she could panic or other two ladies who were standing in the sideline looking at mother of duo before in envy could react if his disappearance they sensed his presence appeared not far away from them in this garend.

They looked at each other in shock, finally able to see the abnormality in the situation. Before they did not know how Karna got in the middle of that fight, and shockingly being so fresh they didn't have time to think about how come Karna got there.

But by this action of Karna, they got their answer. They can't believe it how come he was just able to sneak past under the 4 god's detection but he did it. It was not some power to throw Karna in the middle of there but he himself appeared there.

'What kinda monster is he?'

Surya seeing the new trick of his own son could help but feel awe of him. He still not forgotten the first day where Ganga and he had to work hard to just keep the vision of horsepower awakening down.

Based on that thought his son is very lucky to be blessed by such strong power and talent but then now there is new stuff, He even has an element of chaos in him.

As father of course he was proud, Which father did not dream of being outshine by his own kin?

But he was also concerned for him. People love the rising sun but the moment it comes to none sun they hate it because they only love you till you do not surpass or become a threat to them.

Once you do then you become nothing but an eyesore that needs to be taken care off, Right now Karna was blazing like a sun which would going to hurt many peoples eyes.

'I have to do something.'

Surya know how much danger his son currently is, And he also knows who is the imminent danger as he glances at Narada who was also looking here with obvious shock on his face.


"Are you okay Mitra Ashwatthama?"

Eklavya asked in a concerned tone as he helped Eklavya stand up as there was a second time Ashwatthama fell on the ground holding his head before.

But unlike before it looked like he was going to lose the fight when suddenly he stopped as his pain went away Seeing this only Eklavaya got close to him seeing everything become so calm.

"Yea-*Cough* Yeah I am fine now."

Ashwatthama somehow managed to stand with support of Eklavya, His voice was weak but there was firmness in his voice giving a confident aura, Which means he was indeed fine.

It's just he doesn't understand how he manages to control the rage welling inside him. He was sure he wasn't able to control anymore and was about to lose his control.

But when he thought it would happen, all that rage and power cooled down and went back to his normal state. This was strange as before though he was able to control his powers but it would take days for those powers to go back to normal.

"Can you tell me what happened to you, Mitra?"

Eklavya after seeing Ashwatthama get normal asked the question he was curious about, There is no way whatever that happened to him was a normal reaction.

He had seen the Eldest Prince Duryodhana when he went through awakening yesterday, so those memories were fresh in his mind, So he knows that Ashwatthama is also divine.

Though that fact is obvious for anyone who has eyes to see the gem embedded in his forehead, but this fact just grounded that truth more.

This fact made Eklavya a little uneasy, He met two people his Guru call friends and both of them proven to have divine origin, And who is he? A nothing but a forest dweller.

That is his identity, though he is not ashamed of it but he does feel that he is not worthy to be stand behind his Guru, His lowself would stand out like a sore thumb.

"Yeah, can anyone explain to me what is happening here? Why not run away from here? Do you two have a death wish or something?"

Eklavya was lost in his thoughts and Ashwatthwma also knew how to answer his question as even he didn't know the full truth of the origin of his power, He just knows he has it since his birth.

He has idea about it but not confirmed with his parents, So he was not sure what to say to Eklavaya.

Fortunately for them when they were to submerge into the awkward silence, a voice they both familiar came front from if them, when they hurriedly lifted their hand they saw the person they both wanted to find out about well being..



*Knock* *Knock*

Both of them jumped towards Karna with a happy smile seeing him alright but knuckle knock on their head answered then making them hold their head in pain.

"You did not answer, Why not leave from here? Do you have any idea how dangerous this place has become a moment ago?"

Karna was pissed off, He understand about why Eklavaya not move but what about Ashwatthama? He is a smart boy who should have dragged himself and Eklavaya away from here.

What if he did not wake up in time to prevent the blast? This place would have been razed to ground like a nuke was set off here, Chances of their survival would have been bleek.

And those are chances when taking the gem of Ashwatthama into consideration.

"That we-"

"Stop, don't talk about anything, Just come with me, We will talk about it later in detail."

They wanted to answer seeing how angry Karna was but Karna just held his hand in front of his stopping them in their tracks of explaining and just flashed next to them before teleporting next to Ganga and the group.

"Mata take care of them, I will come back in a second."

Karna just dropped two of them, He hurriedly left a message before he once again vanished appearing on the other side of Hastinapur right in front of the stationed army of Sun Dynasty.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)


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