I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 175 173. Narada's Fear

Chapter 175 173. Narada's Fear

"Ho-How can he survive? THI-This is impossible, this has to be a bad dream."

Narada stumbles back with fear in his eyes, He could not believe that the child would survive the blast of that energy that even he could not dare to face head-on.

He also started to have PTSD. He started to remember the individuals who showed the mind blowing talent in their adolescence and then make other face the burn of their power.

Jalandhar, The child born from the Yogic power of of Lord Shiva, who showed such a talent in childhood, He used to jump up and down from water without any concern.

He had pet of beasts like tigers, lions and many including water giant like fishes which he captured on his own, Even then there was uproar to deal with the kid but knowing the origin of the child, and his foster father being Varuna the lord of oceans they didn't do it.

Then there come Sukracharya and became his Guru and then trained the kid making that potential into actual power, Afterwards there was havoc as Jalndhara thought Deva stole the treasure in the ocean churning.

He then send messenger to ask Indra return all the treasures that Deva stole from this father Varuna, Which Indra refused, Afterwards he declares war on the Devas.

With Sukracharya with asura they become impossible to be won by anyone, All asura who fall on the battlefield would have been revived by Sukra, Though the DevaGuru also used divine herbs to revive fallen gods quickly but it can't come close to the efficiency of Sanjivani Mantra.

But that too was taken away from Deva as Jalandhar lifted the whole Drona mountain where that herb was located and threw it in the ocean demoralizing the whole Deva, Then they even asked Lord Vishnu to come.

He entered the battlefield on his Garuda holding his sword Nandaka and started battling with Jalandhar on behalf of the Dev, But even he could not able to defeat Jalandhara because of the devotion of Jalandhara's wife towards him protecting him.

Later much happen and they somehow defacted Jalandhara, The details of how they did it didn't matter just know they somehow defeated him.

Then there was another child prodigy named Andhak, Who was well son of Lord Shiva in a sense as when the goddess of creation Parvati closed his eyes in a playful manner the whole world fell into darkness.

In that darkness he took birth and the life given to him by the single drop of sweat dropped from the hands of Goddess Parvati because of extreme heat that stored in the eye part of Lord Shiva.

Of course like before some of them looked at the child and remembered what happened before. They wanted to get rid of him but who can dare to harm a child who Lord Shiva himself training?

So they let it go thinking of course this one will not backfire on them, They took solace in the fact that Andhak would never turn against Deva, maybe they believe it too much in it.

So much so that they forget power of the child and started to discriminate against him because if his appearance and his blind state as he was born in the world of darkness.

He felt strange and in anger he prayed to Lord Brahma the creator, He used his devotion to please him and then got a boon from Lord Brahma, After whic as everyone guessed he declared war on the Devas.

Which Deva lost terribly, He even conquered three worlds like every other Asura, Even though ev was not asura just share similar appearance, After which back and forth happen which end up with him losing his powers and finally got defeated by his own father, Lord Shiva.

But Lord Shiva didn't kill him, He made him see how wrong he was about the other thing that led Adhaka to attack Kailasa but that also didn't matter, And made him the head of his Gana (dwellers in darkness).

Of course how can others forget about the infamous Indrajit (The conquer of Indra)? Formerly known as Meghnath (Lord of the Sky)? The one when he was born cried like a roar of thunder in stormy clouds shaking the whole sky.

Actually there was no one in Deva said stopping them from getting rid of that child but that because no one needed to, That child's father, A Raksha not even Asura was enough to protect his son from all the harm.

Then what happen? That son grow up and wreak havoc in the Swarga, that boy holds enough power to drag the king of gods, Indra and make him in prisoner in his own city, That to in the middle of city central making everyone look at him.

That level of audacity was unseen of and yet no one could able to do anything at all, All because they missed the chance to get rid of the child when they had a chance.

That is why Narada didn't wants to take a risk. The child in front of him showed so much potential that he doubt even all three of the formal prodigy combine not shown.

So then just imagine what happens when such a being turns against them? Trimurti are bound by the laws that they can't directly interfere between the matter of theirs.

That means if this child did not have enough bad karma he would be invincible, No one able to stop this child and then like before they once again would be thrown out of their Swarga.

'Why do these people not see it? It's not like this didn't happen before, Just get rid of that being before he grow up, One life in front of the well-being of the universe is not worth mentioning.

Didn't I also instigate Kansa to kill the newborn Devki, His sister? Why don't they also make such sacrifices?'

Narada was feeling uneasy, not knowing why these other gods not nip the problem in bud. They have a chance if they strike now they can end whole lot of future trouble.

Yeah killing an innocent life is a sin that can't wash away even by the flow of pure water from Ganga but who is asking them to do it themselves directly? Just nudge someone else to do it.

Didn't he also made such a sacrifice? It was him who go out of his way to convince Kansa to kill all the babies of Devki, When Kansa only thought of killing her 8th one who was said to be his Kaal (Death).

But it was Narada who convinced him that don't believe the Akashvani (Oracle) as it is, It is his lords Maya (Illusion) what 8th and what first, You can't know that when it's come to his lord which was truth.

This was enough to convince Kansa and he started killing all the babies of Devki, So why Narada did that? Simple, No matter how bad Kansa was he is still a king taking care of thousands of his subject.

He also did many such ritual and donations that gave him quite much of good Karma, As long as that Karma was with him it was impossible to use divine intervention to kill him.

So Narada made sure Kansa gain enough bad Karma that he could not escape from his death, He tainted his name for to greater good, After all everything is fair as long as it is done for righteousness, right?


Narada was contemplating whether or not to risk it and make his hands dirty when he felt cold all over his body, He field like his blood was frozen in his veins not daring to move forward a inch.

There was also a primal fear which only exist in the heart of mortal but he felt it right now, He felt like he was started at by the man-eating beast and he was next on the menu.

He did not understand why but he had an illusion that power similar to Lord Shiva was staring down at him wanting to destroy him, Making his always so stable calm mind chaotic, not allowing to thinking anything at all.

There was only one thought in his mind, Let go, Let go and surrender to his fate, accepting the reality that was wanting to destroy him.

This was such a surreal feeling that he even thought that he would die the next moment, not only die but seize to exist right at the next moment. He didn't think that was even possible. The only one he knew who was capable of doing this was Lord Shiva with his third eye.

"*Huff* *Huff* Wh-What was that?"

Thankfully that feeling only lasted for a second before vanishing away but it gave quite a shock to him making him rethink everything about his plan, As now he confirmed an actual terrifying guardian was protecting him.

He was hyperventilating as he wipe sweat beads formed on his forehead.


'Interesting…Didn't know the Lord of Mischief also joined in the fun.'

Karna looked at 30 seconds remaining in his invincible state and then looked at Narada from the embrace of his mother Ganga, Though the distance was too much for normal people to see that long but he did not have any problem thanks to his eyes of eagle.

And so he quickly identify Narada thanks to Veena hanging on his neck and that sly look in his face, Even if Karna didn't know much about Mahabharata he knew lot about this man.

And because if that he knows Narada is here means he is in trouble but other than panicking he is happy because he right now has power to turn the tables. He just has to play his cards rights.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁😁.)


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