I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 23: Really damn confusing (2)

Chapter 23: Really damn confusing (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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"I apologize."

"We've committed a grave mistake."

"Please give us one more chance."

The three male students bowed deeply, repeatedly expressing their remorse.

Eugene leaned back and observed them.

The students, who were beaten to the brink of death, were barely recognizable.

Initially, Eugene had counted the blows, but later he focused on making each strike count more.

"So, just because you're a bit strongno, even if you're weak, do you think it's okay to bully others?"

"It's not okay!"

"How dare we!"

"We'll mend our ways! Please... Gah! Bleh!"

The weakest of the trio, in the middle of his plea, spat out a tooth stained with blood.


Eugene, grimacing at the distasteful sight, sat down in front of them.

He had beaten them nearly to death, as he had intended.

Yet, he was still angry.

Firstly, they had disrupted his precious sleep when he was already exhausted.

That alone was enough reason for them to be punished.

Under normal circumstances, Eugene would have cooled down by now and let them go.

If only it wasn't for the second issue.

This was the first time Eugene had encountered such vile characters in the Royal Academy.

Most of the students and teachers at this academy were of good character.

He had faced harsh words from the three leading ladies, but most of that was due to the mistakes of his body's previous owner.

Even Cillian, Celine's elder brother, had shown basic decency.

'But these bastards have crossed the line.'

And by a large margin at that.

Letting them off with just a beating went against his nature...

No, he worried about the future of the Royal Academy.

If these individuals were allowed to act out at the academy, other students might be influenced.

It wouldn't be long before a second or third set of ruffians appeared.

The previous owner of his body had been comforted by the kindness of the academy's inhabitants despite being surrounded by problems.

These boys were a threat to that kindness, an infectious disease.

Left unchecked, they would pull others down to their level.

'Diseases need to be dealt with early on.'

For the peace of his mind and the tranquility of the Royal Academy, action was necessary.

"All of you, stand up."


"Thank you!"

"Thank you, my ass. Listen."


"What is it?"

"Drop out."


The troublemakers looked utterly dumbfounded.

They couldnt understand Eugenes words.

"You heard me. Or do I need to beat it into you?"

"No, we heard!"

"We clearly heard 'drop out!'"

"We just don't understand why..."

"Bow your heads."


All three simultaneously bowed so hard that blood streamed from their foreheads.

Self-inflicting a wound was a hundred times better than receiving another blow from Eugene.



"Don't want to drop out?"


The troublemakers remained silent.

Eugene sighed.

'I guess it's only natural to hate the idea.'

Leaving the Royal Academy of Lucia would mean losing the prestigious title of being a student there, recognized wherever one went.

'They'd rather be beaten to an inch of their lives than leave.'

This was an issue that couldn't be resolved with just threats.

Sure, they might listen if their lives were genuinely in danger, but that could also jeopardize Eugene's school life.

'Maybe making them understand that dropping out could be a blessing is the only way.'

"Everyone, get up."

"Yes, sir!"

"Thank youaaaaah!"

Trying to appeal to Eugene's feelings, the 'infected' struggled to their feet.

"Relax. I won't hit you anymore. Just stay calm."


"You won't?"

"If you answer my question with another question, you'll get hit."


'Damn brats...'

Tears shimmered in the eyes of the 'infected' as they tried their best to relax.

Watching the 'infected' try their hardest to appear at ease, Eugene began speaking.

"I understand you don't want to leave the academy. So let's do a Q&A."

"Go ahead!"

"You're all avoiding the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leave. Why don't you want to drop out?"


"Did I say I won't hit you just because I'm quiet?"

"You did, sir!"

"We apologize!"

He hadn't said that, but Eugene was always right.

The leader of the "infected" stepped forward.

"If I leave, I won't be able to learn swordsmanship! I want to make a name for myself as a swordsman at the Royal Academy!"

"Considering your character, if you learn the sword, you'd probably become a bandit. Is that a valid reason?"


"Never mind what I just said. I wasn't trying to mock you. I get it. Next, the weakling."


Though his posture was relaxed, his face was tense, the weakling answered.

"I was born in a poor family and I've been timid since I was a kid. I always read books..."

"I don't care about that. Just tell me why you don't want to drop out."

"... Graduating from the Royal Academy of Lucia is the key to success. Graduates are welcomed everywhere."

"You should've said that from the start. Noted."

Now, the last one...

He was completely average.

But if there was one thing that stood out, it was his terrible character.

One that bullied innocent students.

"Lastly, the guy with the terrible character."


"Why don't you want to drop out?"

"I want to obtain the status of a Royal Academy graduate and then join the Royal Knights directly under the Palace!"

"I see."

He was an ordinary-looking guy with equally ordinary life goals.

Not directly under the 'Emperor,' but under the 'Royal Palace.'

If you graduate from the Royal Academy of Lucia through swordsmanship, you're guaranteed a job without any questions asked.

"Let's go over each reason why you all don't want to drop out."


"The leader here wants to learn the sword. The ambitious one wants to rise in rank. The one with the terrible personality just wants a decent job. Am I right?

Yes, that's correct!

"But there's a contradiction here. Have you noticed?"

The three of them sealed their lips.

Did they forget that not answering would lead to consequences?

However, that was okay.

This wasnt a question expecting an answer.

"You all need to graduate from the Royal Academy to reap its benefits. But think about it. What grade are you in now?"

We're in the first year!

And what year am I in?

We're both in the first year!

"So, how many years will you spend with me?"


The ambitious one stuttered in shock and couldnt continue.

The others were the same.

That's right, four years. Making a name for oneself as a swordsman is good. Climbing the ranks is good too. But do you have the confidence to spend those long four years with me?"


All of them remained silent.

Eugene emitted a subtle but intense aura.



An aura that he naturally learned along with his swordsmanship.

It was an aura obtained by pushing himself to the extreme during his training, something not manageable by ordinary students.

Eugene, possessing the talent of the Sword Soul, exerted an aura even more potent than before.

'What kind of aura is this......'

'I feel like I could die just from his presence......'

Their faces turned pale.

In their eyes, Eugene appeared as a monster who could kill with just a glance.

Eugene intensified his aura.

Resonating with his Sword Soul, the aura sharpened like a blade, brushing chillingly against their necks.

"Ugh...... Ugh......"

"Listen up. Im telling you this for your own good."


"You've marked by someone like me. Either go home quietly, or......"

We'll... We'll go home! Please, just let us go home!

It's rude to interrupt someone when theyre speaking.

Before Eugene could finish his sentence, the 'infected' dropped to the floor, their legs giving out.

The ambitious one even wet himself.


Still, it seemed like his objective was met.

Please let us go home

Please let us leave

Their faces were ashen with intense fear.

Defeated by Eugene's overwhelming aura, their expressions showed they would now listen to whatever he said.

"Now that we're almost done, tell me. Whats the first thing you need to do?

We'll drop out

And the second?

Drop out

Thats right, drop out. No, wait.

It was a great answer, but not the right one.

Don't breathe a word of what happened today to anyone and disappear quietly. Understood?

Yes, we understand

Remember this well

The 'infected' responded, their eyes wide in compliance.

With this level of submission, there wouldn't be any issues afterwards.

Good. If anyone asks why you're leaving the Academy, make something up. Say you all got into a fight among yourselves and that's why you're in such a mess.

We understand

Thats settled then. Now, leave.

Eugene waved his hand dismissively.

To the 'infected', this gesture felt like a signal to escape from hell.

Without hesitation, they fled from the rooftop.

That went smoother than expected.

There was a brief moment of pride in Eugene, having eliminated a threat at the Royal Academy so early.

...I've wasted so much time when I should be resting.

There's an exam tomorrow.

And he hadn't had a moment of rest at all.

Eugene rubbed his face in frustration.

Excuse me


A voice called out from behind him.

Turning around, he saw the student who had been dragged and beaten by the 'infected.'

He hasn't left already?

Eugene had assumed the boy wouldve slipped away quietly after being saved.

He didn't expect him to stay around.

The boy, who looked almost too delicate to be male, spoke up.

Thank you. I owe you my life. I'll never forget this favor.

Forget it. Just leave and don't make a big deal out of it.


Im too tired. I need to go get some sleep.

But, wait

And dont worry about those bullies. Theyll drop out of the Academy on their own.

With that, Eugene turned to leave.

He was desperate for some sleep and couldn't wait to collapse into his bed.

Wait a moment!

But it seemed that wasnt happening anytime soon.

The boy lunged forward, grabbing onto Eugene's sleeve, causing him to turn around again.

What is it?

Looking as if he regretted his own actions, the student clenched his eyes shut and blurted out,

I just... I wanted to at least know the name of the one who saved me! My name is Luna! Could you please share yours?


A name without a surname meant he was a commoner.

Come to think of it, Eugene noticed there was no noble crest pinned to Lunas uniform.

So, he was targeted because hes a commoner?

In the Royal Academy of Lucia, commoners were a minority.

They were powerless and often became easy prey for malicious nobles.

But if he made it to the Royal Academy as a commoner, he must be quite talented.

Yet, such a talented individual was bullied by those worthless nobles.

Perhaps their actions stemmed from their own inferiority complex.

Such a pity, that feeling of inferiority.

Of course, Luna, who had unjustly suffered, was even more so.

My name is Eugene von Lennon.

Eugene...sir. Thank you. I'll make sure to remember it.

Luna's eyes widened like a startled rabbit, committing Eugenes name to memory.

Eugene couldn't help but think...

Is he really a guy?

After all, even his name was Luna.

'Luna' was a word that meant 'moon'.

While the name itself didn't have a gender specification, it wasn't usually used for males.

'I can't hold back my curiosity, no matter how tired I am.'

Luna, there's something I'm curious about.

Yes! Please, ask away!

Are you a guy?

Excuse me?

Luna looked genuinely puzzled.

I... of course, I am a guy...?"

I thought so. Just wanted to make sure.

With an awkward smile, Eugene bid him farewell and turned to leave.

Take care.

Oh, yes! Sleep well!

Luna bowed repeatedly, seeing Eugene off.

Once Eugene was out of sight, Luna bit his lip.

I'll repay this debt... no matter what.

As a student of the Black Flower class, Luna had been constantly tormented by the notorious trio known for their malicious antics within the class.

It was a hellish life.

The bullying grew more severe each day, leading him to seriously consider dropping out.

But today was different.

A seemingly ordinary-looking guy, whom Luna had mistaken for another bullying target, had appeared.

With just a few punches, this guy had taken down the trio who had tormented Luna for over half a year, driving them to a pitiful state, even forcing them to consider leaving the academy.

It felt like a blessing.

'So, just because you're a bit strongno, even if you're weak, do you think it's okay to bully others?'

Through Luna's eyes, Eugene's strength was extraordinary.

He also fought on the side of the weak.

'Considering your character, if you learn the sword, you'd probably become a bandit. Is that a valid reason?'

Luna had wanted to confront the trio with these thoughts himself, though he only dared to think them.

He knew he shouldnt take pleasure in it, but Luna couldnt help but feel good.

It felt like justice had been served.

This encounter alone gave him the strength to continue his academy life.

Moreover, Eugene had driven those tormentors to the point of withdrawal.

'I will repay this favor, no matter what it takes.'

To Eugene, it might've been a passing act, but to Luna, he was a life-long benefactor.

'I need to find something, anything, within my power to repay him.'

With that determination, Luna began walking.

The cold night wind rustled his short golden hair.



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