I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 22: Really damn confusing (1)

Chapter 22: Really damn confusing (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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It was almost 10 p.m., and the library had quieted down.

'I never expected to receive so much help.'

With no real reason to refuse, I studied with the others, and the efficiency of my cramming increased substantially.

'If it werent for the books they gave, I wouldn't have finished even half.'

Thanks to Tina and Celine's help, Eugene managed to complete a significant portion of his cramming.

Only two subjects remained.

At most, it would take under two hours to finish them.

'Stay focused until the end.'

Though he felt like taking a break, Eugene continued his studies with the mindset of sleeping only after finishing.

'He's really hardworking.'

Watching him, Tina couldn't help but be impressed with Eugene's dedication.

While studying, she occasionally glanced at him, noting his unwavering focus on his studies.

'I could learn a thing or two from him.'

Being the only daughter of the continent's richest Earl, she possessed more than most: wealth, background, talent.

Even with less effort, she always achieved superior results, so she had become somewhat complacent.

'But seeing him work like that...'

Seeing the diligent efforts of someone from a fallen noble family made her reflect on her own attitude.

'But I've reached my limit for today.'


Tina stretched out, realizing they had been studying for almost 10 hours.

Given her usual study habits, combined with todays effort, she was sure to rank at the top for the comprehensive exam.

'Maybe I should go to sleep. Celine's not around anymore anyway."

Four hours ago, Celine, claiming she had nothing left to study, left to practice her swordsmanship.

Since then, it had been just Tina and Eugene.

'I'm really tired now.'

I should go to bed.

Tina began packing her textbooks and stationery into her bag.

Regardless of her actions, Eugene was too focused on his studies to notice her.

'His determination is truly something.'

As she slid a pen into her bag, it slipped from her grasp.


The pen rolled away, coming to a stop beside Eugene.

"Dropped your pen?"

"Sorry, I'll get it."

"It's okay."

Eugene bent down, picked up the pen, and handed it to her.

Tina could clearly see his arm.

'How much training does it take to...'

She was unexpectedly captivated by the definition of his muscles and the veins that ran along them.

"Aren't you taking the pen?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I blanked out."

Embarrassed, Tina took the pen and placed it in her bag.

'Why was I...'

Most upperclassmen who trained physically had such arms.

Why couldnt she take her eyes off his?

'I dont know~'

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Tina slung her bag over her shoulder.

"I'll be leaving now. We've been studying for too long."

"Yeah, take care."

"Are you planning to study more, Eugene?"


"I see."

"See you tomorrow?"

Tina gave a subtle wave of her hand and turned away.


Raei Translations


The moment she walked out of the library,

"Did you see that just now?"

"I don't like it."

"What's that guy's deal with Tina?"

Whispers of disapproval flowed from a corner of the library, where eyes had been tracking Tina and Eugene.

Eugene had been focused on his own life, but ever since Tina appeared, a group had begun to view him unfavorably.

"Seems like we should teach him a lesson."

"Let's wait until we have a better opportunity."

"He needs to know his place."

Two hours went by like that.

"...Finally done."

Eugene, having finished his last-minute studies, stretched his stiff neck.

'Physical training is nothing compared to this.'

Physical training with the aid of his many talents was one thing, studying subjects that required memorization was another.

'I can't do any more today.'

He still had some energy left, but his head felt as if it might explode.

He needed to give his overworked brain some rest.

'I told them Id return the borrowed textbooks tomorrow, so I should pack them now.'

Eugene packed the textbooks he had borrowed from the girls into his bag and rose from his seat.

It's very quiet now, perhaps because its late.

The once-bustling library now barely had six or so people left.

Eugene walked along library and made his way towards the exit.

"You finally came out."


Three students closed in, surrounding him.

Their hostile expressions made it clear they weren't here to be friends.

"You're Eugene von Lennon Grace, right?"

"We have some business with you."

'Who are these guys...?'

Eugene looked them up and down with a puzzled expression.

They were all unfamiliar faces.

Even upon looking at the crests on their chests, he couldn't recognize which family they hailed from.

'If I don't recognize them, it means... I've never heard of them.'

The designs bordering the crests were similar to his own, signifying nobility.

The problem was that they were members of families Eugene didnt know...

'It probably doesn't matter, does it?'

They seemed to have a bone to pick with him, so he figured he'd deal with them first and think later.

The one who seemed to be the leader of the group began to speak.

"We're from the Black* Flower class. While we come from families with far more prestige than yours, unfortunately, there's one thing we share in common."


Eugene just looked at them blankly, uninterested, which seemed to irritate the leader.

"You like Tina."

At that absurd statement, Eugene was taken aback.

"We like Tina. And for someone like you, from a fallen family, to follow her around like a lost puppy for over half a year..."

The absurdity just kept growing.

"It's one thing for you to like Tina. She's the kind of girl any guy would fall for."

He paused, gauging Eugene's reaction.

"But the fact that Tina is showing interest in someone inferior like you instead of us? That's an issue we can't overlook."

"Do you really think that makes sense? I'm pissed just watching someone like you study with Tina."

Just because I spent some time studying with a girl they like, they act like this.

Are they out of their minds?

"You got the message, right? We're pissed because of you. If you come quietly, we'll just rough you up a bit and be done. Don't do anything stupid, got it?"



Heh heh heh.

On the outside, he kept a straight face, but inside he was seething.

Threats from some kids just because he spent some time studying with girls he wasn't even interested in.

'Just you wait. Heh.'

A vein was ready to pop on his forehead.

He was already dealing with the aftermath of the previous owner of this body, dealing with one exhausting event after another, and now, after spending the entire day studying subjects he had no interest in, when all he wanted was to sleep, they decided to bully him.

'So they think I'm an easy target.'


Perhaps they thought so.

Even though Eugene was much older in actual age compared to these delinquent students, he had no intention of backing down.

If he didn't handle this situation properly now, it would only lead to more troubles later on.

"There are too many eyes here. Let's go to the rooftop where no one's around to settle this."

Fine, let's go.

An empty rooftop sounds perfect.

Eugene took the lead, heading straight for the rooftop.

"What's with that guy?"

"Is he so eager to get beaten up?"

"Some weirdos out there."

The delinquent group followed Eugene.

The fact that they were from the Black Flower class, the last of the sixteen classes, probably emboldened them to pull such stunts.

Their class was quite far from Eugene's, so they never shared a class or lesson together.

If even one of them had been in a practical class with Eugene, they wouldnt have dared to do this.

"Slow down, will ya?"

"Are you so desperate to get a beating?"

Are these nobles or bandits?

These guys, who seemed more fitting for a mountain hideout than a school, continued their jeers and insults on the way to the rooftop.

"Lost your tongue? Why so silent?"

"He's probably scared. Just ignore him."

Eugene let their words pass through him, refining his patience.

'There are so many paths to mastery in this world.'

Had I fallen into a martial arts world, wouldn't I have become a great martial artist?

While lost in such absurd thoughts, he reached the rooftop door.

"When you go in, greet the friend who'll be joining you. Wouldn't want you to be lonely."


The calm he'd maintained cracked slightly.

Sure, they could try to mess with him.

After all, it's them, not him, who'd end up getting hurt.

But another victim?

That person probably wouldnt have the strength Eugene had.

They'd most likely just endure whatever these goons dished out.

'These bastards have crossed the line...'

"Get in."

The lead bully opened the rooftop door.

Eugene walked straight in.

The sight of the victim appeared.

With short hair, a delicate and pretty face looked bruised, perhaps from a few hits.

'Wait, it's not a guy, but a girl?'

Did they bring a girl up here to beat her up?

'Hold on...'

Looking at the victim again, while the face was as pretty as a girl's, he wore the male uniform.

So, he was a boy.

'The people in this world are truly confusing.'

The beauty standards were so high that a face as androgynous as his made it difficult to determine gender.

'At least, these jerks haven't crossed the final line.'

Regardless, their fate of getting beaten remained unchanged.

The sound of the rooftop door closing echoed.

The bullies had entered, leaving neither Eugene nor the rest with an escape route.

Eugene turned to face them, speaking gravely.

"Listen up."

"What do you want?"

"Surrender now, and you can leave after ten hits. If youre willing, raise your hand."

'Has he lost his mind?'

Unsurprisingly, no one raised their hand.

For Eugene, it was a final act of mercy, but the bullies spat out curses in disbelief.

"Who does he think he is?"

"Let's beat the hell out of him first."

Why wouldn't they just listen?

I definitely gave them a chance.

Soon, the bullies clenched their fists and approached.

At this point, action spoke louder than words.

After this, they'd surely listen.

"Run away..."

A voice from behind whispered.

It was the student who was brought up first.


With a click of his tongue, Eugene clenched his fists.

"You're dead!"

Suddenly, the leader of the bullies lunged, his fist imbued with mana.

Eugene effortlessly dodged by leaning back.


He gathered mana in his fist.

"If someone tells you to surrender..."

Planting his feet firmly on the ground, he continued.

"...you should listen, idiot!"

Eugene delivered a punch straight to the leader's jaw.

With a loud crack, the leader's jaw twisted at an angle that defied logic.

The dazed look in his eyes showed he had no idea what just hit him.

He spun in mid-air before crashing to the ground.


He didn't move again.

One punch was all it took to knock him out cold.


The victim, who had been watching from behind, let out a bewildered sound.

But all Eugene saw were the thugs who deserved punishment.

He approached the unconscious bully and crouched down.

"Why are you pretending to be knocked out?"


"You still have more coming. Playing dead won't save you."

As Eugene readied another punch, the leader's eyes snapped open in fear.

"I... I'm sorry! I was wrong!"

"See? You're still conscious."

With another resonating crack, the leader's jaw twisted again.

This time, his eyes rolled back, and he fully passed out.

"Don't try to escape, or it'll actually be over for you guys. Stay right there."


The two guys who were trying to sneakily exit the rooftop stopped in their tracks.

What a punch!

'How can anyone have that kind of power?'

They were intimidated by Eugene's punch.

Excluding Dylan, the leader of their gang, the others weren't seasoned fighters.

Only Dylan was born into a swordsmanship family, carrying the group's combat strength.

The two just followed along for fun, mere tag-alongs.

One of the tag-alongs, looking particularly nervous, cautiously spoke up.

So, you said ten hits, right?


I'll take the ten hits. Just, please, go easy on...

"What are you talking about?"


Damn kid.

Eugene's face turned livid.

"The ten hits were for those who listened earlier! You obviously didnt!"

...Right. They hadnt.

What do you mean, what? I'm beating you to a pulp!"

Eugene approached, cracking his knuckles.

The students of the Black Flower class realized that today might mark the end of their lives.



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