I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 9: Mercenaries and the Dark Knight (4)

Chapter 9: Mercenaries and the Dark Knight (4)

Dale moved forward with his longsword in his hands.Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

Miles stepped forward as well but with a look of tension on his face. The warhammer he was holding was soaked in bright red blood.

Silence ensued, filled with obvious tension. One of the assailants quietly notched an arrow to his bow, his hand trembling slightly.

Facing the ominous dark knight, a growing sense of fear welled up inside him.


At that moment, the archers eyes met with Dales.

Could it be that hes seeing through my fear? This thought crossed the archers mind as he involuntarily swallowed hard.

His concentration wavered slightly.

The next moment, Dales left arm blurred.


Suddenly, a thrown axe flew through the air, embedding itself squarely in the archers face.


Blood flowed like a river before his body crumpled to the ground.

Miles cursed and yelled at his subordinates.

Get a grip and attack!

Leading the charge, Miles lifted his warhammer with great force and swung it down towards Dale.

Dale on the other hand raised his longsword horizontally and took a defensive stance.


As metal clashed against metal, sparks flew. Dale gauged the heavy impact transmitted to his hand.

A Grade 3 Warrior wielding a warhammer. Not fast, but each blow is powerful.

This was a combat style more suited for hunting sturdy monsters than fighting humans.

It meant that even Dales solid armor could take significant damage.

No need to take a hit if I can avoid it.

While engaged in a power struggle with their weapons locked, Dale suddenly relaxed his grip and stepped back.

His longsword dropped downward. Miles center of gravity, which had been exerting a lot of force, also shifted forward.

Miles was taken aback. A knight dropping his weapon?

What Miles didnt realize was that Dale was more proficient in bare-handed combat than in swordsmanship.

Dales outstretched fist crashed into Miles face as he lost his balance.


The gauntlet completely crushed Miless unsightly hooked nose.

Under normal circumstances, such a blow would have shattered facial bones.

However, the warriors body was resilient.

Although he was caught off-guard by the sudden strike, Miles quickly regained his balance and picked up his weapon again.

Spitting blood from his mouth, Miles muttered under his breath.

That fuck*r Garland. Hes set a monster amongst us.

A sudden curse at Garland?

Just as Dale was about to question the meaning of his words, Miles shouted.

Throw it!

In that instant, Miless allies, who had been waiting for an opportunity, opened their glass bottles and sprinkled the contents towards them.

A transparent liquid with a faint glowit was holy water.

As the holy water touched Miless skin, his wounds began to heal. The speed of the healing suggested it was an expensive variety of holy water.

Conversely, where the holy water doused Dale, his skin bubbled and frothed.

The battle between light and darkness had persisted for a long time, naturally evolving into a struggle where each side sought to annihilate the other.

The holy water was a testament to this ongoing conflict.

This liquid containing the divinity of light was deadly to beings like Dale.

Dale felt pain that he didnt experience in a long time. It was a pain that resonated not in his body, but in his mind.

He glared at Miles with slightly annoyed eyes.

So, you bought an excessive amount of holy water just for me.

You catch on quick.

Dale looked down at his own body. His armor, touched by the holy water, was slowly melting away.

The damage was more than he had anticipated.

Miles and his fellow mercenaries regained their composure upon seeing Dales plight.

They seemed to believe they could easily defeat Dale.

How annoying.

Dale took an attacking stance.

Miles tensed up and gripped his warhammer. Dale glared at Miles for a moment then he suddenly turned and sprinted away with all his might.

Is he running away?

Miles muttered in disbelief.

Regardless, they had to chase after him. If they let Dale escape here, the guild headquarters would surely send a pursuit squad if they reported todays events.

Miles quickly followed Dale.

But Dale wasnt simply fleeing. As he ran swiftly, he suddenly veered off in a different direction.

What he was looking for was the corpse of the archer who had died earlier.

He thrust his gauntlet into the archers chest.

The life force was absorbed. And then Dales body rapidly returned to its original state.

Only then did Miles realize his mistake and shouted.

Throw more holy water! We must prevent him from absorbing more life force!


His companions scrambled to open their glass bottles to throw them.

Dale gripped the hand axe that was embedded in the archers face and flung it without hesitation.


The axe, spinning through the air, struck precisely the glass bottle in one of the assailants hand.


Aah! My hand!

The hand axe, after shattering the bottle, lodged itself in the assailants hand.

Another mercenary nearby recoiled at the sight.

And by the time he regained his composure, Dale had already closed in right before him.

Dale spread his arms wide and then, as if he were clapping his hands, he struck both sides of the assailants head simultaneously.


The assailants eyes rolled back and the whites of his eyes were visible.

From his nose, a liquid, unclear whether it was blood or brain fluid, streamed down.

There was no need to look further. He was already dead.

Dale swung his fist once more, hitting another assailant in the solar plexus who was clutching his hand and gasping.

The man collapsed to the ground without even a scream.

Now, the only enemy left was Miles.

Miles stood there, hunched over. He had intended to help his subordinates, but Dale had finished them all off before he could even act.

It all happened in an instant.

Miles muttered in disbelief.

I cant believe it. Weve been fighting side by side for four years. To die so easily

Dale silently picked up the longsword he had dropped on the ground.

Miles said while looking at Dale.

Youre a monster, born for this.

Dale asked nonchalantly.

For what?

Killing people. You dont seem to have any professional skills from your movements But its like you instinctively know how to kill efficiently. A born murderer.

It was a comment that Miles couldnt discern as a compliment or an insult.

Dale spoke with irritation.

So what?

Miles chuckled.

Just saying. Because Im jealous of you. Youve found your true calling. While some live their lives in vain, struggling at the bottom.

Miles glanced around at the bodies scattered about.

The corpses of allies and mercenaries.

Miles muttered in a self-deprecating tone.

Right. The weak perish. Lets see this through to the end.

He poured the remaining holy water over himself.

It seemed like it might slightly increase his chances of survival.

Dale took a step forward. Holding his longsword, he slowly approached Miles.

Then, after increasing his speed, Dale dashed forward and leaped with all his might.

His big figure soared through the air.

Dales body aligned with the sun, scattering the light.

Miles was dazzled and blinked his eyes.

Fu*k it

Dale thrust his longsword forward. It was an attack devoid of any technique or skill, relying solely on the force and weight of the falling blade.

Yet, it couldnt be stopped

With a sound of metal clashing against metal, the longsword shattered the chainmail armor Miles wore.

The tip of the sword aimed to pierce Miless chest.

Miles grasped the blade of the longsword with both hands, exerting all his strength to prevent it from penetrating further.


Blood flowed from his hands as he clutched the sword. Despite the intense pain, Miles did not relent his grip.

It was a remarkable display of his will to live.

Dale continued to press down on the longsword.

As the sword burrowed deeper and deeper into Miless chest, blood splattered around. It was warm blood.

Dale thought it ironic how the blood of such an inhuman fiend could be so warm while his own blood was cold.

A feeling of envy stirred within Dale. He had an envy toward the living that was unique to the undead.


Finally, the tip of the sword touched Miless heart.

Miless eyes widened in shock. The strength rapidly drained from his hands still clutching the sword blade.

The longsword had fully penetrated Miless body.

Miles eyes became unfocused.

Its over.

Despite having taken a life, Dale felt no emotion. In fact, his instincts reveled in the act.

At this rate, I could quickly reach grade 3 if I continue to collect souls.

Before absorbing the dead bodies life force, Dale first scanned his surroundings.

It was a horrific scene.

Bodies were strewn about, and pools of blood had formed on the ground.

Is anyone still alive?

Drinking the soup laced with paralyzing herbs had been a fatal mistake.

If not for that, a few more might have survived.

At this time, a rustling sound caught Dales attention and he turned his head.

A short man was crawling out from among the corpses.


Is it over?

Leons face was etched with fear as he looked around anxiously.

Dale reassured him.

Dont worry. Theyre all dead.

Oh, I-I see.

Youre lucky to have survived.

I was fortunate. My small stature made it easier to pretend to be dead among the bodies.

As soon as the fight erupted, it seemed he had quickly pretended to be dead.

Hes quite quick-witted.

Leon, looking at the horrific scene with a nauseated expression, suddenly dashed to one side.

Then he shouted to Dale.

Sir Dale! The priestess is still alive!


Dale hurried over to where Leon was.

The female priestess who was struck by an arrow in the chest was gasping for air.

Her breathing was so faint that Dale almost didnt notice it.

Leon didnt know what to do and said,

W-we need to save her. Theres some holy water left

Dale grabbed Leons shoulder and shook his head.

Its too late.


Dale examined the arrow lodged in the priestesss chest. Something dark was smeared on it.

The arrow is poisoned.


The priestess was paralyzed, shot in the chest, and now poisoned.

To use holy water or healing miracles, the arrow must be removed first, and she needed to be detoxified.

But her weakened state made it seem unlikely she could survive that long.

Besides, there was no way to detoxify her.

In fact, her survival until now was almost miraculous.

The resilience of human life was more tenacious than one might think.

Upon hearing some voices, the priestess struggled to open her eyes. Sweat beaded her forehead, incessantly trickling into her eyes.

Dale took a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the priestesss face with careful, attentive strokes.

Leon looked at Dale with a surprised expression. The priestess, too, realizing who was tending to her forehead, opened her eyes wide in shock.

With a voice that barely came out, the priestess tried feebly to protest.


Dale spoke calmly.

You are going to die soon.

It was a brief statement, but it struck at the heart of the matter.

It was a reality the priestess had been desperately trying to ignore.

Resignation flickered in her eyes, quickly replaced by a surge of fear.

She grasped Dales arm, her grip surprisingly strong for someone on the brink of death.

The priestess pleaded earnestly.

I beg you Please, dont absorb my soul. Such disrespect

A powerful dark knight could harvest not only the lingering souls of the dead but also the souls of the living.

Although Dale hadnt reached that extent yet.

For a deeply devout priestess, the prospect of having her soul taken by a knight was more terrifying than death itself.

Dale gently patted the priestesss shoulder and spoke calmly.

Rest assured. That wont happen. If you wish, I will take your body to the church. I promise you.

Only then did the priestess relax her expression in relief. Though a dark knight was an untrustworthy and irreverent being, the man before her somehow inspired trust.

Dale asked her.

Whats your name?

Maria. Thats my name.

Maria. Speak your last wish.

After thinking for a moment, Maria opened her mouth.

Oh, Goddess in the heavens, I express my deep gratitude for the life you have bestowed upon me


Dale interrupted Marias words.

The conversation with the deity you believe in can continue after death. Use your last remaining time for those you have formed ties with on this world.

Marias eyes widened.

She felt a bit embarrassed. This dark knights words were true.

Maria carefully chose her words.

And with the last of her strength, she spoke.

To everyone, thank you. Especially to Brother Pail. But my last words are

I understand. Your last words are meant for Pail alone, right? Others might feel slighted.

Maria nodded.

Then she extended one hand to Dale. When she opened her hand, there was a ring emitting a faint light.

Are you giving this to me?

To you.

Maria spoke with difficulty.

Her insistence on calling it a payment rather than a reward revealed her stubbornness.

Dale responded evenly.

Ill make good use of it.

Maria closed her eyes. A satisfied smile formed on her lips.

Something seemed to leave her body. Dale, who was half-undead, could see souls.

Shes gone.

Leon was watching the entire scene from the side.

He couldnt bring himself to speak. He was overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the moment.

A priestess and a dark knight. He thought it unlikely to witness such a scene again.

Dale turned his gaze.

Time to start preparing.

Excuse me?

Leon asked, looking perplexed.

Dale gestured around them.

Theres a lot to pick up.

The equipment worn by the assailants were scattered all around.

And it was all money.


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