I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 10: Mercenaries and the Dark Knight (5)

Chapter 10: Mercenaries and the Dark Knight (5)

Dale first absorbed all the life force from the corpses of the assailants.

Then he gathered the equipment they had been wearing.

Selling just the equipment could bring in a good sum.

This was the very same reason why many mercenaries turned into bandits.

It was more profitable and safer to kill people and take their equipment than to hunt monsters and risk your life.

Leon asked after loading all the equipment onto the carriage.

What about the bodies of the other mercenaries?

Dale pondered for a moment.

He suddenly remembered Garlands request to retrieve the mercenary badges.

At first, he thought it was simply about collecting the badges of mercenaries who had died on the previous failed mission.

But now that he thought about it.

Maybe he was telling me to bring Miles mercenary badge. Did he know it would come to this?

The request to collect the badges could, depending on interpretation, be taken as an order to kill the mercenaries.

Had Garland intended to use Dale to eliminate the corrupt mercenaries?

Dale wasnt sure of it for now.

We probably cant carry them all. Well take the badges and equipment and cremate the bodies.


In this world, if a proper funeral couldnt be held, cremation was the norm.

This was to prevent the dead from rising as undead if buried in just any land.

Dale had gathered not only the badges of his fellow mercenaries but also those of Miles and his companions.

Before long, the carriage was fully loaded.

Lastly, Dale placed Marias corpse on top and covered it with a blanket.

After everything that needed to be loaded was aboard, the two gathered wood and bodies on the ground and set them ablaze.

As the flames roared and the smoke billowed into the sky, Leon wore an expression of guilt.

There must be people who cared about these folks, right? Like Priestess Maria, it would have been better if we could have transported their bodies to the city.

Dale spoke calmly.

Dont feel guilty. Weve done our duty by doing this much. Were transporting the priestesss body because there was a promise to keep.

Dale opened his palm and looked at the ring emitting a faint light.

He didnt know its effects, but it was certainly no ordinary item.

Since he received such an item, Dale felt obligated to transport Marias body.

Those who follow the Goddess of Night must be thorough in what they give and receive.

After a while, the flames died down.

Lets go.


Leon sat in the coachmans seat and held the reins. Dale also sat next to him.

The horses were uneasy due to the aura Dale emitted, but when Leon forcefully slapped their hindquarters, they began to move forward energetically.

Leon was still in a daze and pinched his own cheek.

I still cant believe Im alive. I thought I was a goner for sure.


Do you think this counts as completing the request?


Leon chattered incessantly, almost without pause for hours.

Do Gnomes tend to be curious and talkative?

It was surprising how he had managed to stay quiet when he was just a porter.

Their conversation eventually turned to what they should do with the loot.

When Leon asked what they would do with it, Dale answered.

Well hand over the mercenaries gear to the guild. The guild will probably find the bereaved family to pass it on to. Well get some reward money from that. As for the stolen goods on Miles side

The stolen goods. It was valuable but tricky to dispose of properly.

If Dale, who was a dark knight, tried to sell them, no one would buy them from him, fearing they were cursed.

That meant they would have to sell it at a low price

At this time, Leon who had been listening in silence opened his mouth.

Sir Dale, if its alright with you, may I handle the disposal of the items?

Do you have a way?

Yes! I have connections with the underground. I can sell it for a fair price. But

It wont be for free, right?


Leon requested a portion of the commission from the sale of the stolen goods.

Since his demand seemed reasonable, Dale agreed to it.

It was a deal that had no downside for Dale.

Once the deal was finalized, Leon was beaming with joy. He was clearly delighted at the prospect of earning money.

Dale asked him.

Is it that great?

Uh? Oh, haha. Yes, it is. Actually, I have a dream.

A dream?

Yes. Did you know? In the old empire, there was a school where anyone, be they commoners or slaves, could learn. Surprising, isnt it?

A school, huh.

Dale smiled bitterly.

Unlike the world he had lived in before, in this world, a school was certainly not a word one would hear often.

Leon continued with a bright smile.

If I save up enough money, Id like to establish such a school myself. I would become a teacher, gather children from the slums, and teach them to read, write, and various other things.

Thats nice.

Leon smiled proudly at Dales honest and sincere opinion.

Until now, no one had understood Leons dream, but Dale was the exception who acknowledged it.

Leon no longer feared this half-undead creature. In fact, he was starting to like him.

Dale then said to Leon.

Speaking of which, I also wanted to learn how to read, but I was unsure who to ask. Could you teach me, Leon?

Uh? Are you sure youd be okay with me?

Of course, Ill pay you for it.

I-Ill do my best!

Leon snapped to attention in a salute. Dales lips curled up slightly.

Even though he fell into this world and ended up in this kind of body, he sometimes found moments of joy.


Dale and Leon took only the bare minimum of rest before heading towards Irene.

They needed to hurry while Marias body was still relatively intact.

Time was cut short significantly because of their rapid pace.

On the morning of the second day, they could see the towering city of Irene across the plains.

Shabby slums stretched along the road. Children, as usual, were about to head out to beg, but they hesitated at the sight of Dales bloody appearance.

But there were children among them who recognized Dale. They remembered the coins he had generously given them last time.

So they approached him nervously.

Leon looked at Dale with a flustered expression, trying to gauge his reaction. And then he quickly tried to shoo the children away.

Y-you kids! Move along now.

Its okay.


Dale took out some provisions like jerky and cheese from his backpack.

Miles, who had planned to leave the city after this job, had prepared an excessive amount of food.

All of it was still intact.

They wont get robbed if I give them food instead.

Dale remembered the advice Harkin had given him last time.

If he gave them food instead of money, at least the children wouldnt go hungry.

As Dale began distributing the food, the hesitant children also gathered around.

Dale carefully counted the number of children and distributed food appropriately to ensure that no child was left out.

Leon asked with a slightly surprised expression,

Oh, Sir Dale, you look to be quite used to this. Have you done something like this before?

Had many younger siblings.


Ignoring Leons puzzled look, Dale rummaged through his backpack.

The backpack was completely empty.

The children also dispersed with satisfied faces.

A few of them glanced back, hesitated, then bowed their heads and quickly disappeared.

Leon frowned at this.

Those kids after receiving so much, they should at least come and say thank you.

Theyre at an age where they are shy.

Ah, yes, thats true.

The carriage passed through the city gate.

The guards stopped them, but after checking what was loaded on the carriage, they quickly let them in.

The two headed towards District 6 on the outskirts of the city to the south.

In District 6, there was a temple that worshipped the Goddess of Light.

This temple was quite different from the temple of night.

Dozens of gigantic marble columns stretched high into the sky, topped by pointed triangular roofs.

It was a place well-lit by sunlight.

The building glistened in the afternoon sunlight.

It presented a spectacle that was both majestic and warmly inviting.

It feels similar to a cathedral. The Temple of Night should be built somewhat like this.

Dale said as he looked up at the temple.

Ill be back soon.

Ah, yes! Take care!

Dale gently cradled Maria in his arms.

Perhaps it was because he sprinkled all the remaining holy water on her body? Maria still looked as she did before her death.

To any onlooker, she might have seemed peacefully asleep.

Dale ascended the stairs leading to the temple.V/\Issα»‹T n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).π˜€π‘œ/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

The soldiers of the church noticed him approaching.

Hey, whats this? Why is that bastard coming here?

How dare he taint this sacred place with his filthy feet!

The mere presence of Dale at the temple was an insult to them.

The soldiers holding spears gathered around Dale.

Stop right there! We wont allow you to come any closer!

Dale turned to face the soldiers surrounding him.

Their hostile intent prickled his nerves. Yet he maintained his composure and asked.

Allow me? Isnt the Temple of Light open to everyone, from emperors to slaves?

. That only applies to humans! It has nothing to do with an undead like you!

The light and the darkness made a pact; we are no longer enemies. You have no right to stop me. And

Dales eyes glowed ominously from within his helmet.

I am not undead. Call me that again, and Ill kill you.


The soldier who stammered for a moment out of fear shouted out in greater fury.

Listen up, brothers! Thisthis creature here said hes going to kill me!

He couldnt bring himself to call Dale an undead again. If he did, Dale would surely keep his word.

Regardless, as Dale took a strong stance, the soldiers hostility intensified.

The atmosphere became tense and upon hearing the commotion, people from inside the temple rushed out.

Among them were familiar faces.

No! Look here! How long has it been since I told you not to cause trouble?

A beautiful apprentice priestess with platinum blonde hair, Esther, shouted with a pale face.

The elderly priest next to her frowned.

Esther! Is this heretic the one you vouched for?

Ye- yes, thats him.

You better prepare a suitable excuse.

Esthers face turned ashen.

She was already on thin ice for vouching for a dark knight, and now that he had caused trouble, she too had to bear responsibility.

Dale looked around him with displeasure and then he blurted out.

Everyones so focused on me that you dont even notice who Im holding.

The shock of the dark knights arrival at the temple had narrowed everyones vision.

When Dale pointed this out, people finally noticed Maria in his arms.

Sister Maria?

Are you hurt anywhere?

Quick, get her some treatment Ah.

Everyone realized it then: Maria was actually dead.

The surroundings fell into sudden silence.

It was Dale who broke the silence.

I will relay Marias last words here.

Dale took a moment to look around.

Everyones attention was focused on him.

Dale spoke.

Thank you, everyone. Thats what Maria said.


Thats all.

Silence descended again.

Some members of the temple held up their emblem, the silver ring, and prayed. Others sighed towards the sky, while others bowed their heads, shedding tears.

Amidst this, the elderly priest standing beside Esther spoke.

He is a benefactor who brought a member of our temple to us. Make way for him. And Esther, you guide him.

There were no objections.

People hesitated for a moment, then gradually stepped aside to clear a path.

Dale walked confidently towards the temple.

Esther approached him and asked in a soft voice.

What exactly happened?

Ill explain later.

For now, I will guide you to the main hall.

And call for a man named Pail.

Priest Pail? What do you need him for?

I have a message for him.

Uhm. All right.

The main hall was the site where all the religious ceremonies of the temple took place.

Prayers, healing rituals, baptisms, and even funerals.

Since it was such an important place, the interior was quite spacious.

There was a stained glass window on the domed ceiling, and the light filtering through the colorful glass beautifully adorned the space.

It was a place that could move anyone with even a slight sense of faith.

Esther waited for Dales reaction with a proud expression on her face.

Her face seemed to say, What do you think? Impressive, right?

However, Dale looked around the room once and spoke indifferently.

What are you waiting for? Go and fetch Pail.

Fine, Ill go.

Dales nature was too twisted to be moved by such things. He wasnt a follower of the Light in the first place.

Esther huffed and then disappeared.

Dale carefully placed Maria, whom he had been carrying, in the very center of the main hall.

Right in front of him floated the temples emblem, a large silver ring, hovering in the air.

How did they do that? Is it hanging by something?

The silver ring emitted a bright light.

Dale felt a divinity emanating from that light. It was a very uncomfortable feeling for him, who was half-undead.

Finding it too difficult to continue watching, Dale turned to leave.

But then.

Something soft and warm caressed Dales helmet.

[Thank you.]

A voice as warm as the afternoon sunlight tickled his ear.


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