I Became a Villain’s Hero

Chapter 24: Graduation (6)

Chapter 24: Graduation (6)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 4/week

Illustrations: Here

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.........After you graduate, look for another part-time job.


Her mind went blank.

Song Soo-yeon wanted to believe his words were a joke.

She stopped moving for a moment and looked down at the black bean noodles.

She waited for him to end the joke.

But he neither laughed nor said anything else.

He was just waiting for her response.



Tired of waiting, Song Soo-yeon had no choice but to ask.

"...Are you... joking?"


Jung-gyeom, perplexed, asked back.

The atmosphere was getting more serious.

"...No? It's not a joke."

"....Not... a joke?"

She couldn't understand.

She thought they were getting along fine.

Although their conversations were sometimes rough, they had never escalated into a serious fight.

They had become closer by bickering, and she believed everything was going well.

After all, he had cared for her even today.

This meal was an extension of that.

It was food he made to comfort her.

Their relationship wasnt bad.

She believed it wasn't.

But why was he telling her to leave?

She couldn't understand.

"......Did I do something wrong?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? What wrong have you done?"

Jung-gyeom continued.

"Now that you're old enough, you can sign a labor contract. You can freely work elsewhere."

Song Soo-yeon knew that too.

It was a moment she had been waiting for.

Becoming an adult and working part-time wherever she wanted was a kind of goal.

But she thought she had already achieved that goal.

She thought it would be okay to stay here for a long time.

"So... you're kicking me out?"

Song Soo-yeon couldnt even understand what she was saying.

Jung-gyeom reacted in surprise.

"Kicking you out...! No, that's not it. Its not that, you can work somewhere else-"

"-I want to keep working here."


A long silence followed.

Song Soo-yeon understood the meaning of this silence.

It was the first time they witnessed the difference in each other's opinions.

It was a moment to reconcile their differing thoughts.

A break to calm their flustered hearts and have a rational conversation.

But Song Soo-yeon couldn't maintain her composure.

Her chest felt tight, and she couldn't breathe properly.

Her emotions accelerated.

Jung-gyeom cautiously began to speak.

".....Soo-yeon. I do want to keep seeing you, but... the truth is, the restaurant isnt doing well."

"......Stop it...don't talk nonsense."

Even when faced with practical issues, the heat in her heart didn't cool.

She clenched her teeth.

"There's no need for part-timers when there are no customers. You know that, Soo-yeon."

"I don't know that. Why should I know such a thing...."

But she knew.

She knew about the lack of work.

Maybe that's why it had been more comfortable.

But she didn't want to stay here for that reason.

In fact, she was willing to work without pay.


"-If it's too hard, you don't have to pay me."


"......I'll work for free."

Song Soo-yeon pretended to be generous as she spoke.

Her real intention was simply not wanting to leave this place.

She hid her trembling hands under the table.

It had only been a few months since she started coming to this restaurant, but it had been enough time to become something that sustained her.

She felt an instinctive fear of leaving this place.


Jung-gyeom maintained a troubled silence for a moment.

Song Soo-yeon wanted to quickly resolve this issue and hoped he would never bring it up again.

"So it's decided? From now on, you don't have to pay me, so I can stay here-"

"-That's a bit disappointing...."

Jung-gyeom blurted out.

Hearing that, anger surged within Song Soo-yeon.

Her repressed emotions burst forth.

And those feelings spilled out through her harsh words.

"Ah, damn it...! What's there for you to be disappointed about!"

If anyone should feel disappointed, it should be me, Song Soo-yeon thought.

What did all these times mean?

It wasn't just her who enjoyed their time together.

It wasn't just her who was happy.

He must have been happy to have her, whom he liked, by his side.

Or was it a protest because she didn't reciprocate his feelings?

Was he playing some kind of game?

She hoped it wasn't such a trivial attempt.

She had the ability to see through such pretenses.

She had declared from the beginning that she couldn't return his feelings of love.

Love was still a frighteningly unknown territory for her.

So if that was his intention, she wished he would stop right now.

"I'm offering to work for free, what's there for you to be disappointed about!"


Jung-gyeom closed his eyes and breathed calmly, seemingly waiting for her anger to pass.

After a short time, Jung-gyeom spoke again.

"......It's not just about that. Soo-yeon, I lent you the house.... I didn't give it to you."

Song Soo-yeon took a sharp breath.

"If you don't take money... how are you going to save up for a deposit? When will you vacate the house?"

Jung-gyeom spoke the obvious, yet his face was filled with embarrassment.

"......I didn't expect anything in return... and I can keep sleeping here... but it hurts that you don't even consider me."

In that moment, a cold winter wind shook the door of the shop.

Song Soo-yeon suddenly felt the cold temperature inside the restaurant.

He had been sleeping here for her, right in this place.

It had been several months already.

She found herself at a loss for words.

He was right.

If she didnt save money, she wouldnt be able to return his one-room apartment.

It meant he would have to shiver in the cold every night.

It wasnt that she hadnt thought of him.

In fact, she thought of him every night.

It was just that her desire to stay at the restaurant had momentarily clouded her judgment.

He was right.

If she had thought of him, she shouldn't have said that.

For his sake, she should leave the restaurant.

She needed to save money quickly and vacate the house.

Even though she realized this, Song Soo-yeon couldn't bring herself to agree.

The only thing she could utter was one word.

"......It's a betrayal."

Internally, she swallowed many more words.

She thought they had become each other's support.

She thought they enjoyed being together.

She thought they, two loners, had finally found a group with each other.

She believed he had become her true ally.

But why was he pushing her away?

Didn't he like her?

I like it here.

...This is betrayal.

"Soo-yeon, it hurts me too when you say that......eh?"


"..........Are you crying?"


Before she knew it, tears were falling down her face.

Tears flowed so quickly that it surprised her.

As soon as they fell, a pain she hadn't felt before in her heart surged.

She had always held back her tears.

Not in front of her parents, nor in front of her classmates had she ever cried.

But in front of him, it was already the second time.

Jung-gyeom hurriedly stood up and knelt beside her, grabbing her shoulder and looking at her with concern.

Song Soo-yeon turned her head to hide her face, but he persistently tried to see it.

Even in her pain, she couldnt understand why his actions brought her a small sense of joy.

".....You traitor..."

Song Soo-yeon repeated those words.

Jung-gyeom's face contorted.

"....I don't understand."

He said, his expression filled with more concern than ever.

The usual foolish, harmless expression was gone, replaced by a person in pain, just like her.

"....I don't understand why Soo-yeon is crying... It's not because you don't want to be apart from me. You don't even like me that much....."

Song Soo-yeon thought the same.

That's why she couldn't understand why she was crying.

All she knew was that her heart was in immense pain.

The thought of going somewhere else filled her with an intense aversion.

"Are you scared of entering society? Afraid you won't have my help?"

Song Soo-yeon now tried to turn her body away, showing her anger through her entire being.

But she couldnt, as both her shoulders were held by Jung-gyeom.

She hoped he would realize the feelings she couldn't understand herself.

Jung-gyeom continued speaking.

".......You can go somewhere else and still keep in touch. We can be close. I'll continue to support you. If you're struggling, I'll listen."

That wasn't enough for her.

She didnt know why, but she disliked that idea too.

"Im not saying we should cut ties.... I don't want that either..."


Her eyes, which were losing their spark, suddenly flashed.

Song Soo-yeon couldn't help but latch onto the fact that he said he didn't want that.

The moment he showed his vulnerability, she had to strike.

That was what years of enduring bullying had taught her.

But first, there was something she needed to confirm.

".....You like me, don't you?"

Song Soo-yeon asked.

Simultaneously, a strange power activated, and she felt it.

His heart's voice echoed.

'I like you.'

"I like you."

That was all Song Soo-yeon needed.

She abruptly stood up from her seat.

Yes, in fact, she didn't need to beg anyone.

She shouldnt forget who held the upper hand.

She wiped away her tears.

"....Alright. I'll find a new part-time job."

".....Really.....? No....so suddenly-"

And she glared at him with burning eyes.

"-But then, you should know that youll never see me again."

Jung-gyeom's face froze in shock.

Song Soo-yeon tasted an uncomfortable sense of victory.

Yes, you love me.

What are you going to do about it?

She might not understand the feeling of love, but she knew that others put their lives on the line for it.

Her nose twitched, but she couldn't say anything else.

It seemed the only way.

She couldn't understand why she was acting so recklessly.

Jung-gyeom's face, initially shocked, turned to confusion.

"Uh.....? No.....that's not...."

"Enough. I'm leaving. Thanks for everything."

And with that, she coldly and decisively fled the restaurant.


Jung-gyeom's shout echoed behind her.

Song Soo-yeon didn't look back.

She knew being more ruthless would be more effective.

It was a kind of baiting.

She just had to wait for him to bite the bait.

....And with his earlier answer, she was certain.

He would fall for it.


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