I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 178

Chapter 178


Right after that, the black and red shockwave exploded from the mist that swallowed the black knight. Ian, who had covered his face with his arm, frowned as he was pushed back. Charlotte and Mev were no different.

"Eek, eeeek—!"


Among the soldiers still sprawled on the floor of the banquet hall, the figure of the black knight, kneeling and crouching in the mist, could be faintly seen.

Crack, crack—

The figure, originally almost two meters tall, was getting even bigger. The seams between the armor pieces widened, but the armor did not disintegrate or fall apart. It seemed to have been designed for this situation from the start, with several layers of thickly overlaid parts unfolding to form new seams and joints. The reason his armor was so thick seemed to be because of these hidden mechanisms.

Now they even have transforming armor...

Within the regular waves of shock pressure, Ian still narrowed his eyes as he glared at the creature. This was probably not all there was to it. As he drew on the chaos power, thud, one of the black knight's plated boots stepped onto the ground.

Still leaning forward, the creature slowly straightened its body.

Grrrr...” A low, layered sound of breathing, mixed with low-frequency waves, spread quietly. Ian had heard a similar sound of breathing before, from Tahumrit and Archeas.


It seemed as if the magic contained in the black mist was momentarily sucked into the black knight's entire body. Right after that, the black knight, who had been crouched, lifted his upper body wide open.

“---!” The black knight roared, releasing condensed magic. It was a roar that seemed to shake the entire castle.


Ugh... kuh...”

The soldiers, who were barely standing, let out choking sounds and collapsed. Their eyes went blank, and some foamed at the mouth and fainted. Charlotte, who had been steadying herself, widened her eyes and sat down, and Mev also fell to one knee, panting.

It was a natural reaction. The black knight's current roar was the roar of a dragon.

Of course, from Ian's perspective, it was lacking?. If it were an actual dragon's roar, the castle would have collapsed by now, and everyone except him would be lying on the ground.

Ian didn't even kneel.

I couldn't resist it perfectly, but...

Of course, he wasn't in a state to fight immediately. His limbs tingled, and he was out of breath. All he could do was stand his ground without being pushed back by the tremors resonating through the air.

As he awakened his magic, Ian focused on the roaring black knight. The named character from Chapter Three of the game, the first apostle of Heaven Defier, crossed his mind. When that creature's health dropped to about one-third, it also transformed into a hybrid of dragon and human, and it had become stronger. He had seen the game over screen a few times before learning its patterns. Back then, he thought that creature was the first and last apostle of Rakhmah.

But it seemed there were more.

At this level, it would be reasonable to bestow the Blessing of Battle... no, wait.

There was no way Karha would bestow a blessing meant for fighting dragons to a mere dragonkin.

Ian quickly dismissed any lingering hesitation about relying on blessings. Blessings were merely borrowed power, not his own innate abilities. Depending on them would only hasten his demise.

Just as Ian's gaze steadied, the black knight's roar finally subsided. A growling voice followed, “Behold. This is the true form of one blessed by grace....”

The black mist gathered around the lower half of the black knight's body and spread out in concentric circles. The visor, dented on one side by Charlotte's relentless strikes, opened wide, revealing eyes glowing with a red light.

Vertical pupils, like those of a reptile, fixed on Ian. In those eyes, there was the characteristic arrogance and leisure of one who possessed great power.

“Show your true form, agent of the Platinum Dragon. Do not imprison yourself in a weak shell out of fear of false gods—”

“This is my true form.”

“—that you hide in. ...What?” The black knight faltered.

With eyes gleaming with grayish magic, Ian added, “Can you even return to your original form from there? If you stay like that until morning, it seems like the false gods might mete out a false divine retribution.”

The black knight glanced at Ian's sword, where lightning was gathering in streams, and then burst into laughter. The sound of that laughter, resonating with magic, made Ian's eyes twitch slightly.

Is he insane? What's so funny?

“Indeed, you are an agent of that dragon. As foolish and narrow-minded as the Platinum Dragon who kissed the ass of the false beings. Can you still not feel it? The influence of those tainted by deceit and lies is weakening?”

Clenching his left fist as if savoring his own power, the black knight continued leisurely, “The so-called gods of humans pretend to be almighty, blinding their followers, but in reality, they are just idiots barely holding back the world from returning to its true form according to natural order. And now, even that is slipping from their grasp.”

With a voice full of certainty, the black knight looked Ian straight in the eye.

“The world has already begun to revert to its original state. To the primordial era, where forgotten or perished beings and dragons ruled. Dragon Slayer, didn’t you play a part in that...?”

A subtle gleam appeared in the black knight's eyes.

“For a few days now, I have been able to sense my lord’s presence even during the day. I heard that was the day you saved Lu Sard from the demons. Did you really save this small kingdom? Or did you release the last arrow that would disrupt the balance created by the false gods?”

Trying to sound sharp, huh?

Ian, smirking slightly, retorted. “That was bound to happen. This world is filled with beings like you, annoyingly so. Thanks for talking so much, too.”

Ian's stance relaxed. “Thanks to you, the effects of that fake roar have completely dissipated.”

“...Fake? What do you mean?”

“It means you’re just as much of a fake. Salamander.”

In the next moment, Ian lunged forward. His sword, now glowing with concentrated lightning, was ready. The black knight, scoffing, angled his black sword downward.


The ghostly horse standing beside the knight charged at Ian, aiming to dispel the magic in his sword. However, Ian didn't extend his sword.


Ian saw a black trajectory shooting toward the ghost horse's side. It was Charlotte, who had fully shaken off her incapacitated state and was now launching herself like a cannonball, ax blade first.


With a beastly roar, she collided with the ghost horse's armor. The ghost horse, entangled with Charlotte, rolled to the side, leaving a black trail.

Beyond them, Ian thrust his sword at the exposed black knight. The knight raised his left arm almost simultaneously.


The thick lightning that followed did not penetrate the black knight this time. Instead, the black mist surged like a wave and swallowed the lightning whole.

It won't work twice, huh?

As Ian pondered this, the black knight swung his raised left arm forward.


The wave imbued with lightning surged forward. Ian, eyes wide open, was swept away.

"Ian...!" Mev shouted as she lowered her stance and charged toward the black knight. Her sword was now raised right beside her helmet.

"They say you are called the Red Knight? I commend your bravery."


What greeted her as she broke through the surging wave was the black knight, swinging his black sword down with full force. The crimson trajectory seemed to split her beaked helmet. Mev desperately raised her sword to block.


The force behind the black sword pressed down on Mev. Cracks formed in her two-handed sword, and one of her knees finally touched the ground. The stone pavement beneath her cracked like a spiderweb.

“As a reward, I shall return what you tried to do to me...,” the black knight murmured, putting more strength into his arm. The black sword was about to shatter Mev's sword and descend upon her helmet.


A golden barrier suddenly rose, blocking Mev. Sparks flew as the black sword clashed with the barrier.

"Go help Charlotte. Evacuate the soldiers as well," Ian's voice came from behind.

The blue force field around his body dissipated as he readjusted his grip on his sword and added,

"In the meantime, let the agents play with each other."

“...If that's what you want,” muttering, Mev threw away her broken sword and leaped aside. She ran toward Charlotte, who was still struggling with the ghostly horse.

"Are you ready to fight properly now?" the black knight asked, not even glancing at her.

Ian replied, "I've always been fighting properly."

"Impossible. You couldn't possibly kill an absolute being like a dragon with just that. Fine, if you're not willing to show your true strength...."

The black knight leaped into the air, shouting, "I'll make you reveal it!"

This is my true strength.

Ian clicked his tongue internally and darted to the side. The black knight's sword struck the ground right after he moved.


The already cracked stone pavement exploded as if hit by a bomb.

Is this how I look like with the Blessing of Battle?

Ian thought as he quickly regained his stance and charged at the knight. He couldn't keep dodging and fighting. That would widen the battlefield, and the mad knight would destroy the castle to kill him. He didn't care if others died, but it was different if his comrades were among them.

Moreover, the larger the knight became, the slower his movements seemed. It was better to draw him into close combat and exploit his weaknesses.

To do that, first...


Ian's eyes locked onto the black knight's armor, now perilously close. In his raised right hand was the Broken Sword of Judgment, its long cross-guard crackling with blue holy energy.


The saw-like blade of holy energy descended diagonally across the black knight's neck and breastplate. The parts that had been cracked and dented by Mev and Charlotte's combined attack earlier were torn away, exposing the seams around the neck and side.

As expected.

Ian's eyes gleamed coldly.

His theory that the overlapping parts of the armor would spread, reducing its defense and exposing vulnerable seams, proved accurate. In the game, the strategy likely involved stripping the armor to reveal its weaknesses. Without knowing the exact method, he had to make the most of the clues available.


Before the blue trajectory dissipated, Ian quickly dodged the incoming left forearm. The end of the black knight's armored gauntlet, which could have crushed his body, narrowly missed his chest.

However, the magic wave that followed was enough to tear Ian’s breastplate.

It was new, damn it.

Feeling the suffocating pressure, Ian raised the Sword of Judgment, still glowing with holy energy.


The blue holy energy sliced across the exposed forearm of the black knight. Although it didn't sever the arm, it did manage to tear the seam on the inside of the elbow. Almost simultaneously, the black knight brought his black sword down in a diagonal slash.

The Barrier of Light enveloped Ian.


The Barrier of Light collided with the black sword, flashing brilliantly. Sparks of dark red magic flew from the sword as it clashed with the barrier. Ian could tell that this black and crimson sword was no ordinary weapon. Not only did it withstand the power of the black knight, but it was also slowly cutting through the holy barrier.

After all, a regular sword couldn't endure the power of a dragon.

If I take a direct hit from that, I'll be dead.

Ian's Concentration, already heightened, was pushed to its limits by the extreme danger. He felt as if his nerves were extending outside his body.

Drawing the Imperial longsword from his pocket dimension, Ian thrust it at the black knight's shoulder visible through the barrier. The blade, imbued with the Blessing of Light and Wind Blade, pierced the black and crimson scales on the knight's skin.


The resistance felt through the hilt was significant. Even without the armor, the black knight's defenses were formidable. Ian gritted his newly grown molars.

Simultaneously, his eyes, now tinged with gray, gleamed.


A silent explosion erupted from the blade and the knight's shoulder. It was the Vacuum Explosion.

However, unlike previous encounters where the entire shoulder would be blown off, this time only a fist-sized hole was punched through, tearing flesh and muscle, and exposing the red tissue and cracked collarbone beneath.

Yet, the black knight didn't even flinch, let alone scream.

“...!” Only the red glow in his eyes, seen through the face guard, narrowed momentarily.

At the same time, Ian saw the knight's left arm, which had been spread wide, bend slightly. He could already envision the path the upcoming punch would take.

Whoosh, boom!

The diagonal punch sliced through the air. The resulting magic shockwave exploded, shattering the stone pavement and the soldier's body parts.

But by then, Ian had already moved to the opposite side of the black knight.

His gaze locked onto the knight's right arm, which had swung down and now bent slightly at the elbow.

Will this work?

Before finishing his thought, Ian's blade slashed through the inside of the elbow. The joint of the knight's arm guard split. The blade, already weakened by the Vacuum Explosion, broke almost simultaneously. This was his last imperial longsword. The newly purchased swords had far less durability.

Ian dropped the broken sword without hesitation and drew the Ancient Meteoric Dagger instead. Though shorter, it wasn't a fatal disadvantage at this range. Moreover, the Ancient Meteoric Dagger had extremely high durability and a gear-breaking option.

This approach might be more effective in exposing the knight's weak points. Moreover, Ian was gradually becoming accustomed to the black knight's combat style.

“Not bad.”

Of course, Ian wasn't the only one adapting.

“Do you really believe you can defeat me with such trifling tricks?” The black knight's eyes gleamed as his relatively slow voice reached Ian.

Meanwhile, dark red magic was already blazing from his entire body. His right arm, slightly bent, dropped. The magic erupting from the black sword filled Ian's field of vision.

I don't think I can dodge that...


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