I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Ian, hearing the faint noises begin to spread, picked up his chainmail from the floor.

Is it a demon related to the vampire clan? Or the Round Table?

It was undoubtedly someone or something confident not only in their skills but also in leaving no traces behind. Otherwise, they wouldn't dare break into such a castle, especially through the main gate.

As Ian donned his plate armor over the chainmail, various scenarios ran through his mind. If they were truly after him, they likely planned to wait outside the city. But seeing the gates wide open and the troops rushing out, they might have decided to change their plans, confirming that the city was nearly defenseless. They probably felt confident enough to charge through the main gate after verifying that.

Do they believe they can kill me and escape the city? Or are they confident in killing all witnesses?

Of course, it could be an entirely unrelated faction. Perhaps a commando unit from a neighboring territory, striking preemptively at Glumir. However, that wouldn't change much for Ian. He had no intention of getting involved in a civil war, but those who would attack like this wouldn't easily accept his neutrality.

"What is this noise... huh...?"

Philip, who had woken up late, stared blankly at the busy group. He quickly shook off his sleep and sprang up.

"An ambush?! Is it an ambush?"

"Go back to sleep. You can't fight in your condition," Ian answered without looking at him.

Mev, expertly donning her plate armor, glanced at Ian. "I'd prefer you stayed out of this as well. Whatever it is, the three of us can handle it."

"I can’t do that."

There might be a quest.

As Ian secured his wrist guards, Philip started unwrapping the bandage on his left arm.

"I can't do that either. How can I just sit by while everyone else fights—"

"Then help Thesaya manage the castle staff. Make sure they stay safe and out of the way."

At Ian's words, Thesaya, already nearly fully armored, turned her head sharply. "Me? Why me?"

Ian turned his head. However, instead of looking at Thesaya's face, bruised around one eye and with a split lip, his gaze was fixed on the closed door.

Urgent footsteps were approaching.

"My lord! My lord...! Please help...!"

A frantic knock and a desperate voice followed. Soon, the door burst open, and an unarmed soldier nearly stumbled in, shouting.

"They broke through the main gate and some—" His voice trailed off as he took in the already prepared group.

"You already know. Thank goodness, Lu Solar...."

The soldier muttered, sweating profusely, as he collapsed to the ground.

Ian, checking his greaves, spoke. "Just explain the situation. Who are the intruders?"

"There's only one. A mysterious black knight riding a pitch-black horse!"

"A black knight...?" Mev asked, and the soldier nodded vigorously as if his head might fall off.

"I-I woke up to the screams. By the time the soldiers and I rushed out, the gate was already shattered. I don't know how they broke through that thick door, but there stood the black knight right in the middle of the wreckage. The guards who were stationed there were already dead."

"And then?"

"The knight stood there, calm despite the soldiers rushing at him. With a voice that sounded like it was full of metal shavings, he spoke."

The soldier looked at Thesaya and then back at Ian.

"He asked, 'Where is the Dragon Slayer?' Everyone was frozen in shock, but I managed to come to my senses and—"

As expected, it's someone looking for me.

Ian stood up, securing the dagger sheath over his shoulder.

"That's enough. Thanks for the information."

He nodded to Mev and Charlotte and began walking.

Philip, hastily strapping on his gear, looked at Ian in desperation. "My lord! If you're really going to leave me here, at least take this!"

Philip threw something to Ian, who caught it reflexively and looked at the glowing golden ring in his hand. It was Saint Damiel’s ring. It radiated with divine power from within.

"With your abilities, my lord, you should be able to harness the power of that holy relic."

Ian could indeed use it. The ring had two holy skills: Blessing of Light and Barrier of Light. He didn’t need to read the instructions to know how to use them. Removing his left glove, Ian looked down at the young soldier who had collapsed.

"You stay here and help these two. Evacuate the remaining people in the castle to a safe place."


"Ian, can't I come with you?"

"Philip isn't fit for battle yet. If things go south, you need to protect the people."

"Oh, I’m the bodyguard? I thought—"

Ignoring Thesaya's muttering, Ian headed out of the room. Charlotte, gripping her battle ax, and Mev, holding her helmet, followed him into the corridor.

After passing through a hallway and descending a staircase, then moving through another hallway to yet another staircase, Ian's eyes finally beheld the view of the banquet hall that led to the main entrance.

"Lu Solar... fuck...!"

"Stay back...! Stay back, I said...!"

The banquet hall was a bloodbath. Severed bodies of soldiers lay strewn about, and the few remaining soldiers stood back, barely holding their spears forward in trembling hands. But Ian's gaze was fixed on the center of the hall. Among the freshly killed, diagonally severed bodies stood a lone figure.


A black knight holding a long sword stood still. The intricate and heavy Imperial plate armor he wore gleamed with a reddish hue from the soldiers' blood. His helmet, adorned with horns on either side, had a faceplate shaped like a reptilian snout. The black sword, spotless, glinted with a menacing aura.


Behind the black knight, a pitch-black horse snorted, blocking the entrance. The thick barding covered most of its head, neck, and body, with its muscular frame and glowing red eyes showing beneath.

Yes, he really could kill everyone here by himself.

The black knight's gaze shifted to the group descending the stairs.

"Which one of you is the Dragon Slayer?"

As the soldier had described, the knight’s voice was harsh, like metal scraping together, with a faint hint of magic. The sweating soldiers all turned their heads toward the staircase in unison.

"The Dragon Slayer...! The Dragon Slayer is here...!"

"We're saved... We're saved...!"

As the soldiers' exclamations spread, the black knight's gaze finally settled on Ian.

"So, it's you. The agent of the Platinum Dragon...."

Why is he mentioned here?

Ian thought as he finally spoke. "And who the hell are you?"

The black knight did not answer with words but instead adjusted his grip on the sword, raising the blade to his helmet.


Immediately, a dark red aura began to emanate from his entire body.

It was a power that felt like divine energy. However, Ian's brow furrowed as he realized it was actually densely concentrated magic that merely appeared divine.

Dragon’s magic...?

"Today is your last day, Dragon Slayer. I will cut off your head and become the sole champion of my lord...!"

The dark red aura began to spread along the sword. Before Ian's eyes, a quest window appeared.

[The Third Apostle of Heaven Defier.]

One of the two remaining dragons on the continent flashed through Ian's mind.

The Imposter, Rakhmah. It was clear that he had sent his agent. There was no need for deep contemplation on why. Ian was the agent of the Platinum Dragon.

However, what caught Ian's attention was something else entirely.

Third? So, there is more than one of them...?

Ian moved before he could fully process his thoughts.


A crimson shockwave surged toward the spot where Ian had been standing. It was released when the black knight had swung his sword downward. Charlotte and Mev simultaneously leaped to the lower steps, and debris from the shattered stone stairs scattered around.

As Ian twisted his body in mid-air, his eyes turned to a steely gray.

"Everyone, fall back! Leave this to us and evacuate!" Mev shouted to the soldiers as she rolled and landed on the floor.

Almost at the same time, Charlotte changed direction and sprang forward like a spring. Her ancient battle ax was raised high above her head.

"Scraps... step aside!" the black knight shouted, swinging his sword. Instead of answering, Charlotte roared and brought her ax down.


The thick ax blade clashed with the longsword in mid-air. Neither Charlotte nor the black knight was pushed back. For a moment, both were frozen in place, and a shockwave rippled out in concentric circles from the point of impact.

As she was flung back, Charlotte shouted, "That isn't an ordinary sword, Ian!"

"I can see that," Ian said, running against the shockwave. His golden-tinged sword extended toward the black knight, who was lowering his crimson blade.

The golden streak, infused with the Blessing of Light and Wind Blade, was not avoided by the black knight.


Ian's sword was blocked by the black knight’s raised left arm. Sparks and flashes erupted, but Ian's sword did not penetrate the armor. Instead, a small crack spread across Ian's blade.

The glow under the horned helmet flickered. "You're not up to par. Seems you're badly injured?"

"Just enough to kill you."

Pretending to be calm while you're talking crap.

Ian added silently, then activated the Pinpoint Explosion he had been preparing.


"...!" The soundless explosion caused the black knight's arm and body to twist momentarily before he was flung back.

Crack, crack, crack.

The black knight, regaining his posture in mid-air, landed with a crash, shattering the stone floor. He shook his left arm and stood back up.

How is he this tough...?

Just as Ian furrowed his brow, the knight adjusted his grip on the sword. From the crossguard, shaped like dragon wings, a crimson haze emerged and spread along the blade. The knight was about to swing his sword toward Ian again.


Mev, gripping the end of the blade instead of the hilt, charged like lightning and brought her arm down. The inverted crossguard and its sharp counterweight descended like a mace, aiming for the black knight's helmet.


The knight blocked with his sword. He attempted to punch Mev in the helmet with his left fist. But a dark creature approached him even faster. It was Charlotte, keeping her ax handle close to her body.


Just as the black knight turned his head, she collided with him. With a loud clang of metal against metal, the black knight's body was shoved sideways. Almost simultaneously, Charlotte extended her right hand toward the knight's helmet. The black hand covering the visor clenched tightly.


The black knight was slammed onto the stone floor. Charlotte leaped onto him, gripping her ax handle with both hands again.

Crunch! Crack! Smash!

Charlotte hacked at the knight's helmet and chest plate like a berserk warrior. Her superhuman speed and strength caused the black knight's faceplate, chest plate, and neck guard to buckle and dent.

A crimson glow spread from the helmet gaps as the knight roared.

"Get off me!"


A crimson shockwave burst forth, sweeping Charlotte away and sending her flying. The soldiers, who had been hesitantly scattered toward the stairs and corridors, were thrown to the ground. Charlotte, with her cheek and the back of her hand torn, executed an effortless somersault.

Mev, who had not been thrown back by the shockwave, rushed once more at the black knight who was getting back up.


Holding her sword like a hammer, Mev brought it down on the knight's helmet.


At the last moment, the knight dodged to the side. Although he avoided a direct hit to the center of his helmet, the crossguard lodged between his neck and shoulder.

The black knight's knee buckled again as he tried to rise. Of course, it was only for a brief moment.


A dark haze enveloped the black knight's entire body and ignited. His sword, which had been hanging down, shot upward in a diagonal slash.


Mev raised the buckler fixed to her left arm and stepped back. The crimson arc tore through the surface of the buckler and left deep gouges in the armor beneath.

"Do not interfere with this sacred duel! You insignificant wretches!" the black knight roared.

As Mev staggered back, trying to regain her balance, Ian passed by her and spoke, "Step back."

His sword was already glowing with a radiant light. While Mev and Charlotte had been fighting, Ian had completed his spell. The black knight, now standing with his sword raised diagonally, looked at Ian.

A slight smirk appeared on Ian's face. "Who said this was a duel?"

His sword was already in motion. The black knight swung his sword down to meet Ian's strike. But Ian didn't evade. No matter how fast the black knight's sword was, it couldn't be faster than lightning at this range.


Before the swords even clashed, a thunderous sound erupted. In that instant, a burst of lightning shot through the black knight.


The Barrier of Light enveloped the black knight from behind. Simultaneously, web-like lightning spread over the black knight's armor.


The dazzling golden light flickered continuously, with not a single strand escaping. When it hit the barrier of divine power, it refracted and returned to the black knight.

"...!" He couldn't even scream. His head was thrown back to its limit, his entire body convulsing violently.

Crackle, sizzle...

Soon, the light faded. The black knight fell to his knees among the dissipating electric arcs. Black smoke rose from the gaps in his faceplate, and the dark aura that once enveloped his body flickered and weakened. However, the quest completion window did not appear. Ian discarded his broken sword, which was unable to withstand the Chain Lightning, and drew a new one from his pocket dimension.

I’ll need to aim for the gap in the helmet, he thought at that moment.


The black horse let out a piercing scream and charged forward. A thick, black mist poured from the horse's armor, creating a massive trail behind it.

Just then, Charlotte, who was in the path, widened her eyes and swung her battle ax horizontally. The heavy ax slashed at the side of the charging horse.

Zap, zap—

Sparks flew from the surface of the armor, and the leather underneath was torn in a long gash. However, it didn’t stop the black horse's charge. Instead of blood, a thick black mist billowed from the wound inflicted by the ax. The creature passed by Charlotte and charged at Ian with its head lowered. The mist surrounding its body flared up fiercely.

What the hell is that?

Frowning, Ian ultimately leaped backward. The black horse barely missed him, swerved, and circled around the black knight. Dark red heatwaves rose from its hoofprints.


The heat waves quickly turned into a black mist, engulfing the black knight. The horse, too, appeared as if it was made of condensed mist, with the armor on its body still maintaining its shape.


The ghostly horse, standing in front of the black knight, snorted black smoke.

Ian, rolling on the ground, looked up and met its menacing red eyes filled with hostility. One corner of his mouth twisted into a bitter smile.

“Lucky bastard...”

With something like that, you'd never have to worry about your horse dying.


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