I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 601: Adoption Agency Visit II

Chapter 601: Adoption Agency Visit II

"Good night! My name is Aliza, and this is my coworker, Skye. We are from the adoption agency." Aliza hurriedly replied Aurora.

"It's our pleasure to meet you, Aurora." Skye chimed in.

"Oh, and this little baby is Maya." Aurora giggled as she squeezed Maya a little.

"Such a cute kitty." Aliza smiled when she saw the black cat.

"Come on, follow me, I'll take you to the house." Aurora suddenly said.

"Oh, isn't this cabin the house?" Sky asked.

"Oh, no." Aurora laughed, "Our house is up the hill."

'Up the hill?' Aliza and Skye thought at the same time before suddenly getting dumbfounded, 'No way...'

It was only then that they remembered the huge hill they saw when they arrived in front of the house.

At first, they thought that the hill was behind their property, they never thought that they would build a house on top of the hill and in the middle of the forest.

They soon entered the elevator, and Aurora pressed the button to take them up the hill.

The two visitors were about to make small talk with Aurora when suddenly they saw the walls of the elevator lit up.

The walls of the elevator showed the outside scene as they ascended the hill.

They saw the gorgeous sun setting up.

They saw the city center with its magnificent buildings.

They saw themselves surrounded by trees as they felt themselves flying upwards the hill.

It was such a unique experience that the two women forgot what they were about to do.

It was only when they arrived at the top of the hill and the screens turned off that they woke up from their reverie.

"Welcome to my house." Aurora said with a cheerful voice as she exited the elevator.

"Thank you!" They promptly and politely replied.

"Let me show you guys around the house." Aurora said as she guided the girls around the place.

Just like that, Aurora spent the next 30 minutes explaining all the features the house had that made it able to house another cat.

As soon as Theo and Aurora decided to adopt the half-blind cat, Theo already asked Sylph to adjust their manor to be able to safely house a blind cat.

For example, the stairs had to have some kind of protection so that Angel wouldn't be able to fall over.

Sylph did that and much more to adapt the house to make the house safe for Angel.

The more Aurora showed, the more shocked Aliza and Skye became.

They had already been to some rich houses, but no one ever came close to what they saw in Aurora's house.

They never knew that a computer program and robots could serve as a cat nanny.

The whole house was pet-friendly.

If they could say it, the whole house was like a paradise for pets.

When Aurora finished showing them everything, both of them already had an answer to the adoption inspection.

Aurora and Theo's house would be the perfect place for Angel to find her forever home.

The two girls were extremely happy that their little Angel would finally have a house and family who loved her.

"So, what do you guys think? Can we adopt Angel?" Aurora asked with an expectant look.

Aliza and Skye looked at each other before smiling.

"From what we saw, Aurora-san. You guys are the perfect fit to adopt Angel." Aliza replied with a smile.

"Really? That's amazing!" Aurora exclaimed happily, "When can we pick up Angel?"

"We'll start the adoption procedures tomorrow, and you guys can pick her up on Saturday." Skye replied.

Aurora's eyes lit up when she heard that.

Their family would receive a new member on Saturday!

"Thank you, girls!" Aurora said with a bright smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's our job. Plus, your house is perfect to house pets." Aliza chuckled.

In such a way, the three of them talked as Aurora accompanied them down the hill. When they arrived at the cabin down the hill, Aurora bid farewell to the two women.

As soon as they left, Aurora couldn't hold herself and called her brother.

She looked at the clock and saw that it was 20 minutes before 6 pm.

"He must have finished the preparatives for the night shift...." She muttered to herself.

After working in the restaurant for months already, Aurora already knew how a normal work shift worked for her brother.

He would arrive in the middle of the afternoon at the restaurant to start the preparations for the night shift, they would cook until around half an hour before 6 pm, the time the restaurant worked.

In this half an hour, sometimes, Theo didn't do anything, and it was on that that she was counting for Theo to pick up his phone.

Just like she predicted, on the tenth ring, Theo answered the call.

"Hello? Aurora, what's up?" Theo's voice came through the phone.

"Hey, big brother, guess what just happened?" Aurora asked in excitement.

"Hmm." Theo thought for a while, "I don't know. Tell me." He chuckled.

"The adoption agency just visited our house!" Aurora exclaimed.

"Oh, that's true! I forgot about that." Theo exclaimed as he remembered the scheduled visit,

"And? What did they say?"

"They said we are approved! We can adopt Angel!" Aurora giggled happily.

"That's great news indeed, cupcake!" Theo exclaimed with a smile on his face.

Just like Aurora, Theo was excited to receive a new member of their family.

"I know!" Aurora laughed.

"When did they say we can pick her up?" Theo asked.

"Saturday." Aurora replied, "We should buy some things for Angel like..."

Just like that, the siblings spent the next few minutes discussing what they should do to receive their new cat.

"Oh, I invited Vivian, Carolla, and Umaru to sleep here, is that okay?" Aurora asked suddenly.

"Sure, it's okay." Theo replied, "Are you guys going to prepare for tomorrow's election?"

Although Theo has been busy the last few days, he still closely followed Aurora and her friends' journey to get elected to the school student council.

He had so many laughs listening to her stories.

The beef between the three campaign groups sounded so fun!

Theo was glad that Aurora was able to live such fun times.

"Yes, we want to prepare for tomorrow's debate. We have to win over those douchebags."

Aurora said with determination.

Theo laughed before saying, "I'm rooting for you, cupcake!"

"Oh, I have to go. The restaurant is about to open. See you later!" Theo suddenly said.

"Okay, see you later, big brother!" Aurora replied.

Both of them hung up the call.

By now, Aurora had already arrived up the hill after riding the elevator.

"Hmm, the girls are about to arrive." Aurora commented when she saw it was almost 6 pm.


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