I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 600: Adoption Agency Visit I

Chapter 600: Adoption Agency Visit I

Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

04:38 PM, Thursday, February 4th.

A black luxury car slowly entered the driveway and drove upwards the hill where the manor was located.

Soon after, the car entered the garage and parked in one of the spots.

"Thank you, Cris!" Aurora said with a cheerful smile.

"No problem, Aurora." Cristina, the driver, replied, "Will you need my services again today?"

As Aurora's driver, her work schedule totally depended on Aurora's needs. That's why she had to ask if Aurora would need to go somewhere.

"No, I won't." Aurora replied, "You can go home, Cris."

The two of them chatted for a while before they both exited the car soon after.

Aurora bid farewell to Cristina before climbing up the stairs, while Cristina picked up her things before taking the elevator down the hill.

When Aurora arrived at the ground floor of the house, she found an empty, but cozy house. She didn't waste much time before climbing the stairs to the floor where her bedroom was located. She wanted to take a shower to wash off the long day she had at school.

Aurora and Theo had scheduled a visit with the animal adoption organization at 5 pm on that Thursday, so Aurora had to get ready quickly as they could arrive at any moment.

Aurora would receive their visit by herself as Theo was busy working at the restaurant that Thursday night.

This would be their last visit, and if they passed this inspection, they would finally be able to adopt Angel, the blind cat that they had seen last Sunday.

10 minutes later, Aurora left her bathroom with a towel around her torso.

"Awww, my baby!" Aurora exclaimed when she saw the cute figure of Maya lying down on her bed.

She pats Maya's little head before walking to her closet.

It didn't take long for Aurora to choose black legging pants and an orange sweatshirt with a Naruto image on it.

She tied her long silver hair in a ponytail and looked at herself in the mirror.

Aurora was dressed in common clothes, but she still looked breathtaking.

She nodded to herself before taking Maya in her arms and walking out of her bedroom.

As soon as she arrived at the ground floor of the manor, she heard Sylph saying, "Master, visitors have arrived at the front gate. From my records, they are from the animal adoption agency."

"Wait a minute, Sylph. I'll go down the hill on the elevator, and when I arrive downhill, you can open the gate for them." Aurora said before running toward the elevator to descend the hill.

For strangers, it can be a little confusing how to enter Theo and Aurora's house. That's why Aurora wanted to greet the visitors down the hill, so she could be their guide.


The elevator made its sound as it arrived at the foot of the hill.

Aurora exited the elevator carrying Maya in her arms, she walked to the cabin's door where the visitors were about to enter.

Just like expected, two people soon opened the cabin door with a little apprehension.

Skye and Aliza worked at the animal adoption agency, and their job was to visit the houses of potential adopters where the animals they took care of could find a family that could take care of them and love them as well.

So, in the course of 8 years since they started doing this job, the two of them had visited a lot of houses. They had seen all kinds of houses with their specific peculiarities.

They had seen weird houses with the most crazy things.

They had seen houses without any conditions to house a pet.

In summary, the two of them had much experience, so they didn't even get surprised anymore as they had already seen everything.

But when the two of them arrive in front of Aurora and Theo's house, they felt something was a little weird.

The house was the last house on a one-way street, and they could see that the house was located inside the famous Pedrarruna Forest that surrounded part of the city.

"Skye, do you remember that house we visited in this same neighborhood two years ago?" Aliza asked suddenly as they rang the bell.

"Yes, I do. Why?" Skye asked as she tried to make sense of the house in front of her.

"Do you remember the talk we had with that woman? Didn't she say that it is forbidden to cut

the trees of the Pedrarruna Forest?" Aliza asked with a confused face.

"Hmm, I think I remember that. Why are you asking that?" Skye asked.

"Well, it seems to me that this house is located inside the forest. How did they build the house without cutting any trees? Or the house is only a cabin inside the forest?" Aliza asked multiple questions.

"Hmm, I don't know." Skye replied, "I guess we'll have to enter the place to understand what's going on."

A few minutes later, the gate opened, and the two women finally were able to enter the


They closed the gate behind them before they found themselves inside the forest.

A silver and purple brick path surrounded by flowers started at the gate and entered the forest.

The view of it was kind of magical.

Aliza and Skye looked at each other with surprise as they saw this magical view.

"I guess we have to follow this path." Aliza said before walking forward.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Skye exclaimed as she followed Aliza down the path.

Both of them were curious to know what was at the end of the magical forest path. After walking for a few meters, they finally were able to see a peculiar scene.

A wooden cabin that seemed out of a fairy tale was located at the end of the path.

"Their house is only this cabin?" Skye asked with a confused face.

The front of the property seemed so fancy to guard only this cabin.

"I guess we'll know after we enter." Aliza walked toward the cabin door and knocked on it.


"Come in!" They heard a girl's voice coming from inside.

Aliza and Skye looked at each other before opening the wooden door apprehensively.

As soon as they entered the cabin, they were assaulted by the cozy warmth from inside.

The two of them were wearing thick jackets to ward off the outside coldness, so they heaved a sigh of pleasure when they felt the cozy warmth on their faces.

"Good night! Thank you for coming all the way here!" They heard the cheerful sweet voice


They immediately turned their heads to where the voice was coming from, and there they found a girl who looked like a supermodel.

The girl was so beautiful with her silver hair and purple eyes that she seemed to have come out of a beauty magazine.

"My name is Aurora, it's a pleasure to have you two in our house." The silver-haired girl

smiled at them.


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