I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 543 Theo Envies Cara

Chapter 543 Theo Envies Cara

Saint Cielo Square Arena, Sakura City.

12:11 AM, Tuesday, January 12th.

Cara's concert has been going on for a while already, and the crowd's excitement didn't fade away even after so long.

They still sang every song as loud as they could, their voices seemed to compose Cara's performance beautifully.

Cara had just finished singing a song, and the band stopped playing the instruments. The lights focused on Cara as she looked at the crowd in front of her.

"What's up, Sakura City!"


The crowd answered excitedly.

Cara smiled widely when she saw that, "This is one of my last concerts in the country before I head for my World Tour. And you guys have been amazing so far!"

The crowd screamed in passion when they heard that.

"I hope everyone's having as much fun as I am having." Cara laughed.

As soon as she said that, the band started playing their instruments once again.

"I want you guys to feel the music coursing through your veins!"

"Sing with me!"

"Heart, why did you fall in love

For someone who never loved you

Someone who will never love you

I will promise

to never love again

Someone who just wanted to see me suffer

Someone who just wanted to see me cry

But I need to get out of this

That of falling in love

For those who just want to make me suffer

For those who just want to make me cry

But it's so bad when someone hurts us

The heart gets sick, unable even to talk

It hurts too much only those who love know and feel

What goes on in our mind

When leaving behind

Never again will I prove your affection

Never again will I be able to hug you

Or will I live better alone

And if it's easier to forgive me

But love sometimes just confuses us

I don't know if it's different for you

Love, but sometimes it just confuses us

I don't know if it can be different with you..."

The crowd sand 'Heart', one of the most popular songs of Cara's new album.

Theo watched and lived this moment with a smile on his face.

At that moment, he made a decision from the bottom of his heart.

He wanted to feel what Cara was feeling!

Theo wanted to perform live as Moonlight.

Although he said he wanted to do it before, he still wasn't 100% sure about it. But as he lived the amazing experience of Cara's live performance, a desire to experience a live performance took over his thoughts.

How amazing would it be to perform his songs for a crowd of thousands of people singing together with him?

Would it be as amazing as how he was feeling from the crowd?

He wanted to know.

That was how Moonlight finally decided to perform live for his fans, they didn't even imagine that their favorite artist had decided to attend to their wishes during Cara Izuhara's live performance.

Theo sang along with Cara as he looked at Aurora and Ayia next to him. He could see their red cheeks as they sang loudly as well. He could see their eyes shining in happiness.

When he saw that, Theo knew that he wasn't the only one feeling the magical energy of Cara's performance.

He looked at his friends next to him as well, and they all were singing loudly and looking at Cara with excitement and adoration.

In such a way, Cara performed beautifully for a crowd of more than 60 thousand people.

That night would be unforgettable for each person present in Saint Cielo Square.

For every song that Cara sang and performed, the crowd entered a state of complete euphoria and happiness. Just like Cara spoke, they could feel the music coursing through their veins!

It was only announced that she would sing that they realized how fast the time passed.

"Before performing the next song. I would like to thank you guys for all the love you shared with me tonight. I love you, guys!"


The crowd screamed when they heard that, they wanted to say that they loved her as well.

"I want you guys to sing as loud as you can. Feel and sang the lyrics with your soul! Let's end this concert as amazing as the rest of the night was!"

The band gave their all as the sound of music filled the arena and made the crowd jump with the beat.

They were living in the moment.

At that moment, they didn't care who and where they were, they just live the song!

"Talking like we used to do

It was always me and you

Shaping up and shipping out

Check me in and check me out

Do you like walking in the rain?

When you think of love, do you think of pain?

You can tell me what you see

I will choose what I believe

Well, hold on, darling

This body is yours

This body is yours and mine

Well, hold on, my darling

This mess was yours

Now your mess is mine

Your mess is mine

See you in the marketplace

Walking around at 8 AM

I got two hours before my flight

Luck be on my side tonight

You're the reason that I feel so strong

The reason that I'm hanging on

You know you gave me all that time

Well, did I give enough of mine?..."

The voices of 60 thousand people sang together with Cara and her band, and the combination was fantastic.

When the song ended, the band continued playing the instruments as Cara said, "I love you, Sakura City! Thank you for receiving us! You guys were amazing! See you guys next time!"

Cara bade farewell to the crowd with a wide smile on her face.

The crowd cheered loudly when they saw that.

Soon after Cara left the stage the band stopped playing their instruments, and the lights of the arena were lit up once again.

Cara's live performance had ended.

The crowd was bummed when they saw that.

Some people didn't want to leave yet, so they just stayed where they were. While others wanted to leave the arena as soon as possible for whatever reason they had.

The crowd's unity had ended, but the feelings they felt together that night would never be forgotten.

"Guys! You can leave the place. You don't have to worry about me." Kumiko loudly said when everyone gathered together in the VIP Section.

Kumiko had a Backstage Pass where she would be able to meet Cara, and she knew that it would take time, so she didn't want to keep her friends waiting for her for a long time.

"Are you sure, Kumiko?" Theo asked.

"Yeah, we can wait for you." Sam nodded.

"It's kind of dangerous for you to go back alone." Aurora commented.

Kumiko was dying to head backstage to meet Cara, but she had to resolve this problem first.

Would Theo and the others wait for her or not?


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