I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 542 Cara Izuhara’s Concert

Chapter 542 Cara Izuhara's Concert

Ayia and Shizuka's Manor, College Town, Sakura City.

09:59 PM, Monday, January 11th.

"Everyone's ready?" Theo asked when everyone gathered in the living room.

"I think so." Sam replied.

"Yeah, everyone is here." June said as she counted how many people were there.

"Then each one of you can take a VIP Bracelet with me. With it, you can enter the concert venue without any problem." Theo said as picked up a bag filled with bracelets.

They didn't waste much time before getting a bracelet for themselves and putting it on their wrists.

"Now we can enter the venue."

"It is indeed the VIP section!"

"I wonder how close we'll be to the stage."


They excitedly discussed their VIP Passes, but it didn't take long for Kumiko to exclaim, "Come on, guys! We should leave!"

"Kumiko's right."

"We'll probably face some traffic to arrive at the arena."

"Let's go."

Everyone agreed and walked toward the exit of the house and waiting for them outside was the minibus they used to move through the city during the day.

The family's driver would drive them to the venue.

Therefore, it didn't take long for them to be driving through the streets of Sakura City toward the Saint Cielo Square.

Just like they predicted, the closer they got to the venue, the more traffic they faced.

More than 60 thousand people were moving to see Cara Izuhara's last show of the tour. With this many people, it would be normal to exist long lines of vehicles arriving at the venue. But because Saint Cielo Square had several paths leading to it, the traffic wasn't too heavy.

Theo and the others only took 40 minutes to arrive at the venue, which was a short amount of time considering the number of people arriving at the same time as them.

The minibus parked on the parking lot exclusively for the VIP public, and the group left the bus soon after.

They just had to walk a couple of hundred meters to arrive at the VIP entrance of the arena.

Arriving there, they faced a short line to enter the arena. Although they were VIPs, there were still a lot of people who were VIPs as well.

A few minutes later, they showed their VIP Bracelets to security before entering the arena.

They followed the road directions and soon arrived inside the arena, and they were amazed by it.

There were so many people!

Wherever they looked, there were people.

The sound of their conversation and their excited shouts made Theo and the others even more excited about the concert.

It was only at that moment that they realized how amazing was more than 60 thousand people gathered to watch a performance.

Everyone there shared the same feeling of anticipation for Cara's concert.

After walking for a while longer, Theo and the others arrived at the VIP Section. The section was the closer section to the stage. There they would be able to watch Cara's performance form up close. Plus, the section wasn't overcrowded, so they could enjoy the concert without being squeezed by the crowd around them.

As they looked around, they noticed that they were one of the last people to arrive as the arena was completely filled with people.

They stayed close to each other as they didn't want to get stranded away from the group.

Theo had Aurora on his left and Ayia on his right.

The three of them were talking to each other when they noticed that the lights inside the arena were turned off.


The crowd screamed loudly when the lights went down, they knew that the Cara was close to appearing because of it!

Theo and the others stopped talking and looked at the stage in front of them with excited expressions.

Cara was about appear!

Theo and the others could feel the energy of the crowd.

Their anticipation.

Their excitement.

Their happiness.

Theo and the others were feeling the same!

When the lights on the stage started to blink as a song beat sounded, the crowd screamed even louder.

At that moment, Theo and the others forgot everything else and just lived the moment.

The beat and the lights went on a crescendo until the stage was illuminated in red and the crowd was able to see Cara there.


Cara had arrived!

The gigantic screens near the stage showed a close image of her to the public who were too far away from the stage. But Theo and the others were right next to the stage, so they were able to see her with their own eyes clearly. And their excitement shot through the roof.

"Good night, Sakura City!" Cara said in the microfone.

The crowd shouted in response.

Cara couldn't help but let out a wide smile when she saw that.

The band started playing the intro of the first song soon after, and as soon as the crowd recognized which song it was, they shouted even louder.

It was one of Cara's most famous songs!

Cara's amazing voice soon started to sing the song.

"It's you, it's always you

If I'm ever gonna fall in love, I know it's gon' be you

It's you, it's always you

Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you

So please don't break my heart, don't tear me apart

I know how it starts, trust me, I've been broken before

Don't break me again, I am delicate

Please don't break my heart, trust me, I've been broken before..."

While Cara performed the song beautifully, the crowd sang together loudly. They sang so loudly that seemed like they wanted to be louder than Cara's.

The energy at the arena was magical, and Cara smiled happily when she saw the crowd singing so loudly.

Theo was amazed by everything he was experiencing.

It was his first time attending a music concert, and he could say for sure that it felt awesomely magical.

His body felt like it was floating in the river of music, he just had to let go of everything and allow himself to follow the stream of the music river.

At that moment, Theo fell in love with the music all over again. He couldn't stop smiling as he sang the song as loud as he could.

He was just one among the crowd, but the feeling of being part of this crowd was magical.

And it wasn't only Theo that was feeling that.

Aurora, Sam, Shoko, Ayia, and the others who had never been to a concert felt the same magical feeling.

The group sang loudly just to feel the music even closer to their hearts.

At that moment, the hearts of the crowd of more than 60 thousand people were connected as they sang alongside Cara.


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