I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 529 Pursuing Her Dreams

Chapter 529 Pursuing Her Dreams

After Theo and the others bought everything that they wanted at the International Boutique Branch, they headed to other places in the tower.

They only had roughly one hour and a half to explore the tower before they had to leave.

That's because they combined to meet Ryoko on the next stop of their tour, and they couldn't leave her waiting for them.

Therefore, for the next hour, they explored the tower as much as they could. They visited famous stores, took pictures in some branches of the Skytree, bought some things, and did many other things as well.

However, while during the morning they had the time of their lives exploring the Ancient Town and the Sakura Skytree Tower, Ryoko had a different kind of morning.

First of all, she had to wake up early so that she would be able to take her flight to Sakura City. But waking up early wasn't a problem for the hardworking Ryoko. She made sure to arrive to work as early as possible anyways.

That was how Ryoko arrived at Sakura City just 2 hours after Theo and the others arrived.

The group arrived from the Kokoro Islands around 6:30 am, while Ryoko arrived around 8:30 am. And because she didn't have to go through Customs, she was able to leave the airport soon after she landed. She didn't dispatch any luggage, so she didn't even have to wait for her luggage. She had only brought a handbag with the things she would need for the next 24 hours.

30 minutes after arriving at Sakura City, Ryoko exited the cab in front of the Tokyo Branch Studio.

As soon as she entered the building, she let out a wide smile when she saw who was waiting for her.

"Rio-chan!" Ryoko exclaimed softly.

Rio's serious facade crumbled when she saw Ryoko, "Ryoko-chan!"

At that moment, they felt like they were back to college times when they had to run against time to finish their projects before a deadline.

The two girls hugged warmly soon after before they started chatting happily.

The last time they saw each other in person was a couple of months after Rio was forced to drop out of college, they maintained contact as they occasionally talked. But because they had busy lives, they weren't able to meet in person.

That's why they were so happy to meet each other once again. Plus the conditions of their current meeting couldn't be better!

Both of them were able to get the job of their dreams.

The two girls passed through so many awful things that they almost gave up on their dream job.

Ryoko was badmouthed for the whole industry by a pervert and bastard. He told lies and destroyed her dream. And it was only with Theo that she was able to receive the job of her dreams.

Rio was forced to drop out of her dream college because of her family's bankruptcy, she was forced to graduate from a course that she didn't want. When Ryoko found her, she was already resigned to work as a simple store manager for the rest of her life.

But with Ryoko's help, she was able to get the chance to work in animation again. She was able to land the head position of a branch animation studio. Although she wasn't involved in the production of the anime like she always wanted, after all, she wasn't able to finish her graduation. But she was still able to participate in the voice recording process.

Plus, Ryoko had advised her to go back to animation college again. With the salary that she earned as Branch Studio Head Manager, she had more than she could spend. So, it wasn't a problem paying the tuition for the animation college.

At first, she was apprehensive about going back to college. She felt that she was too old to pursue these things anymore. But when Ryoko argued that she wasn't even 30 years old yet and that the time was perfect for her to go back to college, Rio wasn't able to argue back. That was how Ryoko went to her old college to see if she could be reinstated.

When Rio dropped out of college, she didn't cancel her enrollment, she just put the enrollment on hold. This meant that on paper she was still a part of the college. But because of her past financial problems, she wasn't able to attend classes. However, now she was able to afford it. Rio had a lengthy conversation with the Department Head, where she explained her whole situation. After some discussions, they agreed to enroll her in a special online course.

Because of her job, she wasn't able to attend the presential classes. But on the online course, she was able to watch the classes whenever she was free from work. But her projects and tests would still happen at the college. This meant that her deadlines would still be the same as the other students, it didn't matter if she watched the classes or not. At the appointed time, she had to deliver her projects or answer the test papers at the college.

The next semester would only start in February, but Rio already knew that every minute of her day would be filled with something to do. Her job at the branch studio consumed a lot of her time, and the little free time she had left would be dedicated to college.

However, she didn't complain about it. She was happy and looking forward to the future instead.

Maybe someday in the future, she would be able to be part of anime production as she enhanced her skills and knowledge in college. Ryoko assured her that she would talk with Theo to ask if she would be able to participate in the production. Rio almost cried when she heard that, she couldn't ask for a better friend than Ryoko was for her.

She couldn't wait to be an active member of an anime production team!

Ryoko and Rio chatted happily as Rio lead her friend into the studio.

The receptionists were taken aback when they saw this scene.

Although they had only been working there for a couple of weeks, they all were aware of their boss' personality. She was serious about everything she did. Although she treated every employee with respect, she didn't try to cozy up to anyone. That's why the receptionists were so surprised to see their boss talking happily with the newcomer woman. But they quickly brushed off these thoughts and went back to work. They had a long day of work ahead of them.

Meanwhile, Ryoko and Rio entered the elevator and Rio pressed the button from the floor they would stop at.

"The studios and channels' representatives will only arrive after 10 am. So, we will have around one hour before that." Rio informed.

"Where are we going now?" Ryoko asked although she already had an idea where they were going.

"I see you already guessed where we are heading. Yes, I'm taking you to the studio where the voice actors are working." Rio laughed.

Ryoko laughed as well as her eyes lit up in excitement.

She was curious to know how voice actors worked.


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