I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 528 The Thriving Bhumi Country

Chapter 528 The Thriving Bhumi Country

International Boutique Branch, Sakura Skytree Tower, Lythari Vandor Park, Sakura City.

Theo and Ayia discussed what he planned to cook and experiment with as they bought even more spices. They spent extra time in the shop from the Bhumi Country.

Some people knowledgeable about Indian (Hindu) Mythology may be familiar with this name.

Bhumi, also known as Bhudevi and Vasundhara, is a Hindu goddess who is the personification of the earth.

That's right!

The Bhumi Country was an alternative country similar to India from Theo's past life!

But just like the other countries that bore a resemblance, the Bhumi Country wasn't the exact copy of India.

For example, Bhumi, in Indian Mythology, is a consort of the lord Varaha who is an avatar of lord Vishnu. According to Vaishnava tradition, she is the second aspect of Vishnu's consort, Lakshmi, along with the aspects of Sridevi and Niladevi. According to Hindu texts, Varaha, the third avatar of Vishnu, saved her from the asura Hiranyaksha and later married her, making her one of his consorts.

But in the Bhumi Country, the goddess wasn't anyone's consort.

That's why the country was named after her, the people from the Bhumi Country were deeply respectful toward her.

There were some other differences in the mythology, but it isn't worth mentioning.

The Bhumi Country was located in the Tori Continent, and one of its borders was with the Pangu Country.

Over the thousand years since the people from the two nations existed, there existed conflicts among them.

During a time, the Bhumian people constantly invaded the Pangu Country. And as the Pangu Nation was massive, they had problems guarding their borders. And during another times, the Pangese Emperors waged wars against the Bhumians to destroy and steal their lands.

Their conflict could be traced to thousands of years ago, but the pinnacle of their conflict occurred during the World War in the last century.

With almost every country waging war against each other, the two rival countries didn't waste the opportunity and waged a fierce war.

Millions of people died during their conflict, and their war against each other was one of the major plays during the World War.

After the war ended, the two countries were riddled with deep scars. Millions of their people died, their economy was deeply fragmented, the people who were left alive were left in hunger, and many other concerning facts.

But even after losing so much, they were nowhere near eliminating their long last rival.

It was then that the two countries realized that they had to forget their past grudges in the past if they wanted to build their countries from their current fragmented state.

That was how the famous Meeting of Enemies to Friends happened 2 years after the World War ended.

Although all the countries that participated in the war signed a Peace Treaty with the Sakura Abode Country as a witness. The Pangu and Bhumi Countries decided to sign their own separate Peace Treaty.

They asked for the Sakura Abode Country to be their witness, so diplomats and government officials from the two countries headed to the Sakura Abode Country to discuss the peace treaty.

Only with the Sakura Abode Country watching over them they wouldn't attempt to make a mess during their discussions. That was due to the fact that every time people from the two countries met, the two sides would get into a fight.

But at that time, the world was dreading the mighty power of the Sakura Abode Country that was exhibited in the war, so the two countries didn't dare to make a fuss or get into fights with the Sakurean watching over them.

During the meetings, it was decided that any country that breached the peace treaty would suffer heavy sanctions from the Sakura Abode Country, and the two sides knew that only with such a harsh threat would future generations avoid conflict between the two sides. Several other articles were also part of the treaty.

Something that the Sakureans suggested was to create initiatives to introduce each other's culture in the other country. The way that the Sakurean Diplomat saw it, what the two countries needed was to solve the deep hatred that the main population of the two countries felt for each other.

The officials from the two countries were reluctant to accept this idea, but they understood that the Sakureans were right. They needed to decrease the hate they felt for each other.

The treaty was signed between the two countries after they agreed on every term of it. And the treaty was implemented soon after.

That was how an initiative to bring the two countries together was born. The officials knew that the hatred wouldn't disappear from day to night. They knew that it would be a slow process, and they also knew that it would take decades for any result to appear.

They only hoped that the next generations didn't stay attached to their differences like they and their ancestors were.

That was how the two countries stopped undermining each other and strove to become better.

Over the decades, with the heavy investment from both governments, the hatred between the two sides decreased little by little until they became indifferent to each other. It was only when the new millennium arrived that some of them started to admire each other's culture.

Their hatred was so deep that it took almost 100 years of constant campaigns and propaganda to eliminate it among the main population.

Without the two sides hindering each other, the two countries advanced by leaps and bounds.

The Pangu Country advanced so much that became the second most developed country in the world. While the Bhumi Country was definitely among the top 8 most developed countries in the world.

The Bhumi Country had a booming economy and culture that without fighting the Pangu country, they were able to develop themselves and become extremely developed.

Their population was among the most intelligent and they were able to advance by leaps and bounds their technology. They were a reference worldwide in education. Although their technology didn't come anywhere near close to the Sakura Abode Country, they still were a reference when compared to the other countries in the Azure Planet.

That's why they were among the richest countries in the world, and with this, they were able to provide an extremely high quality of life to their population.

Because of all these facts, the Bhumian culture was admired worldwide. And Bhumian cuisine was propagated worldwide as well. Their unique spices were a success all over the world.

That's why Theo and Ayia were buying so many spices from the Bhumian shop, as chefs, they were fascinated by their spices.

So, they couldn't waste this opportunity to try out some new spices and buy a lot of them as well.


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