I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 523 Sakura Skytree

Chapter 523 Sakura Skytree

The Sakura Skytree Tower was so massive that it was possible to see the building from any place in Sakura City. Even if there were buildings blocking the up part of the Skytree could still be seen towering over the city.

The tower had become the most sought postcard of the city as the tower indeed was spectacular.

It may seem like an exaggeration, but the tower looked extremely similar to the World Tree from the myths.

The Skytree shone with its rainbow colors no matter the season, which made the tower even more mystical.

Theo and the others had seen glimpses of the tower as they wandered around the Ancestral Town, but because the Ancestral Town was located in the extreme south of the city, they were only able to see the tip of the Skytree.

But as they neared the Skytree, they felt the Skytree towering over them.

They looked through the bus' windows and admired the miracle building. The more they neared the tower, the more they had to strain their necks to be able to observe the whole tower.

After they crossed the whole city from the south to the north part of the town, they finally arrived at the Lythari Vandor.

This was the name of the park where the Skytree was located.

The government didn't only construct the Skytree in this park, they did all kinds of constructions around the park to be able to handle the demand of visitors.

The first thing they did was to exponentially increase the security of the park. They knew that they had to safeguard the tower extremely well as there were enough crazy people in the world who would love to strike their tower down. After the renovations, the park was guarded 24/7 by a team of elite agents and other security measures. It was almost impossible to infiltrate the compound from the private entrances. The only chance was through the public entrance of the tower, but the elite agents also guarded that entrance as well.

Their job was to inspect every visitor to see if anyone was carrying any guns or explosives.

Some people might argue that even if the enemy doesn't infiltrate through the visitors, they could still do it as an employee from the tower.

The Sakura Skytree was so massive that even after the private companies claimed a part of the tower, they started the project after all, the tower wasn't even close to being fully functional.

That's why it was decided that the tower would function as an entertainment city.

Famous stores from all kinds of areas were invited to open a store inside the tower.

Luxury clothing stores, sports stores, tech stores, and many others.

But that wasn't it all because there were also bookstores, famous restaurants, spas, theaters, cinemas, and many other attractions.

The tower was a city itself filled with all kinds of things to attract the public.

That's why thousands of people worked in the tower, so in theory, it should be easy to infiltrate the tower as an employee. But the security checks with the employees were even more rigorous compared with the visitors.

Another point is that even if it wasn't possible to smuggle guns and explosives into the tower, it was still possible to strike the tower down with missiles or airplanes.

It was a plausible argument if people assumed that Sakurean Army had the same level of technology as the other countries.

But that affirmation couldn't be more far away from the truth.

Almost a hundred years ago, the Sakura Abode Country didn't participate in the World War, but they still sold airplanes, munition, and other war articles to other countries.

Every country that waged the war was obligated to buy these articles from the Sakura Abode Country as they were selling to both sides of the war, this meant that if one country didn't buy the articles, they would be destroyed by their enemy who had bought.

The thing was that the things that the Sakura Abode Country sold to them were much more advanced than their own technology, so these weapons could help them win the war even if their enemy also had these weapons.

But the scary thing was that what the Sakura Abode Country sold them was old technology developed by the country! Every warring country was scared shitless when they discovered how much firepower the Sakura Abode Country had. They could basically win the war fighting against both sides without occurring many losses!

That's why no country was crazy enough to provoke the Sakura Abode Country during the war.

Almost 100 years later, the technology of other countries advanced by leaps and bounds. Especially in the Pangu Country and the Bald Eagle Country. They weren't fighting for the position of the second most developed country by any chance, the two countries had a high level of technology.

To understand their situation a little better, their level of technology was a little higher than the super countries of Theo's last life, at least when he was alive there. Although it wasn't that much better, it was still a little bit.

By that, we can see that they had a mature level of technology.

But the Sakura Abode Country was another world altogether.

The first evidence was how easily they were able to build a tower over 2 km tall.

The Sakura Skytree Tower was something so crazy that it seemed straight out of science-fiction anime.

One hundred years ago, the war technology was already above the others, and one hundred years later the Sakura Abode Country achieved such a high level of firepower that scared even the Sakureans.

They could destroy the whole world just with some weapons they possessed.

That's why just a few people were aware of them.

So, after all of this was said, we can understand that it was extremely easy for the Sakurean Army to prevent any attacks against the tower.

The Army Base located near Sakura City monitored 24/7 the airspace around the tower to prevent any mishaps.

Therefore, the chances of the Sakura Skytree facing any disaster were infinitesimally small.

The Skytree would tower above the skies of Sakura City for a long time!

That's what Theo and the others saw after exiting the vehicle when they arrived at Lythari Vandor Park.

With the cloudy weather, a part of the tower was shrouded with clouds, but that didn't affect much the Skytree as the rainbow colors of the Sakura Skytree still were visible even with the clouds shrouding them.

Their eyes lip up with excitement as they tried to phantom the sight in front of them.

They genuinely felt that they were in front of a real Sakura tree, but this one was so big that it could hold off the entire world!


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