I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 522 Statement to the World

Chapter 522 Statement to the World

Sakura City as the capital of the most developed country in the Azure Planet, couldn't be explained in just a few words.

But one of the things that was important to remember was how massive the whole city was.

That was because the city had a megastructure and infrastructure to support millions of people living in it comfortably.

For example, the center of the city, the area where the big companies gathered and also the most expensive place to live, was gigantic itself. The city center was so massive that it could even be considered a city itself.

But it wasn't only at the Center District that the big companies gathered. Sakura City was a cradle for all types of industries. For example, the animation studios gathered in another district called Shibuya. It was in Shibuya that most animation studios were located.

In other words, Sakura City had much more to offer than its city center.

There were as many attractions in other places as there were in the city center.

When the idea to build a massive building surged, several meetings happened to discuss and decide all details related to the project.

And one of the things that they had to decide was where they should build this building.

At first, their first and only option was to build it in the richest part of the town, the city center.

But several people were against the idea as the problems that came with constructing such a gigantic building in the city center were numerous.

Their budget would exponentially increase as every square meter in the city center was worth more than gold. And with a building the size they were planning to build they would have to purchase so much land that would easily surpass their budget.

Plus, as the city center was the busiest part of the city, they would face all kinds of obstacles as they tried to build.

And these were only a couple of the reasons among tens of other reasons they found against building the edifice in the city center.

Safety hazards, proximity to the airport, project constraints, and many others were the other reasons.

That's why when the architect team responsible for the project presented their design for the building, a Sakura Tree, everyone became excited.

That was because if they chose this design, they would be able to build this building in another place other than the city center!

That's how the project finally was able to progress significantly.

Until that moment, the project was a private initiative. Even though they planned to break the world record for the tallest building, their height goal was only around 1000 meters in height, nowhere near the final height of the building.

So, how was the project able to suffer such a mind-blowing evolution?

That was because when the government heard that a private initiative wanted to build an enormous building in the shape of a sakura tree, the government saw extreme potential in the project.

They saw what could it transform into a totem of the advancement of their country. A form to show to the world how even now, the Sakura Abode Country was still the number one country in the world.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the government to take reign of the project, although the private initiative could still participate in the project, they wouldn't be calling the shots anymore.

The companies involved were sour when they were notified about the government's position, but when they heard what the government wanted to do with their project they couldn't be more happy.

That was because as soon as the officials took reigns of the project, they invited the best experts in each field from all parts of the country.

These experts were the best in each of their areas worldwide!

Their knowledge was so advanced that some of them could only work for the government as the country couldn't afford the technologies that some of them possessed to be leaked to other countries.

That was how this project which started as a private initiative was able to gather the most brilliant minds related to construction in the entire Azure Planet.

One of the first things they did was how tall they could build the edifice with the country's technology available.

The government didn't shy away and provided them with the latest materials technology and building technology developed in the country.

These technologies were top secret and could only be used with the government's approval.

After making all the calculations, they arrived at a staggering number.

When the project team discovered from the engineering team that they would be able to build an edifice over 2 thousand meters tall, they were shocked until their core.

That was over 2 kilometers!

Even some mountains weren't that tall!

Would they really be able to build such a monster?

But after the engineering team explained how it was perfectly possible to accomplish this feat with the technology provided by the government, they could accept this crazy reality.

But to build such a humongous building, they would have to possess an enormous property to house it.

That was when one of the team members suggested using one of the parks in the northern part of the city.

This park was far from the city center and the airport. Plus, this park was filled with sakura trees, which were essential for the project.

And although the park was somewhat busy with visitors, it was not that popular as the citizens preferred other famous parks in the city.

Plus, the park was enormous and could house such enormous buildings without any problems.

Another deciding factor was that the park was already the property of the state, so they wouldn't have to worry about buying the land.

That was how one-day city citizens were notified that one of the city's parks would be indefinitely closed for an undetermined amount of time.

The government only announced that the park would be closed for the building of a project.

The government didn't announce at first what they were planning as the grandiosity of the project was too shocking.

They planned to announce it a few months after the construction started.

With the final building height decided, the expert architect team also was able to finish their design.

The architects brought by the government were much adept and skillful, so they were able to improve the Sakura tree project by leaps and bounds.

That was how a Rainbow Sakura Skytree was designed and presented to the project team.

When everyone saw the design, all of them fell in love with it.

If the government wanted to make a legendary building, with this design they would be able to do it!

A few years later, after a laborious and complicated construction process, the Sakura Skytree was born in the northern part of the city.

By then, the whole world was already aware of the craziness of the project. It harnassed worldwide attention.

When the Sakura Skytree was officially opened to the public, Sakura City registered an influx of hundreds of thousands of tourists entering the city, from other countries and other states of the Sakura Abode Country.

Everyone wanted to gaze at the miracle of the Sakura Abode Country.

Just like the government wanted, all the other countries were shocked by the tower.

They could only resign to know once again how behind they were compared to the supernation.

Just like that, the Sakura Abode Country was able to scare and show its might with only one building.

But it wasn't a simple building.

It was the Sakura Skytree!


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