I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 418 Mischievous

"Hmm, that's okay with me. I will tell the others." Sam replied.

"You guys should also bring a bag of clothes to get ready for the party at our house. There's plenty of space there for you guys to get ready." Theo commented as he continued cleaning the countertops.

"Oh, yeah! We can use my makeup room!" Aurora exclaimed suddenly enthusiastically.

It was only then that Sam and Ryoko remembered the huge makeup and salon room at Theo and Aurora's mansion. Their eyes lit up when they realized that.

"We will do that then." Ryoko giggled.

"I agree." Sam smiled with shining eyes.

"Great! We have to tell the others then." Aurora commented.

"But there's a tiny problem, guys." Sam said after thinking for a while.


"Our flight leaves at 10 am tomorrow, which means that we have to be at the airport at least by 9 am, and consequently we have to leave the house at least by 8:30 am. But if our party goes on until late like yesterday's party, it is very possible that we can miss our flight." Sam commented with a serious face.

Theo and the others became thoughtful when they heard as what Sam said made sense.

"And the chances of missing the flight are even more if you guys leave the party late at night." Aurora added.

Theo thought for a while before saying, "Did you guys already finish packing?"

"No, I was planning to finish packing this morning." Sam replied.

"Well, we have to tell everyone to finish packing their luggage before the party tonight as we won't have time for that after the party starts tonight and tomorrow morning." Theo commented.

Theo paused for a moment before continuing, "Regarding this problem of missing the flight, I suggest you guys sleep at our house. This way I can wake up everyone early in the morning as I don't have a problem of oversleeping." He suggested.

"This is a possible solution, but what about our luggage?" Sam asked with a pondering face.

"You guys can leave it at your houses. I can rent a microbus to take us to the airport tomorrow, and because there's no traffic on New Year's Day's morning, we won't have a problem passing by each house." He suggested.

"Yeah, I think this is the best way. Even though we will barely sleep if we do this way, we can sleep in the plane anyways." Sam commented.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ "Even though there's the option of bringing the luggage with you when you come to the party tonight, I'm imagining that you guys won't be coming with your cars, right?" Theo asked.

"No, at least I won't be coming with my car, I will call the car app to bring me. As I want to leave my car at my house and if I come with it, I will have to leave it at your house. And I imagine the others feel the same." Sam replied as she washed some plates with Aurora and Ryoko.

"Yeah, I thought you and the others would want that. It's impracticable to bring your luggage to our house in a car app. So, the best option is to rest a bus to take us all to the airport tomorrow." Theo commented as he took hold of a broom and started sweeping the kitchen floor.

It was at that moment that Sayuri, June, and Kimiko entered the kitchen carrying a bunch of dirty cups and dishes.

"Coming! I have a present for you, girls." Kimiko giggled.

"You have very bad taste for gifts." Ryoko retorted with a teasing smile.

The others laughed out loud when they heard their bickering.

"How could it be there so much dirty dishes?" Aurora asked helplessly when she saw the mountain of dirty dishes in front of her.

"It's from last night's party." June giggled.

"Oh, yeah, before we got drunk we did eat a pompous dinner." Sam commented as she started washing up the mountain of dirty dishes.

"Where are the others?" Theo asked as he continued sweeping the floor.

"They're sweeping, moping, and cleaning the whole third floor." Kimiko replied.

Theo nodded in understanding.

"What were you guys talking about?" Sayuri asked. 

 "Oh, we were talking about how we are going to the airport tomorrow." Sam replied.

"How come?" June asked.

It was then that Theo and Sam explained their decision of renting a bus and going to the airport together and why they were going to do that.

When they finished their explanation, June, Sayuri, and Kimiko had thoughtful faces.

"What you guys are saying indeed makes sense, I agree with it." Kimiko commented.

"This means I have to pack my luggage as soon as I arrive home later. I didn't even start yet." Sayuri giggled.

"Me neither." June added with a smile.

"I bet the others will also agree with it." Kimiko added.

"Which means we can party tonight without worrying." Aurora said with a teasing smile.

"I know that smile! You want to have fun at our drunk states again, Aurora-chan!" June exclaimed.


"I won't drink alcohol tonight."

"If I drink alcohol tonight I will jump on the frozen lake in Theo's backyard!"

Theo smiled happily as he heard their bickering.

"Come on, of course, I don't want that." Aurora tried to defend herself, but she still had a mischievous face as she said that.

"Oh my god! How can you say that with that expression on your face?" Sayuri asked.

"I bet she wants to follow her brother's steps and also record us in a drunk state!" Sam commented.

"Is that what you want, Aurora-chan? To follow your brother to the evil path and become a villain?" June asked teasingly.

"Hey! How come I became a villain all of a sudden?" Theo protested as he finished sweeping the floor.

"You are a villain!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah!" The others girls promptly agreed.

Theo could only shake his head and laugh at their antics.

"I wouldn't do such a thing, big sisters!" Aurora exclaimed, but her face still had a mischievous expression.

"I was kidding before, but now I seriously think she is planning to follow in that guy's footsteps." Sayuri commented.

"We have to be careful tonight with these two." Ryoko commented;

They continued talking for a while as everyone did their chores until everything dirty was cleaned.

"Thank god we finished everything." Ryoko exclaimed in relief when she closes the tap after washing the last dirty dish.

"I just want to go home and nap a little before packing my luggage." Kimiko commented.

"That's a great idea! We won't have to arrive at Theo's at 3 pm anyways, there's time for us to nap a little." June said with excitement for nap time.

The others agreed and shortly later, the ones who were cleaning entered the kitchen. They also had finished their chores.

After Theo and the girls told them their plan for tomorrow, they also agreed promptly. 

Therefore, after discussing the last details, they took their bags and left the restaurant.

Theo closed the restaurant doors and walked towards his car with Aurora.

He would only come back to the restaurant two weeks later, after the vacation, and he couldn't wait to see what these two weeks had reserved for him.


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