I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 417 Brief Farewell

"Is that you, Shoko?" Ayia asked as she laughed out loud.

"Maybe..." Shoko replied in a helpless voice.

The others laughed loudly when they heard that as what they were watching was indeed hilarious.

It was a video that Theo recorded last night of a drunken Shoko who dared everyone to see who performed the best somersault, and when she tried to do it the drunken girl fell off spectacularly.

It was then that the screen showed another video, this one showed everyone dancing like crazy.

"It seems like we had the time of our lives yesterday. Even though I only remember pieces of it." Sam giggled.

"It was the best party ever!" Aurora exclaimed excitedly.

As she was one of the soberest ones at the party, she remembered most of it. Which meant that she partied for the first time ever, and she loved it!

Even more, because she was surrounded by people she considered her close friends.

Theo and the others continued watching last night's videos as they ate the breakfast that Theo cooked, and they laughed constantly as they watched the silly things they did while drunk.

Even though this group of friends knew each other for less than a year, they felt like they knew each other for years already because of how comfortable and free they felt around each other. Even Ryoko, who only arrived in Elffire City two months ago, also felt the same way.

When they finished eating, they still felt a strong hangover affecting them, but after the energizing breakfast that Theo cooked, they felt much better.

"We have to go, Ayia-chan, or we will be late to catch our flight." Shizuka said when they finished eating.

"Oh, you're right." Ayia replied a little bummed out.

She was sad that she wouldn't be able to spend New Year with her friends, but after the party that they threw for her yesterday, she felt much better about it.

"Are you already leaving?" Sayuri asked.

"Yeah, our family expects us to be at Sakura City by afternoon." Shizuka replied as she stood up from her seat.

"And if we're not there by then, they will scold us." Ayia added as she also stood up.

"What a bummer, but I understand your plight." Sam laughed.

Aurora also stood up and hugged Ayia, "Have a safe flight, Ayia-nee-san! Happy New Year!"

Ayia hugged back and replied, "Aww, thank you, Aurora-chan. Happy New Year to you too!"

"See you tomorrow!" Aurora exclaimed before they finished their hug.

"Yes, see you tomorrow." Ayia giggled.

Aurora then did the same thing to Shizuka, while Sam hugged Ayia.

Just like that, everyone bade goodbye to the two girls and also wished them a happy new year. They would see each other tomorrow when they took their flight to the Heart Islands, so it was just a simple farewell.

When finally arrived at Theo's turn to say goodbye, he said, "I'll accompany you two to your car. Guys, can you clean the table and wash the dishes? The restaurant will be closed for a long time and I don't want to leave things dirty."

"Of course, Theo!"

"It's the least we can do after you cooked us breakfast."

"We will leave things cleaned, don't worry, boss." 

Theo smiled and thanked them before he followed Ayia and Shizuka out.

The girls first stopped at the Girl's Locker Room to take their things before they left the restaurant.

When they left the restaurant, they were immediately assaulted by the cold weather.

"Shizuka-san, have a safe flight, and a happy new year!" Theo said as he hugged the girl.

"Thank you, Theo! I wish the same for you too." Shizuka replied with a smile before she entered the car to leave Ayia and Theo some privacy.

She knew that the two of them wanted to be alone at this time.

And just like she imagined, after she entered the car, Ayia threw herself into Theo's arms.

"I miss you already." She said softly.

"What a coincidence, I feel the same." Theo softly replied as he hugged her lean body tightly.

"Be careful and have a safe flight!" Theo smiled as he smelled her amazing scent.

"Thank you! Happy New Year! I will call you after midnight to wish you a happy new year too." She said as she melted into his arms.

"I will be waiting." Theo laughed as he held her neck and kissed her lips.

Just a short kiss, but they were happy with it.

Shortly after, Ayia entered the car as she maintained her eyes on him.

"Someone's in love..." Shizuka said with a teasing voice.

Ayia blushed hard when she realized that Shizuka watched everything.

"Stop it, Shizu-chan! Let's go pack our things." Ayia replied embarrassedly as she started the car.

"Ok." Shizuka laughed hard as Ayia drove the car out of the parking lot.

The two girls were already late for their flight, so they had to run.

Theo watched their car leave the parking lot before he walked back to the restaurant to help everyone clean the place.

When he arrived at the kitchen and saw Sam, Aurora, and Ryoko washing the dishes, he said, "Oh, great. You guys are there, where're the others?"

"They are cleaning the third floor. The lounge was super dirty after the party, so they are cleaning the place." Sam replied.

"Yeah, there's like a thousand bottles of all types of drinks there." Ryoko added.

"I imagine." Theo replied with a chuckle.

"Well, I will clean the kitchen then." He added as he started to clean the countertops and stoves.

The girls nodded as they continued to wash the dishes.

ραпdα---nᴏνa| сom "Hey, Theo. What time do we have to arrive to arrange things for the party tonight?" Sam asked suddenly.

"Let me see. It's almost 10 am now, so you guys should arrive around..." Theo thought for a while.

"Around 3 pm." He said after pondering.

He would have a busy day ahead of him because he had to cook for the New Year's Party and he had to record a video as Moonlight.

As was already said before, it took time to cook all the dishes of a New Year's party, that's why everyone started early. And the dishes that Theo chose to cook were some of the most complicated to cook, so he had to start early.

But he had a problem because last night's party messed with his plans. It was almost 10 am and he hadn't even started the preparations. So, he had to run against time when he arrived home.

But the thing was that he had to record 'Bad Guy' video as it would air on Saturday's AVA Top Hits program. He had to do it today because it was indeed the last opportunity to record this video.

He would take a flight around 10 am tomorrow, and at the Heart Islands, he wouldn't be able to record this video as he would not have his studio there.


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