I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 407 End-Of-The-Year Party

Theo spent the entire morning at the Umbrella Corporation Office.

He had many documents to sign and a lot to talk about with Sam. He only left when there was nothing for him to do anymore.

"I guess that's it." Theo said as he stood up.

"Yeah, I will draft the Planning for 2021 with the information and requests you told me about. You can leave the work for us." Sam commented as she also stood up.

"Thank you for your hard work." Theo bowed his head a little to her.

Even though his family was not Yamato descendants, he still knew the tradition of bowing when thanking someone.

"Don't worry about it." Sam replied with a smile.

The two of them talked about the party later that night as they left the conference room.

Shortly after, Theo bade goodbye to her before he left the office.

He had to go to the animation studio, while Sam had to stay and work hard before the holidays start tomorrow.

After all, she would be out for 2 weeks, and she had to leave the corporation ready to deal with any kind of problem during the time she would be away.

While Sam was working hard to leave the company in good hands while she was away, Theo arrived at the studio after driving his car for a while.

It was already 12 o'clock when he arrived.

It was the time that people usually had their lunch, and Theo had a reason to arrive at that time.

Ryoko decided that it would bring the employees together if they had a little party with good food on their last day of work of the year. So, everyone in the studio was invited to the little end-of-the-year party of the studio. And it was about to begin, that's why Theo came early.

Actually, Ryoko was not the only one who had this idea. Sam, Haruto, and Sayuri also had this idea. They would do the same thing in their own companies.

This would bring the spirit of unity among the employees. Which was important in a company that was open for less than a year.

After parking his car, Theo headed directly to the food court, where the party would happen.

Along the way, he greeted everyone he met with a smile, even though he didn't know their names, he still appreciated their work for him.

Not long after, he arrived at the venue and noticed that almost everyone was gathered there already.

There were at least 800 people seated as they waited for the part to start.

Theo searched for Ryoko's figure as his eyes scanned the venue, shortly later he found her. So, he walked towards her as he greeted everyone.

"Everything seems delicious. Where did you get this food?." Theo said with a teasing voice as he arrived behind Ryoko.

Ryoko was a little confused when she heard that, but she recognized his voice not long after. She turned her head and smiled at him, "Someone gave us a good recipe." She laughed.

Ryoko knew he was a famous chef around the city, so she asked him which dishes would be best for the party. And he replied by sending a bunch of recipes. Ryoko only had the job to give these recipes to the cooks that worked in the food court.

Theo just laughed when he heard that.

"We can start any moment now." Ryoko said as she scanned the venue.

"Is everyone here?" Theo asked.

"There are only a few people who can't come as they have some things to do." Ryoko replied.

"Then let's start this party." Theo smiled.

Ryoko nodded as she took the microphone and climbed the little stage placed in the middle of the food court.

When everyone saw Ryoko climbing the stage with a microphone in her hands, they stopped talking among themselves. They made silent and waited for their boss to talk.

After a month of working together, Ryoko earned everyone's respect with her ability and professionalism. They all admired her.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Ryoko said with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon!" Everyone shouted back.

"It has been only one month since we opened and started working together. But I still thought we needed to celebrate this end-of-the-year. As we were able to get together as one big family. Over this last month, I was able to talk with most of you and I'm glad that everyone here shares the same passion for animation as Theo and I have." Ryoko said with a calm voice as she looked at the crowd.

Everyone was touched when they heard their boss saying these things. It was a wonderful feeling to have their boss being so appreciative of their work. It made them even more excited and passionate about their future in the studio.

"Before I pass the microphone to Theo, I would like to thank everyone here for your work in the last month. I hope next year everyone here comes back with even more passion!" Ryoko finished her speech with a smile.


There was the sound of thunderous clapping when Ryoko finished her speech. Everyone was happy with what she said and they poured their feelings as they clapped.

Theo climbed the stage and received the microphone when the clapping stopped.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My speech will be short as I imagine everyone can't stand the delicious smell coming from the kitchen." Theo smiled.

Everyone laughed when they heard that.

Theo's charm was on and he charmed everyone.

"Ryoko already talked about your work in the last month, so I will talk about the work that waits for us next year." Theo started.

Everyone stood erect on their chairs when they heard that, they knew that Theo was the owner and creative director of the studio. So, the person who would know better what they would do next year would be him. They looked at him without blinking as they didn't want to miss anything.

"I'm sure everyone knows that the entire studio is involved in the [SAO] Anime Production. More than 800 animators working to produce this anime. I'm sure that everyone realized that's an overkill number as anime production have much fewer animators working in it." Theo explained.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they indeed noticed that.

"Ryoko and I agree with this statement. That's why I will announce now that after the [SAO] Anime is ready, we will divide the studio into several productions. We will produce several animations at the same time. And what will decide which production you will work at is the performance you had during the [SAO] Anime Production." Theo dropped the information.

"So, I recommend everyone here give their all during the current production as this will decide which position you will receive in the near future." Theo added with a smile.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that. Their competitive spirit burned in excitement and passion to get the best position possible!


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