I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 406 Game-Developing Company: Plans And Future

"Aurora's second suggestion was for me to open a game-developing company. And I found it was a brilliant idea! This way, I can develop games from the mangas and animes we produce in the publishing house and the animation studio." Theo explained with enthusiasm.

Sam nodded as she thought of the possibilities, "Normally I would warn you how expensive establishing a gaming company can be. But now that I know that you are Moonlight, I won't say that. The only problem would be finding a talented team to help you with this new project." She commented with a thoughtful face.

"I was hoping that you knew someone in the area." Theo said as he looked at her.

But Sam just shook her head as she said, "No, I don't. I lived my whole life in Elffire City, and there are no gaming companies based here. We will be in the dark in this one."

Theo nodded as he already expected that, "Well, we were in the dark as well when we were opening the animation studio, but we were successful in finding talented people to work for us. I'm sure that someone will appear." He smiled as if he was not worried at all.

Sam also smiled when she heard that, she had to admit that what he said was true. Ryoko appeared out of nowhere, and she was the perfect fit for the position. Sam shared his optimism.

"And I presume you want to open the company here in Elffire City as well?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure you already realized that I pretend to open all my businesses and companies here in Elffire City, and the gaming company will be no different. Plus, gaming companies do not have a specific city where they all have their headquarters. Some of them are in Sakura City, others in some other capitals around the country, and some of them even have their headquarters in other countries like the Eagle and Pangu Countries. So, it won't be a problem to open the company here in Elffire City." Theo commented.

"When we come back from the Heart Islands I'll start looking for a building to serve as the company headquarters then. How many people do you think will work for the company? Depending on how many people we will hire, we will have to buy a larger building." Sam asked.

Theo thought for a while before replying, "At least half as many employees as the Tokyo Studios have. That's because we will need a team of art directors, character designers, UI artists, texture artists, environment artists, animators, programmers, AI programmers, graphics programmers, network programmers, physics programmers, and UI programmers." He listed the positions that were essential in a gaming company.

They englobed two departments: the Art and Animation Department, and the Engineering and Technical Department.

Each one had a specific position and importance in the game development process.

Given what the visual industry gaming is, artists play one of the most important roles. Artists are involved in the preproduction and production stages of video game development. Artists are responsible for creating the visual elements of the game, from the characters to the setting. They create the art, which technical roles then can build from.

It's no surprise that the video game industry relies on many heavily technical jobs. The professionals in these positions take the vision and work of the artists and turn it into a game that operates correctly. They're most active in the production and postproduction stages.

Technical video game professionals are made up primarily of programmers and engineers. Programmers and engineers create the actual code that allows the game to run as it should.

Some people may ask, 'Why Theo did not ask Sylph to do this job if she was an artificial intelligence?'.

Theo would simply reply that doing that would take the fun out of producing a game. If it was too easy, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the process of developing a game.

Although Sylph was extremely intelligent, the human mind could also produce wonders with its imagination. And that's what Theo wanted, their imagination and creativity.

Plus, Theo could ask Sylph to check the game after they finish producing, with her power it would be easy for her to find potential bugs and errors. This way he would be able to launch games free of bugs!

It was the perfect way of using Sylph's computing power.

"Hmm, that's a lot of people. I don't know if there are buildings left in Elffire City capable to support so many people." Sam commented thoughtfully.

"We were extremely lucky to find and buy cheaply that enormous building for the animation studio. From my investigations at that time, there are no empty buildings left in Elffire City capable to house the gaming company." She added.

"What if we built the building?" Theo suggested.

"Well, that would be expensive, but with your income as Moonlight, we can do this way. But it will take a while for the building to be ready to house the gaming company as construction takes time, especially for a building this big." Sam replied.

Theo just smiled, "I'm not in a hurry. So, we can take our time."

He figured that meanwhile, the construction of the building happened, he would take a time to find someone to manage and take care of the company for him.

Just like Sam, Haruto, Sayuri, and Ryoko did.

Theo just didn't know if he would be able to meet someone trustworthy and talented enough for the job.

But he figured that he would just leave it up to fate, the universe had already sent so many amazing people into his life, one more would not be asking for too much, right?

"I'll search for possible locations and land to purchase when we come back from vacation, then." Sam nodded.

"Thank you!" Theo smiled at her.

Sam just shook her head wryly as she said, "It seems my life will get super busy when I come back from vacation."

Theo could only laugh embarrassedly as he knew that he placed so many tasks on Sam's back.

In addition, to manage his companies, she had to take care of the large printing factory construction, opening the charity organization, and gaming company building construction.

But, he couldn't help it as she was the only person he trusted to do this work for him.

"Sorry about that." Theo said.

Sam just laughed as she said, "Don't worry about it. I like these kinds of tasks. I feel my experience and skill increase as I work on projects like these. Plus, I have a team working here to help me complete these tasks."

Her eyes shone with excitement at the thought that she would be able to participate in such big projects.

She could feel an empire being formed as the company grew bigger and bigger.

And she was part of it!


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