I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 404 Umbrella Corporation Report

Theo, Sam, and Sayuri spent a while discussing everything.

It was only when they finished talking the last details that Sayuri stood up and said, "I already sent the reports and documents to you Sam. I have to go to the Fuji Co. I have to solve the last few details before the holidays start tomorrow. Plus, we will have a little party for the employees in the afternoon."

Like the other companies that Theo owned, the publishing house would not open during the New Year Celebrations, so Wednesday, today, would be the last day that the publishing company would be open until the new year passed.

As the Director Manager of the company, Sayuri had to make sure that everything was okay before the employees left for the holidays.

"Okay, after I take care of the documents, I'll send their copies to you." Sam replied.

"See you later at the restaurant." Theo smiled.

There would be a party for Ayia and Shizuka later, and everyone was invited.

"See you two later then!" Sayuri smiled before leaving the conference room.

Theo and Sam were alone now.

"I suppose it's my turn to present the reports?" Sam laughed.

Theo laughed as well.

"Only if you are ready." Theo teased her.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Sam joked.

Theo knew that she was ready, as she was the most professional person he had ever met. It was not by chance that he chose her to steer and manage all of his companies. If he didn't trust her, he wouldn't have given her this job.

After all, Sam basically knew everything that happened in all of his companies.

Except, for the restaurant, but the restaurant was a small business, and there were not many secrets.

Sam was the first person Theo would think of when he thought of a new project. For example, the gaming company that he would open. Theo planned to ask her opinion on it as the gaming company would be another under the Umbrella Corporation. And as the Head Director of the corporation, Sam's opinion was crucial for the project.

This meant that Sam would be the second person to ever know of this project. First was Aurora, but she was his sister.

Sam, on another hand, was another story. Her opinion meant a lot to Theo, and that's why he planned to talk to her about it.

"Currently, there are three companies under the Umbrella Corporation. BlueCloud, Fuji Jump, and Tokyo Studios." Sam started her report.

"Only the BlueCloud and Fuji Jump are capable to generate revenue at the moment. But the Tokyo Studios are still operating, which means that the report that Ryoko sent only states the expenses we have to pay to maintain the studio in operation. Plus, we have the costs related to the Umbrella Corporation operations."

"I hired a respectable and skillful team of lawyers to work in our Legal Department. As we are dealing with the entertainment industry, we have to safeguard our projects' legal rights, and for that, we have to have good lawyers to protect the company."

"For example, if someone plagiarizes one of our mangas, we have to possess enough legal power to sue the other party. The Legal Department is constantly observing the market in search of potential breaches in copyrights. Plus, they take care of other problems as well. Briefly, they are essential in the corporation."

"I said all that because the cost to maintain a Legal Department is costly." Sam explained.

"How much?" Theo asked calmly.

"Our monthly salary budget doubled when compared with last month." Sam simply replied.

"No problem, I trust you on this." Theo replied without any faze.

It seemed as though he didn't care that he would have to pay double to maintain a company that did not generate any profits.

But he knew that things didn't work like that. He knew that the Umbrella Corporation was essential for the operation of his companies. So, he did not care how much money he had to pay for its operations. Plus, he had more money than he could expend, so he didn't care.

Sam nodded in relief when she saw that he didn't care much about the sudden increase in the budget. Even though she knew he had money, she was still got nervous about asking for more money from him.

"What about the Tokyo Studios?" Theo asked.

"I helped Ryoko organize the reports, so I'm more aware of it. She hired a new team of sound engineers which made the costs increase as their salary is high. A security company was also hired to guard the building, which increased the overall monthly expenses. Plus, it's winter and the heating system in the studio has been on since the cold weather began, which made the energy bill increase exponentially." Sam explained.

"Before, we would have to pay 3.5 million dollars. But the new due to these reasons, the new budget is 4.1 million dollars. And that's because we have the money from the dormitory rents that the employees are currently living on. Most of the new employees are living in the dormitories, so we cut a lot of costs with this rent money. Without it, I calculate that the budget would be around 5 million dollars." Sam finished.

Theo nodded and asked, "Putting the two budgets together, how much do I have to pay?"

"The cost of the two companies is 7.1 million dollars." She replied bluntly.

That meant that the Umbrella Corporation had a monthly operation cost of 3 million dollars!

That's almost as much as the budget from the Tokyo Studios.

That was an astronomical amount of money when we considered that the Umbrella Corporation only had one-tenth as many employees as the Tokyo Studios.

But as Sam already explained, these lawyers that she hired would not accept to work for the Umbrella Corporation if the salary was low. That's why she offered a high salary, as she knew they were good and experienced in their jobs. She couldn't be cheap with lawyers as their work was essential to the company.

"I will give you 12 million dollars. Of those, 7.1 million is to pay these costs. While the rest is for bonuses. You can pick the employees that worked the best this year, and you can decide how much bonus they should earn. This includes the employees from the Umbrella Corporation and the other three companies." Theo replied with a calm smile.

Sam was once more surprised by Theo's actions. She knew that he was hands-free with his money, but she did not expect him to offer this proposition.

He gave almost 5 million to pay bonuses!

That was an enormous amount of money, but he did not hesitate to give it away to please and reward his employee.

She was touched by generosity once more as she knew that it was very rare for someone so rich to be so generous.

"Don't worry, boss! Leave this task to me." Sam was touched that he trusted her enough to pick the employees who would receive the bonuses.

Theo nodded and asked for another detail of the operations.

The two of them continued their discussions.


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