I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 403 Large Factory Project: Locked On

Theo and Sayuri were dumbfounded when they heard Sam's words.

Especially Theo, as he had thought that the money from Moonlight's earnings would be able to pay for this project. But even with the huge amount of money coming from Moonlight every month, Theo would have to wait at least 3 months to gather that much money. And that was if he used the entire money from Moonlight's earnings in this project and didn't invest in anything else.

Theo obviously wouldn't do that as he had many other projects to invest in. He wanted to create a non-governmental charity organization with part of this money. Plus, he wanted to open a gaming company as soon as possible, Theo knew that creating a game took a huge amount of time, so he wanted to start as soon as possible so that he would be able to launch at least one game next year.

But Theo also saw the necessity to have a printing factory with a 50 million copies capacity. That was because he knew that he could get manga scripts at any time from the system, plus the mangas he could remember, from his last life, and rewrite himself. This meant that he would release many best-seller mangas, consequently, the demand for copies every month would be enormous.

If he had to expand his factory every month would be strenuous on the employees, that's why he found it necessary to expand to the max capacity as soon as possible.

Theo was silent as he brainstormed ideas to solve this problem, and the two girls just stayed silent. Sam and Sayuri knew that Theo was much richer than the two of them. So, the decision to push through this project could only come from him.

"Sam, how much can you do with 30 million?" Theo asked suddenly.

Sam thought for a while before replying, "Hmm, I can probably start with the permit procedures and land purchases conversations. But only that, I would need more money to buy the land."

Theo nodded and thought for a while longer.

'Kuramaroll will be launched in April together with [SAO] Anime. We will receive a huge income from that. But that's over 3 months from now...' He went through all possibilities.

It was only after a while that he found the solution, 'According to my calculations I will receive 35 million in profit from the publishing company's January sales. I can use that and a little portion of Moonlight's earnings to start this project. In three months the publishing company will give a little over 100 million dollars if I take 50 million from Moonlight's earnings, I will gather the minimum amount of money to initiate the project that Sam said.' Theo found his answer.

This way he would only use 50 million from Moonlight's earnings, instead of 300 million in the next three months. With the rest of the money, Theo could invest in his other projects without any hiccups.

"When we come back from the Heart Islands I will give you 30 million dollars. And at the beginning of February, I will give you 50 million dollars (35 mi from Fuji Co. and 15 mi from Moonlight). Do you think that 80 million is enough to buy the land and the permits?" Theo asked with a calm voice.

He seemed to not care that he had just offered an amount of money that most people would never earn in their entire lives. It seemed like this much money wasn't enough to faze him.

If Sam and Sayuri hadn't heard Aurora's story, they would think that Theo came from a rich family. But now they knew that all the money that Theo offered was earned by himself. Which made the girls admire him even more.

He earned so much money, but he still did not change. And he did not hesitate to spend a staggering amount of money to invest in his company, it seemed like he didn't care about the money he earned.

"I can work with 80 million. I think I can buy the land. But there is another problem." Sam replied.

"What?" Theo asked.

"Well, to open a factory this big in Elffire City would be much more expensive than opening in a smaller city. That's because the industrial park of the city is already established. That can be good or bad. If we want in, we can only ask the government to give us a discount. If the government sees potential in us, it can even waver some taxes and facilitate the permit procedures. But if they decide to make trouble for us, the project will be much more expensive and it will take longer to be concluded." Sam explained.

"That's indeed a problem." Theo furrowed his brows.

He did not want to open his factory in another city. He had decided that every factory and company from him would be located in Elffire City. So, even if the government blocked him, he would still open the factory in Elffire City.

"Unless we know someone in the Elffire City's Office." Sayuri chimed in.

"Yes, knowing someone in the government can indeed help us a lot." Sam nodded in agreement.

"The problem is that I don't know anyone like that." Theo shook his head wryly.

"Me neither." Sam and Sayuri said at the same time.

But suddenly Theo remembered something, "But I think I know someone who knows!" He exclaimed excitedly.

He remembered the time when he was attacked by some robbers and he beat the robbers up. He was having some trouble with the police as they would not release him even after he explained everything. And that's when an angel appeared to save him. Ayia seemed to know a top echelon in the Elffire City Police Department, and because of that, he was released in no time after the commissioner called the captain. If Ayia knew someone like that, it was possible to know someone in Elffire City's Office.

"Really? That's great news. Actually, opening such a big factory in Elffire City is a good thing as it will generate a lot of job opportunities. But knowing someone in the government will make things much easier." Sam commented in excitement.

"I will trust this task to you then. You and Sayuri will be in charge of this project." Theo smiled at them.

"Yes, boss!" Sam and Sayuri replied in excitement.

They couldn't believe that they would command such a huge project.

Just the starting money was more money they had ever seen before.

80 million dollars!

Both of them were touched that Theo trusted them enough to give them such a huge amount of money.

They vowed to themselves to give their best to this factory project.

But what they didn't know was that even if Theo completely trusted them, Sylph monitored all the money that came and went into the company's bank account. So, it was virtually impossible for someone to rob money from Theo. The only possibility was that if a more technological artificial intelligence than Sylph attacked.

But that type of thing did not exist in the Azure Star Planet as Sylph reigned supreme.

Just like that, Theo and the girls discussed the details of this huge project.

They couldn't wait to start.

The oncoming new year seemed promising!


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