I.. Am God?

Chapter 260 The Deep Ravine, Realm

Suddenly, she thought of something that could be possible; to take advantage of the despaired.

"Where are the humans sealed?" Sharon asked.

"Why are you asking, Divine Daughter?" The Moon Temple Mistress tilted her head with confusion, "Are you sent by the Divine Father of the Sky to judge them?"

"You need not know of the machinations of the Father, Mistress." Sharon replied authoritatively.

The Moon Temple's Mistress' hair stood on its end and sweat dripped down her face as she felt the pressure being released by the Heavensent. "I-I am sorry, Divine Daughter, please have mercy!" She stammered as she kowtowed to her.

"Tell me now." Sharon urged plainly.

"They are sealed beneath the Valley of Endless, situated to the North of Jord." The Moon Temple Mistress quickly answered.

After hearing what she needs to hear, Sharon immediately vanished from the bed, startling everyone inside the Temple.

"Alert the Moon Empire!" Said the Moon Temple Mistress to the caretakers, "We're marching to the Valley of Endless!"

"As you wish, Mistress Moon!" The caretakers bowed respectfully before rushing down the mountain.

To the North..

Here, different from the lush forests and beautiful sceneries down South, was filled with ice and snow and blistering cold storms. Nothing could be seen past ten meters due to the dense snowfall that covered the entire region.

Sharon, who disappeared a while ago, reappeared at the sky of this ruthless place devoid of life.

Her dress and hair were flailing as the strong cold wind brushed past her. She looked around, but found out that the naked eye wouldn't even be able to see anything here.

Immediately, her pupils glowed with a divinely gold hue, and slowly, everything was revealed to her.

Towering mountains, barren lands, huge rocks, and not even a single trunk of a tree could be seen here. There really was no life up North.

She turned to a direction, and saw a huge ravine ten thousand kilometers from her position extending down endlessly. She immediately knew that that was where the pitiful humans were sealed in.

Her figure darted past the snowstorm and arrived a little less than a second later in front of the ravine.

She figured that the Moon Temple might send some people here, considering her stature in their minds, so she waved her hand, and a huge dome barrier formed from divine energy covered the entire place. Looking from the outside, the only thing that others would see would be a plain filled with endless snow.

After making sure that the defensive illusion formation that she formed was as solid as the barriers of the First Heaven, she jumped down the ravine and waited for her body to arrive below.

Ten seconds passed, and she narrowed her eyes with suspicion. Although it wasn't that long since she flew down, with her speed, ten seconds of continuous descent without even seeing any signs of solid ground is simply unexplainable.

The diameter of the world she was in was only about 13,000 kilometers from north to south, and the speed she was going was even faster than the speed of her darting from ten thousand kilometers away in less than a second. That would mean that she had already traveled more than a hundred thousand kilometers down into the ravine!

'I haven't noticed that I entered another realm. There were no spatial fluctuations.' She thought whilst continuing down.

Suddenly, she saw a blue light shining from below. Sharon quickened her fall and arrived a little more than a second later.

It was an unusually perplexing array. Its structure was not that odd to her, and she was even familiar with it. It was an intricately made Realm Space Formation, similar to that of the arrays that are laid upon the Divine Empire. The craftsmanship of the array was very excellent, even on par with the Array Lords of Divine Heaven.

What's odd was the fact that it is here, in a world that was just created with space rocks, germination, and time acceleration.

The seal that was laid upon the array was also as exquisite as the main body. Sharon recognised it as the Thousand Lux Frost Seal, capable of sealing an entrance with a huge slab of Eternal Permafrost. It was written within the Grand Array Tome inside the Divine Athenaeum, where Divine Heaven stores all of its scriptures.

Knowing full well the nooks and crannies of the array, Sharon easily bypassed the array seal and entered the Realm Space within.

A blinding light flashed her eyes, but with the Divine Eyes opened, she easily adapted to the change.

A new world flashed before her eyes. It was a very beautiful world, comparable to that of the surface. But it's a mistake to even think that the sealed race was faring better down here.

She could sense beings, spirits, roaming the world. It wasn't like the spirits of the surface, though.

These were spirits whose powers are way beyond that of the other spirits. Sharon had seen one. In fact, Sharon has become one of such spirits after she returned to her true form after the fight between Matthias and her.

Spirits, as the people know, are beings that came from inanimate objects that had been either very old, read and comprehended a profound scripture, or absorbed a powerful energy, causing a sentient soul to be formed within and later on materialize.

But, there is a certain point where the density of the three factors get so great that the spirits evolve into something that reaches the very limits of the world's laws. If the world they are in had sentience, the world would do all that it takes to contain them, for the power of the inhabitants becomes the power of the world.

The world's sentience would then do either of two things; devour them, which is the usual decisions of the worlds. If it cannot, the world would be forced to grant the evolving spirit or spirits' the power to manipulate universal laws if it wants the being to stay.

By doing the former, the world would advance, together with the power limit of its other beings, and its authority over the inhabitants would also strengthen. One could see why this is the usual route that sentient worlds would choose.

By doing the latter, on the other hand, the world would have a subject that could protect it and its inhabitants from foreign invaders, which it wouldn't be able to do easily lest the origin world of the invaders sense their location through the worldly energy and cause a war of a greater scale involving two worlds.

Although the latter has its benefits, it still is obviously not as good as the former.

This was the case for this realm. As a realm and not a world of its own, having its own sentience would be nearly impossible to achieve. It relies on the energy of the world to exist, and therefore is not a separate entity from the world, yet the world would also not be able to control it.

For someone that is not a god or who hasn't ascended, the system of the worlds would be very difficult to comprehend.

Because of it not having sentience yet having the laws of the world easily accessible, the spirits in here evolved into something that even sentient worlds fear; Eternal Spirits.

Seeing this place, even Sharon was shocked. Before, if someone told her that there exists a place where almost every swath of land has at least three Eternal Spirits— with some even having an entire clan of them— it would be guaranteed that she would either just laugh it off, or bring the entire Divine Heaven Army there to either subdue the spirits or annihilate them.

Anyone, even Matthias himself, could vouch that such a place out there is rarer than rare, infinitesimally close to the probability of improbability.

If there is such a place somewhere in the universe, then it would definitely either be subdued by powerful beings as subjects or wiped out off the fabrics of the universe.

If given a chance, said Eternal Spirits could become gods in their own right. And for the record, even these Eternal Spirits are different from normal Eternal Spirits.

Because they formed within a Realm Space, they possess within them attributes of the Space Law. Also, because the world they are in haven't yet developed a world sentience, no one has stopped them from evolving, therefore having greater control of the law they received. Another thing was, the laws of this world aren't the only laws that was received by the Eternal Spirits; they also received the laws and powers that were used to create the worlds of the Diserian System, therefore, some of them has control over the power of Creation. Although not as powerful as the Origin, which came from Matthias' Primal Power within the Divine Siblings, it is still a significantly overpowered law to have.


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