I.. Am God?

Chapter 259 Jord

"I should introduce myself." She said to him.

"I am Yælena, Goddess of Life for the Kul M'agat People. I sensed that you once entered my territory before." She introduced herself plainly.

"I am Alexander, God of the–"

"God of the Sun. Yes, I know that." Yælena said impatiently, which made Alexander narrow his eyes even more.

Not even letting him talk, Yælena continued to speak without restraint, "It seems that you had found yourself your own followers. Then we should draft our borders now, considering you almost considered our followers to become under you."

"Borders?" Alexander imitated whilst his eyebrows were wrinkled with displeasure, "Why would we need borders? The control of Faith is only for those who can truly wield it. As gods, we shouldn't need borders just to control our subjects from defecting to another."

"Oh, how barbaric your way is." This time, seeing that the negotiation could already be considered basically gone, the nymph finally did not hide her disapproval any longer. "Gods should be more civilized than their believers. To even think of such barbarian thoughts. You aren't fit to be a god." She spat mockingly..

"What a pity that you even thought that, nymph." Alexander laughed sarcastically, looking down at the woman with sheer disgust. All this time, Alexander was already brimming with dissatisfaction with how the nymph was talking to him.

"What?" Yælena narrowed his eyes and glowered.

"You thought I was not negotiating with you because I am barbaric?" Alexander teased.

"What else?" The nymph spat.

"Then, you do not know politics at all, nymph." He laughed, as if he heard the funniest joke ever in his life. "Negotiations are for those who have either leverage or of equal power."

"You possess none of these qualities." Alexander sneered and mocked her.

"You.." Yælena glowered. For as long as she existed, even just as a simple sprout, no one even dared to talk to her like that. Hearing such mocking words directed at her, she would, of course, be wrathful.

"You're just an outer god!" The nymph shouted at him angrily. "This world is not yours, and it will never be!"

"I may be an outer god.." Alexander said, "..but this world would be under my protection."

Spat! "The spirits of the forest will make sure you won't even have the chance to expand your influence!" After saying that, the nymph Yælena turned into glowing green spores before returning down to her origin.

Alexander was silent for a few minutes, knowing that he had made himself a new enemy. Of course, the nymphs would stand no chance against him in terms of power, but once he annihilates the nymph goddess, her followers would definitely not stop until they found anything that has connections with other gods that might have killed her.

Followers are just followers, but fanatics are at another level altogether.

He would need to prepare for the spirits' assault.

Alexander is very much familiar with Spirits, considering he was practically raised up with Spirits of Aqiartha when he was just a kid. Generally, they are beings created from ancient creations, acting as the manifestation of their souls. From tree spirits to wind spirits, there are simply numerous of them all across this prehistoric world.

If that Nymph really had the authority to command the spirits, which has a high probability of being true, then the development of Brann would definitely be obstructed and delayed for a very long time.

Knowing full well of the potential future that his domain would be facing, Alexander prepared to help his force advance once again.

This confrontation then became the spark of a religious conflict lasting for thousands of generations.

In another world, different from the world Alexander entered, was devoid of humans. Instead, the world was rampant with spirits and fairies and elves.

On the western side of the world stood a tall and magnificent silver mountain. Its shiny peak reflected the light of the stars below the land and seas.

At the top of that mountain stood a pristine shrine surrounded by arcs and pillars of marble and quartz. The structures were adorned with mysterious and mystical runes emitting auras of purity and calmness throughout the peak.

Inside, in the middle of the shrine, was a woman, sleeping soundly as she lays on a white noble bed.

Her hair ran flat on the sheets of the pillows, and her hands were held together, placed on top of her stomach area. What adorned her body was a purple sleeping gown with crystalline stars embedded all across it, exuding a feeling of awe and praise.

She was being attended by enchanting female spirits wearing gowns of pure white. They washed her feet while others washed her hands, wiped her face off of dirt, and dried her wet limbs and face.

Other spirits who were more powerful than the caretakers, were releasing potent spiritual energy within the woman and letting her absorb all of it.

A while later, The woman's eyelids suddenly shook, as it slowly opened and revealed a puzzled look. "W-Where am I?" She muttered.

When noticed by the caretakers, their eyes then lit up. "Mistress Moon, the Heavensent is awake!"

Seconds after the caretaker said that, the three-meter tall gate opposite of them opened. A woman, nearing seven feet in height, strode forward with an anticipating expression showing on her face.

Even compared to the woman on the bed, the one walking towards her could be considered an angel with her heaven-striking beauty. She was wearing a silver gown stretching for more than two meters.

When she arrived in front of the woman lying on the bed, "Mistress Moon" immediately prostrated herself, which shocked the woman on the bed.

"The Mistress of the Moon Temple greets the Heavensent!"

"The caretakers of the Moon Temple greets the Heavensent!"

The woman that was lying on the bed, knowing that she might've accidentally been recognized as someone sent by Heaven, immediately changed her stature into a more dignified pose. "I am Sharon, wise spirit, daughter of the Divine."

Hearing her introduction, the spirits felt a wave of awe hit them, "We greet the Divine Daughter!"

"Do you need anything, Divine Daughter Sharon?" The Moon Temple Mistress asked deferentially.

"Tell me everything about this world."

With that, the Moon Temple Mistress started to tell her everything.

From the Mistress, Sharon discovered that this world was called Jord, a world filled with spirits. This world was divided into three factions; The Moon Faction of the West, The Sun Faction of the East, and The Spirit Faction that resides in between.

The Moon Faction were those that worship the Moon Goddess, those that thrive beneath the comforting light of the moon.

The Sun Faction were those that worship the Sun Goddess, beings who feel safe underneath the Sun's grand ray of light.

The Spirit Faction, on the other hand, were those that remained and maintained the equilibrium of the world, to stop any conflict that might ensue between the Sun and Moon Factions, and to cooperate with any of them if ever one faction poses a threat to the world's balance.

With this Triad, Jord maintained its peace 30 years after the last war that devastated the world's inhabitants, one of which were the humans.

The humans were once the race that once dominated the land. In a span of a hundred years, they had already unified and formed an empire, showing their glory and dominance over the other races. The other races once accepted the dominance, considering that the humans gave protection for the other races and did not abuse them. But after the first emperor died and was replaced by his son, the elders, fueled by their greed, manipulated the new emperor and started a war against the all races, stating that the humans are the only rightful inhabitant of Jord, prompting the Spirit Race to lead and fight back together with the other races.

After a deadly, long, and grueling war, the combined force of other races besieged the empire's capital and killed the emperors and the elders.

Fearing that the humans might start something like that again, the spirits sealed the humans within the depths of Jord, with hopes to never experience such a terrifying war again.

The Sun and Moon Factions were then formed, but conflict once again arose, prompting for another Faction to rise as a buffer between the two.

Nodding, Sharon now fully understood the situation. If she wishes to become an exalted deity here, she would need to become either the Goddess of The Moon or the Goddess of the Sun, but that would mean she would be antagonizing the current deities.

She could become the Goddess of The Stars, but that would be unlikely, considering that the Spirits have already considered who their gods were, and having another goddess would destroy the equilibrium that was being maintained by the Triad.

Suddenly, she thought of something that could be possible; to take advantage of the despaired.


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