I.. Am God?

Chapter 129 The Dwarven Territory Of Garendor

Because of the snow storm quarterway to the top of the mountain, it was cold while they were ascending. No one knows why the snow storm still surges even though the heat outside tells them that it is Spring.

While climbing, they also experienced some accidents. They experienced debris falling, rocks that they are holding onto cracking that almost made them fall to their deaths, and huge chunks of snow falling straight to them, scaring them to even continue. But with the trust that the people placed on them, they were once more filled with determination to climb.

And with that determination, they reached the Gate of Barremun, a huge ten meters high stone gate. Carved on it were the images of a lion on the left door and a grizzly bear on the right door.

At the sides of the gate were two great statues of armored dwarves that held a huge hammer as their weapon.

"Here we are." General Tatec appreciated the sight as he looked at it with marvel, "The entrance to the Princedom of Garendor. We are now in the perimeter of the dwarven territory."

He looked at the two statues standing straight at the side of the gate and recited something, "Hundreds of thousands of enemies will bow down in his presence. No one shall pass through the gates without facing the Twin Princes of Hammers Guldir and Gundir."

Even though the dwarves were known to have hidden themselves inside their rocky mounds, they were still a powerful adversary. With the laws of fire and metal bending to their will, and also with their naturally strong body, they wouldn't be easy to take down. It was undeniably true in front of the Twin Princes.

Guldir's talent with forging made him excellent in hammering, and Gundir's fondness with fighting made him practice the art of the hammer. Guldir and Gundir were also hellishly talented with manipulating the laws of fire and metal, with Guldir being able to conjure the Fire of Aqiartha, the core flame that powers the realm, to forge and purge his enemies, and Gundir being able to turn metal into Origin Metal that is unbelievably heavy and sharp.

When they were alive, the dwarves were unstoppable in the battlefield and controlled the largest territory in Aqiartha.

Because of that glory that they gave their race, their statues would always be erected in every dwarven entrances to provide protection from any adversaries.

,m It was said that the huge statues of Guldir and Gundir in front of the Gate of Barremun were made by the two themselves, giving the statues their power and authority, resulting in the natural resistance of the mountain from other laws to protect the dwarves inside, making Garendor the safe haven of their race.

General Tatec faced the gates and breathed in deeply, "Lords of the mountain, we of the races of Humans, Spirits, and Elves request to be in your presence!" General Tatec shouted. Although General Tatec is just an assistant general of General Tarsus, his negotiational and diplomatic skills could be said to be top-notch, having led successful deals between the other Princedoms, Territories, and Hayle.

He had also dealt with the people of Garendor, so he knows how to call upon their presence.

And as expected, the Gates of Barremun shook and slowly opened. From the inside, a group of eleven four-feet dwarves marched fully armored toward them. The dwarf that was in front looked at them and spoke, "You can come in with the confirmation from Lord Guqnir. Come with us." He turned around and walked inside without waiting for them. Some of the dwarves looked at the two spirits with caution but still followed the dwarf that walked inside.

Matthias looked at the others and nodded. They followed the dwarves inside the mountain.

Matthias and the others appeared inside a narrow pathway, or it could also be characterized as a ridiculously long passageway. Torches hung at the walls, blazing and crackling while giving off enough light to see something inside the dark couloir.

When they finally reached the end of the harrowingly long entranceway, except for General Tatec and Lanros, Tuwa, Matthias, and Isabelle gawked at the architecture and infrastructure inside the dwarven mountain.

Only the first ten kilometres from the outside to the inside of the mountain was solid and hard. After that, it was hollow!

Various buildings made of stone were constructed in different parts of the mountain. Bridges and towers with lifts inside connected all the structures together. Gears, spinning platforms, all kinds of mechanisms could be seen inside the mountain.

In the middle was a narrow bridge that led to the far end of the mountain; a huge stone palace that looked like it was carved on that side of the mountain.

From afar, the stone palace's walls were already stained brown, moss had already grown below, and small cracks could be seen on some corners but yet, it still feels so fortified and strong. Towers and walls surrounded and was constructed with the palace. Coupled with the narrow pathway to the palace, If ever an army invaded here, they would be just free targets for the marksmen and fall to their deaths down the mines.

On the rusted or mossy walls of the palace, a red banner with a symbol of a black hammer hung down with the aura of prestige.

In different corners of the hollow mountain, dwarves of all different occupations and uniforms could be seen all around, working and minding their own businesses. Others were training with their weapons while some Dwarven soldiers patrolled around on bridges and walls and towers.

Glowing stones lit up the inside of the mountain and the structures, mine rails were located at the bottom part of the mountain. There, countless metals like iron, coal, gold, diamond, crystals, and the glowing stones that lights up the place were mined and collected. Dwarves go in and out the mining caves while dragging their metal-filled minecarts with ease, showing their strength.

Another thing to notice was the exquisitely made pathways and channels of rails were built that made mining even more easy and convenient.

Matthias nodded with amazement in the builds that the dwarves had built. They really are worthy of the title "Masters of the Craft". Even in his past life, when he passed time, he had always watched fantasy movies and a lot of them showcased just really how powerful the dwarves are.

Matthias felt that it was a pity that he hadn't created dwarves yet in Matheon. He decided that once he came back, he would create and develop them so that his universe could have more powerful races other than humans. He could imagine the spaceships of humanity going against the reinforced steel steampunk machinery of the dwarves if ever an encounter between the two races happened.

Returning back from his dreaming stupor, Matthias shook his head and joined the others. He and the others stood and looked at the narrow pathway that was in front of them while the dwarf that led them walked forward and looked at the front, "You don't expect that we cross like this, right?" Isabelle asked him with skepticism.

The dwarf then turned around to look at her as if looking at a bumpkin. He then placed his sight below the cliff.

Suddenly, the platform where they stood shook. From the bottom of the ground where they stood, a huge slab of perfectly shaped rock with runic carvings appeared and raised up, lining itself with the ground.

The dwarves, General Tatec, and Lanros stepped forward and boarded the stone slab. They looked at the absentminded two and signalled, "Let's go." General Tatec said.

They woke up from their stupor and boarded the slab. When they stepped on the slab completely, the slab detached from the cliff and moved forward to the palace.

"This is one of the defensive mechanisms of Garendor in case that the Ichtir went past the Gates of Barremun." The dwarf explained to the two.

"This has been built since the First Age and faced the waves of Ichtir, so it is proven useful." General Tatec added.

"Oh.." Isabelle and Matthias gasped while looking around.

"You're really knowledgeable in this, Spirit." The leading dwarf turned to look at him and laughed. "I have been here sometimes and have heard countless stories about the War of The First Age from the dwarves. Of course I'll know those histories." General Tatec replied humbly.

In response, the dwarf just laughed once more and returned his sight back to the front.

They went past training grounds, marketplaces, houses, and other patrols before the stone slab slowed down and carefully attached and latched itself on the land.

They alighted from the stone slab and looked at it as it detached from the land once more and zoomed back to the entrance.

The dwarves continued to walk to the palace. They followed them while looking everywhere. The gates of the palace slowly opened and let them enter.


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