I.. Am God?

Chapter 128 Ten Years Later

Ten years have passed since the beginning of chaos. The wars of the land just got worse and worse. Out of fear, the dwarves locked themselves inside their icy mountains. Rebellions between princedoms continued, and the wrath of Kelbrom could be felt throughout the land.

During the first two months, Matthias and the others discovered from the spies of the Ganae Territory that Sarqisi really had fallen. It was infested by Ichtir and the humans inside were enslaved and reared by Ichtir for later consumption.

Out of sympathy, Matthias sometimes raided the southern lands and retrieved some humans from them. He was later known as the Light Meiser or the Light Giver.

General Tuwa and Tarsus wanted to do the same but when they remembered that Hayle is wrought with traitors, they decided not to, risking that spies could enter the territory.

The last surviving territories after these ten years are currently the Dwarven Lands and the Forest of Ganae, where Matthias and the others reside. There are some hidden territories constructed by other surviving people of the Four Races, some of them were discovered, and some remained hidden from the outside world.

Their number is pitifully low, showing that they really are in a precarious situation that they could be defeated any time.

With that sense of pressure on them, all of them trained vehemently, creating the unison of three races– or two humans and two Races.

Matthias continued to train in the Mystic Arts and the Laws with Princess Raya and Old Man Sanyi. Isabelle was being trained by the elves with stealth, marksmanship, and glaive arts. In return, Matthias taught the Elves and Spirits modern ideas like chemistry, table of elements, and army formations that were oddly absent inside this realm.

Slowly, they developed into a semi-technological civilization that can be a headache to any ancient-like armies.

Inside Ganae, on the balcony of the elven palace's tower, a 1.90 meters Matthias stood with a veteran and hardened aura. He was clad in golden armor while a helmet was clung in his left arm, and a sword was strapped at his waist. He looked at the north with pure determination.

"Are you ready, Matthias?" Behind him, the voice of a woman sounded as she asked Matthias. He turned around, and there stood a blonde-haired european woman that was wearing a more comfortable armour that covered only the upper torso and lower waist, with the exposed areas only covered by elven silk that was said to be impenetrable by sharp weapons.

Matthias smiled amiably and called out, "Isabelle." He then nodded at her and answered, "Yes. Is General Tuwa, Tatec, and Princess Raya ready?"

"They're ready, but Princess Raya needs to stay because she needs to oversee the matters of Ganae with Princess Yuna.. With the testing of *that* being processed, they need to be here even more." She replied.

"Mhmm." Matthias nodded and walked together with her.

Inside the Palace Hall, The group was waiting for them. All of them wore defensive armor, fully prepared for their journey.

"Matthias, it's time." General Tuwa said to him and smiled. Over the years, Matthias and the generals developed their relationship into that of close friends.

There's also another person– an elf– that was with them geared up. He was donned in green armor and two swords that were strapped at his waist were incredibly slim and sleek.

Princess Yuna was also standing there, waiting for them. Different from those that were donned in armour, she wore a green dress with small strands of gold specs, the attire of the royal elves. Behind her were Princess Raya and General Tarsus. "Matthias, I made General Lanros go with you for support. Although the Elves and the Dwarves haven't been friends nor foes for the past, it could still show our determination to achieve cooperation. " She said.

"You can go peacefully. Me and Princess Raya will take care of Alexander for you two." She added.

As if summoned, an eight year-old boy ran towards Matthias, "Pops!" He hugged the leg of Matthias and snuggled at it.

"Alex.." Matthias visibly softened and knelt down to caress the boy's head. "You should stay here with Aunt Yuna and Aunt Raya, okay? Don't be too much of a bother." He consoled the boy.

"Ehh…" The boy puckered his lips, making his cheeks bloat up.

He looked at Isabelle and whined, "Mom.."

"Alexander, you should listen to your Father. We would be journeying in a dangerous place. Just pray for us here, okay?" She lowered down to the boy's level and patted his bubbly cheeks.

"Mrmm.." In response, Alexander groaned, making the others laugh. But no one noticed a flash of a pained expression appearing on someone's eyes.

In those past years, they weren't just seriously burdening themselves and had some little fun.

One of the fun time's results was Alexander, the son of Matthias and Isabelle. They got a little cranked up and tossed at each other on the bed. Although the spark was still there, the love really hasn't manifested that much.

The sad Alexander was retrieved by Princess Yuna back. Isabelle whispered to Matthias, "Gail would be thrilled to know that he is now an uncle. It's unfortunate that I didn't bring him here. In response, Matthias just smiled.

This time, Princess Yuna spoke to them with a disposition of a princess, "My friends, these ten years have been hard on us. We trained to free this realm from the cruelty of the tyranny of Kelbrom. You march towards the Dwarven Mountains of Arthron to call for their allegiance to the Alliance. As the last two surviving territories from the Second Age, I give unto you the trust and hope of all the races of Aqiartha hoping for their release. Although my blessings are weaker than that of the Spirits, we are still elves that are close to nature. I only wish for the world's spirit to guide you all safely."

The determination in Matthias and his group's face were apparent. These ten years, they trained, fought, and prepared for all attacks from the enemies.

After that lengthy speech, they rode their horses and journeyed to the north, the mountains of Arthron.

At the center of Aqiartha was a tall black tower built by the slaves of the Ichtir. During its construction, tens of thousands died just to build the high platform of the tower; The Tower of Ichosterse.

At the top was a black three clawed-like structure. In the middle of it where the claws meet, a dark crystal floated. Below it was a throne. Seated on it was the slumped Kelbrom that was crippled by Gios that sacrificed his life to seal Kelbrom's magic source–his heart– with the gold-silver strand that was made from his body, blood, and sword.

Until now, Kelbrom cannot move on with what that human did to him as he glared at the crystal above. A while later, an incredibly gorgeous woman ascended the tower and stopped below the throne of Kelbrom. She was wearing a sophisticated and long black dress. Her fingers were decorated with long sharp claws that were attached to a long chain extending from the shoulders of her dress.

Her hair was black and extended to her lower shoulders. Styled in a wolf cut, it accentuated her elegance coupled with the black tiara placed on her head.

"Your Majesty, I have returned from my seclusion." The woman knelt down and greeted him.

"I see. What have you achieved with the seclusion?" Kelbrom asked with an eerily raspy voice.

"I have gotten closer and closer to the laws of this realm. Soon, my level of understanding would equal that of the Spirits." The woman answered.

"Good, good, good!" Kelbrom laughed eerily with joy. "Now, I am getting closer and closer to domination!" He said.

"Your Majesty, if you would, I would like to go on a mission first before we proceed to conquer all." She requested.

"What is it?" Kelbrom raised his eyebrow.

The woman raised her head and smiled maliciously.

With Matthias and the others, they continued their journey for two days. After the grueling journey, they reached a 3,000-meter mountain. General Tarsus looked up and marveled at the sight, "Mount Arthron."

He then turned around and said, "Prepare for another gruelling workout." He smiled wryly.

"Why should we? We could just use the Nature law to manipulate the earth to let us ascend, right?" Isabelle suggested.

"We couldn't." General Tatec replied. General Lanros explained, "One of the reasons why Mount Arthron cannot be invaded by the enemies is because of its steep terrain and natural resistance to Law Arts. We don't know why that is, it's just what it is."

"Eh?!" Isabelle whined and sighed. They went down on their horses and began to walk to the bottom of the mountain. When they reached the bottom, they were overwhelmed by the height of the towering mountain. Sighing because of their misfortune, they then began to ascend it with all of their strength.


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