Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 537 120.3 - Infernal Nexus

Chapter 537 120.3 - Infernal Nexus

The team moved forward with a quiet, deliberate precision. The narrow path twisted and turned, leading us deeper into the heart of the Infernal Nexus. The oppressive heat and the occasional rumble of the unstable terrain were constant reminders of the environment's hostility, but we remained focused.

As we approached the entrance to the wider chamber, the intensity of the heat increased, and the glow of molten rock illuminated the way. The chamber was vast, its walls shimmering with the heat of the magma that flowed beneath the surface. In the center stood the Magma Golems, six towering figures of molten rock and elemental energy, their presence imposing and unyielding.

Kurt signaled the team to halt just before the entrance to the chamber. "Alright, remember the plan," he said, his voice low but firm. "We'll test their resilience first. Gareth, prepare the barriers. Dorian, Elena—get ready to strike once we gauge their strength. Lila, deploy your golem as soon as we engage."

"Understood," Gareth replied, already beginning to weave the protective barriers around us.

Dorian and Elena readied their weapons, their focus entirely on the looming figures ahead. Lila took a deep breath, her hands already glowing with the energy needed to summon her golem.

With a final nod from Kurt, we moved into the chamber.

The Magma Golems didn't move at first, their massive forms appearing almost statuesque. But as we approached, their eyes—glowing like hot coals—lit up, and they began to stir. The ground beneath us trembled slightly as they shifted, the heat radiating from them intensifying.

Gareth's barriers flared to life, creating a protective dome around us as the first of the golems lumbered forward. Its movements were slow but deliberate, each step causing the ground to shudder.

"Lila, now," Kurt commanded.

As Kurt gave the command, Lila's hands moved with practiced precision, summoning her golem. The air around her shimmered as the earth responded to her call, and in moments, a towering figure of solid rock and stone materialized before us.

TAK! TAK! The golem was massive, nearly as large as the Magma Golems themselves, and its presence immediately altered the dynamics of the battlefield.

"Here we go, baby!"

CRACK! The first Magma Golem lumbered forward, its molten body radiating an intense heat that made the air around it shimmer. Its movements were slow but deliberate, each step causing the ground beneath it to tremble.


Gareth's barriers held firm, absorbing the heat and force of the golem's advance, but the strain was visible.

"I am here."

Dorian was the first to engage, his dual swords flashing as he darted toward the golem. He aimed for the joints, targeting the weak points in its stone exterior. His movements were fluid and precise, but as his blades struck the golem, it became clear that these creatures were far tougher than the elementals we had faced before.

The golem's stone body absorbed the impact, and while cracks formed at the points of contact, it barely slowed down.

Elena followed closely behind, her hands glowing with elemental energy. She unleashed a blast of ice magic at the golem, targeting the same area that Dorian had struck. The freezing energy clashed with the heat of the golem's body, causing a burst of steam to rise into the air. The ice managed to cool and crack the outer layer of the golem, but it was still far from enough to bring it down.

Lila's golem moved in to intercept the Magma Golem, raising its massive arms to block the next attack. The impact was immense, the two titans clashing with a force that shook the chamber. Lila's golem managed to hold its ground, but the strain was evident in the way it staggered slightly under the weight of the blow.

As the battle raged on, I stayed at the rear, my bow ready to provide support. I watched the team closely, observing their habits and noting how they adapted to the challenges of the fight.

Dorian's speed and precision were impressive, but I noticed that he tended to focus on direct attacks, relying on his agility to avoid damage rather than seeking alternative angles or approaches.

His movements were efficient, but there was room for improvement in terms of strategy—particularly in finding ways to exploit the environment.

Elena's magic was powerful and versatile, but I observed that she had a habit of relying heavily on her elemental spells. While this made her a formidable force, it also meant that she was more vulnerable when her mana reserves were taxed. She was focused, but there was tension in her movements, suggesting that she was aware of her own limits and the pressure to maintain her effectiveness.

Gareth's barriers were well-timed and strong, but I could see the toll it was taking on him. His focus was unwavering, but the intensity of the golems' attacks was beginning to wear him down. He was managing the energy expenditure carefully, but I noted that his barriers might falter if the battle dragged on for too long.

Lila's golem was powerful, but I noticed that she was constantly adjusting its position, trying to balance between defense and offense. Her focus was split between controlling the golem and casting supportive spells, which meant that her attention was divided. It was a testament to her skill that she managed it so well, but I could see that it was a challenging task.

Meanwhile, I continued to provide support from the rear. Each arrow I fired was aimed with precision, targeting the weak points in the golems' joints and cores.

The Starpiercer Arc proved its worth, the arrows striking true and disrupting the golems' movements, allowing the team to exploit openings.

While I did not want to do too much extra right at the start, it was necessary since the Magma Golems were relentless.

One of them managed to break through Lila's golem's defense, swinging a massive arm down toward Dorian. Gareth's barrier caught the blow, but the force of the impact caused cracks to form in the protective dome.

"Focus fire on the joints!" Kurt barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We need to disable their movement before they overwhelm us!"

The team adjusted their tactics, concentrating their efforts on disabling the golems' mobility. Dorian and Elena targeted the legs and arms while Lila's golem continued to hold the line, its stone fists crashing into the golems with calculated force.

I continued to provide covering fire, my arrows piercing through the cracks in the golems' stone exteriors. Each shot was carefully placed, aimed to exploit the damage done by the others and further weaken the golems' defenses.

Slowly but surely, the tide began to turn. The first Magma Golem fell; its legs shattered under the combined assault, causing it to collapse into a heap of molten rock. The others followed soon after, their movements growing sluggish as their joints were systematically destroyed.

The battle was intense, requiring every member of the team to perform at their best. However, through coordinated efforts and relentless pressure, we managed to bring down the Magma Golems one by one.

As the last golem crumbled, the chamber grew quiet, the oppressive heat still lingering, but the immediate threat was now neutralized.

Kurt's voice came through the comms, steady but with a note of weariness. "Good work, everyone. Take a moment to catch your breath, but stay alert. We're getting close to the core of the dungeon."

As the dust settled and the oppressive heat of the chamber began to cool slightly, the team took a moment to catch their breath. The battle had been grueling, and everyone was clearly feeling the strain. However, the sense of relief was palpable—at least for now, the immediate threat had been neutralized.

I took this brief pause as an opportunity to address the team. "Everyone, listen up," I called out, my voice cutting through the lingering tension in the air.

The team turned their attention to me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and fatigue. Kurt, who was still catching his breath, gave me a nod, indicating that I had their attention.

"While we were fighting, I took the time to observe each of you," I began, my tone calm and measured. "I now have a sufficient understanding of how you operate as a team."

There was a brief silence as the team absorbed my words. I could see the curiosity in their eyes, but I knew this wasn't the time for a detailed analysis. "I'm not going to give detailed feedback right now—this isn't the place or time for that. But I do believe we need to adjust our strategy moving forward."

Kurt raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but waiting for me to continue.

"I think it's better for me to take on the role of giving orders from now on," I said, my voice steady and devoid of any hint of arrogance.

The reaction was immediate. Dorian's eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward, his voice sharp. "What are you saying, Astron? You are suggesting that you take over Kurt's role? That's not exactly something you just decide on a whim."

Elena frowned, clearly displeased. "Kurt's been leading us effectively this whole time. Why the sudden change?"

Lila's usually calm demeanor also showed signs of tension, though she remained silent, waiting to see how the situation would unfold.

I shook my head, holding up a hand to forestall any further objections. "I'm not doing this to feel superior, and it's not a criticism of Kurt's abilities. He's an excellent leader, and his quick judgment and decisive actions have kept us alive. But there's a limitation inherent in his role as a tank."

I paused, letting my words sink in before continuing. "As a tank, Kurt is often at the forefront of the battle. That's his job—to draw the enemy's attention and absorb their attacks. But because of that, it's difficult for him to have a comprehensive awareness of the environment and the overall battle dynamics. Especially because of the limitations of his skill when he uses it. Isn't that right, Kurt?"


That was indeed the case. When Kurt used his skill to take aggro, I noticed that his spatial awareness became smaller. In a way, the area that he could sense became smaller, making it harder for him to detect the threats.

I could see the gears turning in their minds as they considered my point. "You must have noticed it as well," I continued. "If not for my interventions during the fight with the Magma Golems, we could have been overwhelmed. The golems were moments away from breaking through, and it was only by exploiting the environment and adjusting our tactics in real-time that we managed to avoid disaster."

Kurt's expression shifted as my words sank in. He hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly, acknowledging the truth in what I had said. "You're right," he admitted, his voice calm but reflective. "When I use my skill to draw aggro, my focus narrows, and my spatial awareness decreases. It's something I've always had to compensate for, but in a fight like this, where the environment is just as dangerous as the enemies, it's a real limitation."

The rest of the team exchanged glances, the initial resistance beginning to fade as they absorbed the reality of the situation.

"Most of the time, tanks lead the party because they're the most experienced," I continued, "but as we rise in rank, the roles become more specialized. In higher-ranking parties, the strategist is often someone who can maintain a broad perspective, someone who isn't in the thick of the fight and can observe the entire battlefield." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Dorian's frown slowly eased, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "That makes sense. I guess we've just gotten used to Kurt calling the shots because it's worked for us so far."

"That is understandable," I replied evenly, "and I'm not saying that you all should start trusting me instantly. But let's put this to the test. If it doesn't work, we can reassess. For now, let's see how we do with me calling the shots."


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