Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 536 120.2 - Infernal Nexus

Chapter 536 120.2 - Infernal Nexus

As we advanced deeper into the Infernal Nexus, the oppressive heat intensified, but Gareth's barriers continued to shield us from the worst of it. The ground beneath our feet was unstable, with molten rock occasionally bubbling to the surface, forcing us to stay alert.

Kurt's voice crackled through the comms again. "Stay sharp. We're about to make contact."

I scanned the area ahead, noting the telltale signs of movement. The first wave of monsters emerged from the lava flows—a group of twelve fire elementals. Their forms were humanoid but made entirely of molten rock and flame, each one radiating intense heat. Their eyes glowed like hot coals, fixed on us as they moved to engage.

"Here they come," Kurt announced, his voice steady.

As planned, Kurt and Gareth moved forward to take the brunt of the attack. Kurt raised his shield, activating a skill that drew the elementals' attention, a pulsing wave of energy pulling their focus toward him.

TACK! n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Gareth, standing beside him, raised his hands, and a translucent barrier flared to life around them, absorbing the heat and deflecting the first few strikes from the fire elementals.

SWOOSH! With the tanks holding the frontline, Dorian and Elena moved in to deal damage. Dorian's dual swords flashed as he engaged the closest elemental, his movements fluid and precise.

He struck with the speed of a practiced swordsman, each blade cutting through the molten exterior of his target.

SLASH! The elemental let out a crackling hiss as Dorian's swords cut through it, molten fragments flying off with each strike.

Elena, the battlemage, was right behind him. She channeled her magic, combining close-range combat with elemental spells.

CRACK! Her hands glowed with a faint blue light as she struck, each blow infused with freezing magic that countered the heat of the elementals. With each hit, steam erupted from the contact point, weakening the creatures and making them more vulnerable to physical attacks.

Lila remained at the rear, her eyes sharp as she focused on the battlefield. She didn't summon her golem immediately; instead, she relied on her rapid casting to support the team.

'Makes sense. Most likely, she does not want to empty her mana reserves immediately. Summoners, while having a huge pool, are rather important.' Small, precise spells flew from her hands, targeting weak points in the elementals and disrupting their attacks. A bolt of wind magic here, a burst of water magic there—each one carefully aimed to complement the strikes of the vanguards.

I took my position at the back, drawing the Starpiercer Arc and nocking an arrow.

'Let's test this bow, shall we.' With a steady hand, I pulled back the string, focusing on the largest elemental advancing on the group.

With the recent increase in the information that my eyes can perceive, I can see the mana flow of monsters and their organs a lot more clearly.

'Especially such raw energy-filled monsters.' These fire elementals were all energy types of monsters, and that was why I could see the flow more easily.

–SWOOSH! The arrow flew straight and true, piercing through the elemental's core and exiting out the other side. The creature staggered, the force of the shot causing cracks to spiderweb across its body before it collapsed into a pile of molten rock.

'Not bad. Even if this bow is not coated with [Moonstone] like [Celestalith], the energy output is still quite good. It seems having a unique rank weapon is indeed different.' As I thought, another elemental tried to circle around the team, but I was already tracking its movements. I marked it already, and my next arrow struck it dead center, the shot penetrating through its molten chest and dissipating the fire that animated it.

 The battle was controlled, with each member of the team executing their roles with practiced precision. Kurt and Gareth held the line, their defenses impenetrable, while Dorian and Elena systematically dismantled the elementals with their combined physical and magical assaults. Lila's rapid casting provided the necessary support, ensuring that no elemental could get the upper hand.

Within minutes, the first wave was reduced to nothing but cooling rock and fading embers.

"First wave down," Kurt reported, his voice calm despite the intense fight. "No injuries. Let's keep moving."

Without a word, the team reformed and continued advancing. There was no need for celebration or excitement—this was just another part of the job.

As we pressed on, the second wave of monsters emerged from the swirling magma ahead—this time, a larger group of fire elementals, their numbers increasing as the dungeon seemed to respond to our intrusion.

There were twenty of them now, their molten forms moving with greater intensity.

"Same strategy," Kurt commanded, his voice even and controlled. "Keep it tight."

Once again, Kurt and Gareth took the lead, drawing the elementals' attention and absorbing their attacks with a combination of shield and barrier.

Dorian and Elena moved in seamlessly, their attacks synchronized as they struck with a mix of physical and magical force. Lila continued to hold back her summon, relying on her rapid casting to disrupt the elementals and support the vanguard.

The team worked like a well-oiled machine, each member executing their role with precision. We cut through the second wave as methodically as the first, reducing the elementals to nothing but fading embers. And then, without pausing, we moved on.

The third wave came, followed by the fourth, fifth, and sixth. Each one brought more fire elementals, their numbers and intensity increasing with every wave, but our strategy remained the same. Lila still refrained from summoning her golem, conserving its strength for the right moment. The rest of us continued to execute our roles, and the waves fell one after another.

As we finished off the sixth wave, the environment around us began to change. The ground beneath our feet started to shift, the stable rock giving way to more unstable terrain. The path ahead narrowed, with jagged, molten cliffs rising on either side, funneling us into a tight, winding passage. The air grew even hotter, the heat almost palpable as it radiated from the walls.

Kurt halted the team with a raised hand, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "The terrain's changing. We're heading into a choke point."

Elena scanned the narrow path ahead, her eyes sharp. "This is going to be tight. We'll need to be careful—one wrong move, and we could be trapped."

Kurt turned to me, his expression serious. "Astron, we'll need you to scout ahead."

I nodded, already preparing to move. "Understood."

After all, I was already expecting such a thing to happen from the start.

Without another word, I erased my presence. My form seemed to blend into the surrounding darkness, and I moved forward silently, slipping through the narrow passage ahead of the team.

As I advanced, I kept my senses sharp, using the enhanced perception from my [Eyes] to scan the area for any signs of danger.

The flow of mana around me was erratic, pulsing through the molten rock and the air itself.

The path ahead was treacherous, with narrow ledges and unstable platforms that could collapse at any moment.

'No immediate threats,' I noted to myself, but I remained cautious. In a dungeon like this, danger could emerge at any time, especially in such a confined space.

I continued to move silently through the narrow terrain, keeping a close eye on the surroundings. The path twisted and turned, but eventually, it began to open up into a wider chamber. The heat intensified as I approached the entrance to the chamber, and I could sense a powerful concentration of mana further inside.

'Likely the location of the next wave,' I concluded, pausing to assess the situation.

Once I was confident that I had a clear understanding of the terrain ahead, I retreated back to the team, still maintaining my stealth. As I reappeared in front of Kurt and the others, I gave my report in a low voice.

"The path ahead is narrow and unstable, but it opens up into a larger chamber. I didn't encounter any enemies along the way, but I sensed a strong concentration of mana in the chamber. The next wave will likely come from there."

"The types of the monsters?"

"It is hard to tell, but if estimated, I can say they are slightly different from the Elementals. They will most likely have robust bodies and will be of a stone type."

Kurt listened intently as I relayed my observations. His eyes narrowed in thought as I mentioned the likely composition of the next wave.

"Stone type… I see," he muttered, the gears in his mind turning as he considered the implications.

'The team should start going all in now.'

We had been in the dungeon for around one hour now, and we had most likely reached the outskirts of the boss monster's location.

'He can no longer let Lila rest.' After a moment, he turned to Lila, his expression firm.

"Lila, it's time to use your summon. If Astron's estimation is correct, we're dealing with Magma Golems. They're not just raw energy like the fire elementals—we'll need your golem to help tank and deal with their physical resilience."

Lila nodded, her demeanor calm and focused. "Understood. I'll deploy it as soon as we enter the chamber."

Magma Golems were known for their robust bodies, formed from a combination of molten rock and elemental energy.

Unlike the more agile and fluid fire elementals, these creatures were slower but far more durable, their hardened exterior making them difficult to damage with conventional attacks.

Their core was protected deep within their stone bodies, requiring precise strikes to take them down effectively.

That was something that I had already expected, but I did not reveal it on purpose to see if Kurt was knowledgeable about that, and it seemed he was true.

Kurt addressed the team, his voice steady and authoritative. "We're going to need to adjust our approach for these golems. They're not as numerous as the elementals, but they're a lot tougher. First, we will test the waters, and according to the robustness and the level of the golems, we are going to adjust our approach."

'This is where I can have a full grasp of the abilities of the members.'

If I had sent it here, it would have been better for me to show some effectiveness as well. After all, I am not the only one who can fight and act as a rearguard.

My specialty is still observing.


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